You Don’t Have to Go to Japan to Study Bonsai with Bjorn 5/11/18

fujiThis powerful little White pine-over-rock is from the Fujikawa International School of Bonsai website.

Yesterday we mentioned Bjorn Bjorholm’s upcoming Advanced Bonsai Coourse with Bonsai Empire (see  below). This got me thinking about Bjorn’s history here on Bark, so I took a little journey through our archives and came up with this from June, 2013, one of our earliest Bjorn posts

The post was titled Study Bonsai in the Old Country. It featured the Fujikawa International School of Bonsai and Bjorn’s role their at the time. Here’s your link if you’d like a little bonsai history.



fuji5We showed this lovely little pine a few months ago (remember it was 2013) in a post about Bjorn Bjorholm and his Bjorvala Bonsai Studio. I wonder if we would be surprised by the actual size of this tree and the one above, both of which we've referred to as little.

Continued below…

Here’s the course mentioned above…


Bjorn Bjorholm renowned American bonsai artist and teacher doing what he loves

Advanced Bonsai Course

Discounted pre-enrollment for the Advanced Bonsai Course has started! The online course offers unique access to the latest and most advanced Bonsai techniques. Instructor Bjorn Bjorholm guides you through the long-term impact of techniques on a wide variety of tree species.

Disclaimer: No kickbacks, just good karma

This very unusual Shimpaku got sliced a bit (mea culpa, but if you look at the original photo below, you'll understand). Aside from the very radical twist in the trunk, how often do you see a tree where the all the branching and the entire crown are off to the side hanging out in space like this?


There must be another solution to this problem. Still, great tree.


A bright slice of the Kouka-en nursery.