Revisting a Gallerie de Francois Jeker 8/21/13

We’re back to our old tricks (this post originally appeared way back in 2010). Now my excuse is that Corey’s on vacation, so I’m swamped (as is Ric in the warehouse) and the best way out of the swamp is to take the easy path.

There’s a good reason for picking this particular post from our achieves; Francois Jeker’s Bonsai Aesthetics 2 is now available. This means that you can complete your set, or if you don’t have either Bonsai Aesthetics volumes, you can buy the set at a discount.

Carving with a French flare (from our archieves)
We have featured Francois Jeker several times on Bonsai Bark. And for good reason; Francois is an accomplish bonsai artist, teacher and author (Bonsai Aesthetics). He also designed and built his own Japanese garden and is a lighting professional, among other things. In the overlapping circles of the bonsai world, Francois is especially known for his deadwood carving. The trees shown here (borrowed from his website) give you just a taste of what Francois has been up to lately.






These two groundbreaking books are exactly what they say they are… practical guides to bonsai aesthetics.