I think this unusual gem is the first variegated privet bonsai I've seen. Here's what our source for this photo, Miguel Ros of Museo Tatsugoro said when he posted it... "It's a Ligustrum with a natural graft of the same species. Its leaves are variegated!!!. It's a beautiful tree." (If you're interested, here a link to what Wikipedia has to say about natural grafts.)
When I stumbled upon this unusual tree on Miguel Ros Museo Tatsugoro timeline, I thought the variegated and the unvariegated leaves look a lot like leaves you might find on two different Serissa foetida varieties, but that the trunk is impossibly thick for serissa. Had I been on the ball, I might have realized that the leaves also look a lot like they might belong on a privet, and that there are privets with variegated leaves, at least in the nursery industry, if not on any bonsai we know (until now, that is)
Continued below…
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Here's a closer look at the trunk and at the variegated leaves
Continued from above…
Privets have been capturing our attention a lot lately. Especially since we became the North American distributor for Harry Harrington’s unique bonsai treasure, The Foundations of Bonsai. Harry is a bit of an expert on Privet bonsai and his book is a very good place to develop your privet expertise and expand your knowledge of bonsai in general and particularly bonsai from what you might call ordinary stock (aka inexpensive stock).
The Foundations of Bonsai
If you’re interested in creating bonsai from inexpensive stock
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– an area in which Harry displays a certain wizardry –
then this book is for you
The same goes if you favor Privet Bonsai
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The hand in this back of the tree shot offers a perspective when it comes to size. I lifted it from a video at Miguel Ros' Museo Tatsugoro's timeline... thus the fuzz
This bird's eye shows the extent of the variegated section. It was also lifted from the video at Miguel Ros' Museo Tatsugoro's timeline
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