Freedom, Artistry & Boundless Enthusiasm 3/5/16


Sometimes the toughest choice I make all day is deciding which tree to show first. All seven bonsai shown here exhibit the sense of freedom and artistry that caught my attention and helped make that other tough decision; what or who to blog about. Finally, this wildly uninhibited juniper (the one I saw first) won out. It and the rest of the trees shown here belong to Isao Omachi.

Whether you like Isao Omachi’s bonsai or not (though it’s hard for me to understand why anyone wouldn’t), you have to admire his boundless enthusiasm and playfulness, which even if you don’t know anything about him as a person, shines through in his trees.

All the trees shown here are from Isao’s facebook photos.


This Juniper is just a little tamer. A perfect marriage of traditional (the crown and overall shape) and abstract (the crazy dance of the deadwood and living vein - a reoccurring theme in Isao's bonsai).



This one is a little heavier and more static. But still that touch of wildness. Looks like a Yew.



Walking way over on the wild side.



Here's another one the combines a traditional overall look with a dynamic play of deadwood and living veins. All the way out to the tips of some of the branches.





Parallel trunks. Looks like another Yew.

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