This Chojubai Dwarf Flowering Quince belongs to Michael Hagedorn. I took the liberty to crop Michael's original photos for a closer look at the trees (all 4 uncropped versions are at the bottom of the post).
It has been a while since we visited Michael Hagedorn’s Crataegus Bonsai, one of our favorite destinations and a reoccurring presence here on Bark.
Anyway, it’s always best to let Michael speak for himself (from December 26th)… “A couple weeks back we photographed all the Dwarf Flowering Quince ‘Chojubai’ that were looking fancy, as they all decided to bloom at the same time this year. Which is not textbook Chojubai, but it happened.”
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Here's what Michael's uncropped originals look like (here's your link for the full sized versions)