Copper Wire & Bonsai Books 9/14/15


This luscious Satsuki azalea is one of a multitude of remarkable bonsai photos from the very aptly named, Fine Bonsai, Art and Nature.

This post, which happens to be a near perfect way to roll out a new book sale, is borrowed from February of this year.

There’s a theme to this large gallery and a method to our madness. Most of the photos are from bonsai books that we sell and all our books are currently 25% off (plus and additional 10% orders 100.00 or more). Gardening books are also 25% off.



You can find this somewhat unruly and very distinctive apple bonsai on the back cover of Nick Lenz’ landmark book on collecting, Bonsai from the Wild.



Windswept Japanese white pine tray planting from Zhao Qingquan's remarkable book, Penjing, the Chinese Art of Bonsai. In this case, I think the wind is a gentle but persistent on-shore breeze.



After. Finished for the moment. The challenge was for Masahiko Kimura to style a bunjin (literati) bonsai with only one branch. It’s a Japanese red pine from our Masters’ Series The Magician, the Bonsai Art of Kimura 2.


Time to repot. Morten Albek intentionally broke the pot to show this Cork bark Japanese black pine’s dense root mass. From Morten’s book, Shohin Bonsai, Majesty in Miniature.



The cover tree for Botany for Bonsai. It’s a collected Black Mangrove (Avicennia germinans) that belongs to Enrique Castaño, who happens to be the author of Botany for Bonsai and the winner of the 2010 John Y. Naka award (for this tree). BTW: it looks a lot like what is usually called Buttonwood (Conocarpus erectus) in Florida and sometimes called Button Mangrove (just to thicken the plot).



Norway spruce (Picea abies) by Francois Jeker. From the first volume of his two essential books on Bonsai Aesthetics.



A piece of the cover of Michael Hagedorn's delightfully readable Post-Dated: The Schooling of an Irreverent Bonsai Monk.



The tree is an old Japanese yew (Taxus cuspidata) from the Pacific Rim Bonsai Collection. It’s one of 248 fine bonsai that are featured in the 3rd U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition Album.



My guess is that this is one of the very best and most famous full cascade bonsai in the world. It's from the Black pine gallery in our Masters’ Series Pine Book.



Playfully sitting bonsai from Kenji Kobayashi's Keshiki Bonsai.



And just in case you are wondering; yes, we do offer a whole range of Japanese garden books and some others as well.


B1-SET4STONEBOOKSVisit Stone Lantern and enjoy 25% off all of our already discounted books. Plus 10% off orders 100.00 or more.


Copper Bonsai Wire is back….

BT1wiringame1While we're at it, annealed copper bonsai wire is back and on special for only 19.95 for 1 lb (.454 kg) rolls. This time it's made right here in the U.S. The photo above is from Bonsai Today issue 1 (English language rights owned by Bonsai Focus)