In addition to the strong trunk and nebari, there's so much dynamic and expansive movement with this tree. The fruit looks like what you might find on a Chinese quince (Pseudocydonia sinensis) and the tree could certainly pass, so quince is a safe guess. I don't know who the artist or owner is
This post is the first of a series on the recent Korea Bonsai Artists Exhibition. The photos were taken by Mu Jong Park and posted on facebook. The trees aren’t identified, nor are the artists or owners, so I’m already breaking my New Year’s resolution not to post unattributed bonsai. However, I think I deserve a pass… we know where the photos are from and who took them and we also know that Mu Jong Park is a bonsai artist in his own right, rather than just some guy posting unattributed bonsai all willy-nilly. Best of all, these trees provide a good look at what’s happening with Korean bonsai
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This strong tree with its two-toned bark looks like it could be a Japanese black pine. But don't take it to the bank, it's just another guess
I don't know if this is Yew (Taxus), but it looks a lot like it could be
The bark and something about the overall appearance look like this one might be a Japanese maple
It's hard to tell where the rocks end and the trunks begin on this monster. Is it a Chinese elm?