Million Dollar Bonsai 11/29/11

This magnificent White pine was sold at the 11th Asia-Pacific Bonsai and Suiseki Convention & Exhibition in at Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan, earlier this month. As you can see, the asking price was 100,000,000 yen (that’s close to 1.3 million dollars). I don’t know what the actual sales price was. Photo borrowed from Bonsai Tonight.

$1,000,000 for a bonsai?
I’ve heard of million dollar bonsai before, but don’t know if I’ve ever seen one (in person or in a photo). We don’t really know what this one sold for, but still, an asking price of 1.3 million dollars is a little mind-boggling. I wonder if this makes some of Masahiko Kimura‘s most famous bonsai worth even more than a million dollars. Speaking of artists, I don’t know who the artist is for this one. Anyone?

More ASPAC bonsai
As is usually the case, Jonas of Bonsai Tonight has kept his eye and his camera on the ball. You can visit Bonsai Tonight for more of Jonas’ great photos from the 11th Asia-Pacific Bonsai and Suiseki Convention & Exhibition.

On White pines (and others)
It just so happens that our rather famous (written in all modesty) Masters’ Series Pine book is available right now at Stone Lantern.

Though we know this is a monster tree, still it’s difficult to get real perspective. Because the man’s head is in focus (more or less), you can surmise that he’s pretty close to the tree. That’s one hint. Another is provided by Jonas of Bonsai Tonight, when he says “The pine is big, really big.” A third hint is that, it is true that large bonsai are larger and much more powerful in person than in photos. Just how much more powerful is difficult to comprehend until you see the real thing.



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