24 Hours and Counting 7/26/17


To my eye, this is not only a very sweet bonsai in the ordinary sense - dynamic, well balanced, robustly alive, with beautifully carved and not overdone deadwood, etc - but it is also fascinatingly unusual. All that knobby stuff piled up on the surface and crawling up the trunk like some sort of alien growth. I'm going to assume that it's living tissue that belongs to the tree - there's no sign of a living vein anywhere, so it must be. Our source - like so many sources - doesn't offer a type tree or an artist/owner. There was a time when I was loath to show trees without names and attribution, but trees like this are hard to pass up.

Orders received by 3:00pm EDT tomorrow (Thursday)
will be shipped before we leave for vacation
Orders received after that time will be shipped
first come, first served
starting when we get back on August 14th


It’s vacation time, but not to worry. Our website never sleeps and has no idea what a vacation is…
Continued below…

Visit our website for hundreds of excellent bonsai items
at some of the best prices you’ll find anywhere


Here's a strange one, with its crown floating over space off to the left and that strange fishhook underneath, and the entire trunk with all the crazy deadwood that's barely in relation to the crown, except that it seems to point that way (grammar anyone)? I seem to have temporarily lost my source for this photo. I think it's okay, they didn't say who their source is either

Continued from above…
However, we know what a vacation is and we are the ones who ship your orders. Well really, mostly Ric is the one who ships your orders, and his vacation is called surgery (routine, non life threatening). You can wish him a speedy recovery if you’d like at <ricwalter1@gmail.com>

BTW: I will continue to post while on vacation, though I’m thinking every other day instead of daily. Specials will come and go during that time, so stay alert!