This radical before and after Sargent's Juniper (Juniperus sargenti, aka Shimpaku) required technical and artistic skills you don't see everyday. The artist is Salatore Liporace
Staying with our before & after theme. This one is from our archives (August, 2014). It was titled Technical Skills, Great Vision & An Unsolved Mystery. The artist is Salvatore Liporace. My assumption at the time about the type tree was mistaken, so to avoid confusion, I’ve eliminated much of the text from the original post.
This is an excellent example of a before and after bonsai. The before is full of challenges and promise (good stock is half the battle) and when you look at the after, it’s obvious that the artist (Salvatore Liporace) has done a masterful job of rising to the challenge.
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After. It's not in a bonsai pot yet, but in this case, who cares? You might notice the exceptionally strong and vividly colored living vein that contrasts well with the deadwood. This is the type of distinguishing feature that sets a great bonsai apart from an ordinary bonsai
Before. There are no branches on the left side. If you look at the after photo it looks like there are three branches and part of the apex on the left side. The requires good vision and a bit of wire wizardry. Or, perhaps grafting is the explanation, but my best guess is it was all done with wire. Either way, the technical skills and vision that accomplished all this are undeniable
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