“That tree has been here for 1,000 years. Do you have the right to not respect that? I don’t think so.” 2/14/15


A little piece of Ryan Neil’s Mirai, lifted from American Shokunin.

“Shokunin (Sho-koo-neen) is a Japanese word used to describe an individual that aspires to become a master in their particular craft or art form.” This quote is from the introduction to Ryan Bush’s American Shokunin, an engrossing, almost reverent video that features Ryan Neil and his reflections on trees, humans, life and death, mastery, and perhaps most of all, respect.

The video is part of the build up to this fall’s Artisans Cup at the Portland Oregon Art Museum. I hope to see you there.

The quote that is the title of this post is from Ryan Neil speaking on American Shokunin. Here’s another: “If you don’t respect the fact that life and death is a very real part of the creative process of bonsai and maybe the one thing that really separates and differentiates it from any other media that art can be created from. If you don’t respect that line, you don’t have anything in the end except a big dead tree.”

The following photos were captured from the video.






