One of the Most Compelling Bonsai


This has to be one of the most compelling bonsai I've seen in a while. It has that wild, not overly refined look and 'just so' deadwood (it's not dominated by deadwood like so many trees). But the real deal is the trunk. When was the last time you saw a trunk with so much power and character?

This before and after is more about refinement than styling rough stock. Less daunting perhaps, but only someone skilled in the art of bonsai can do what you see here. In this case, that someone is Gabriel Romero Aguade (Bonsai Sant-boi) (this isn’t the first time we’ve featured him on Bark).

Though no name is mentioned, the tree looks like a Yew. You can tell by the foliage and the reddish bark. Yew bonsai are popping up everywhere. Especially in Europe with the English (aka European) yew (Taxus baccata), where there seems to be an abundance of good stock.

beforeBefore. Already a very impressive bonsai. Just needs an expert hand to bring out its best.

The big time marketers are calling this Cyber Monday. I’d prefer fifty two such Mondays a year, but if Cyber Monday motivates you to visit Stone Lantern today, I’m all for it.

25% off Koyo Tool Sale
ends tonight


Koyo Japanese Bonsai Tools
are known for their high quality and beauty
our 25% off Koyo ends at 11:59pm EST tonight

Can there ever be too much Deadwood?


Mario Komsta (Mariusz Janusz Komsta) recently featured this tree with the following caption: "after refinement by Taiga Urushibata, june 2014." We've featured Mario's bonsai numerous times, but this is the first time for Taiga.

To my eye the tree above is an outstanding bonsai. Powerful, with balance, flow and numerous points of interest (my only question is the chopped off looking jin at the top).

Recently a friend mentioned that we’ve been featuring too much deadwood lately. Perhaps he’s correct. There does seem to be a renewed emphasis on creating and carving deadwood. You see massive carved trees everywhere and youtube is brimming with carving videos.

I wonder if my friend’s comment has something to do with the old debate about naturalistic versus stylized bonsai. I suspect most of us have laid that one to rest. Still, controversy that sparks interest and investigation isn’t always a bad thing.


Here's a mind bending bonsai for you. Would you call it abstract? Certainly a highly stylized bonsai with a trunk that's almost all deadwood (the living vein barely shows). It's a juniper (I can't tell the variety) and it belongs to Mario. To enjoy more of Mario Komsta’s impressive bonsai collection, you can visit him on facebook.



A good book to own
if you interested in digging deeply into the how-to of deadwood

25% off Koyo Japanese Bonsai Tool Sale
ends tomorrow (Monday) night


Koyo Tool Sale includes
Koyo Stainless and other Masters Grade Tools

An Impressive Bonsai on a Very Impressive Turntable

770GreenToakA very impressive tree on a very impressive turntable. The impressive tree is Holm oak that belongs to Raffaele Perilli. The impressive turntable is a Green T that’s available at Stone Lantern for only 345.00 including shipping (Free Shipping in the U.S. only).

Green T Professional Hydraulic Lift Bonsai Turntable

We are pleased to announce the arrival on the U.S. market of an essential tool that will help you work on your trees more efficiently and comfortably.

In Japan hydraulic lift turntables have been the standard for years, but their prohibitive costs have limited their spread in the West. Thanks to professional researchers and the collaboration of well-known bonsai professionals, we are able to offer you a tool inspired by the Japanese turntable and improved in several details (including price).

GreenT is Bigger

The surface is 58cm (23 inches) diameter instead of the usual 50 cm (almost 20 inches). This allows you to work on your largest trees and your smallest trees. You can comfortably use the excess space to have your tools easily accessible.



The work surface is made out of phenolic marine pine plywood which is painted and coated in solid non slip rubber (4 mm thickness, hardness Shore A 70 ). Lifting capacity is up to 200 kg (440 lbs). Tightening screws and threaded bushes are completely made of stainless steel. All the materials used in the construction of Green T guarantee an excellent outdoor weather resistant turntable.

More Useful

Green T features a metal base with five-star support (five horizontal ‘legs’) for maximum stability and a hydraulic foot control lift that adjusts to a maximum height of 60cm (23.6 inches) and a minimum of 43 cm (17 inches). The swing brake of the table can be disconnected with a simple movement of the pedal. Five removable eye screws, located under the bottom edge of the work surface, allow you to anchor your bonsai to the table (see below).



Even with the superior features listed above, at 15 kg (33 lbs), Green T weighs the same as its Japanese competitors.

You Save

You price for Green T is 345.00.
This includes shipping and handling
(U.S. ONLY).
This comes to about half the price of an imported Japanese turntable.
NO OTHER DISCOUNTS APPLY. Green T is made in Italy.

GreenT messy

Visit Stone Lantern for more on our

Green T Professional Hydraulic Lift Bonsai Turntable

The Original Backyard Bonsai


Trident maple root-over-rock by Wolfgang Putz. From a 2014 Bark post.

Yesterday we featured our 15th backyard bonsai post. Today we’ll fall back to our first backyard bonsai post from 2009 (about 1,800 posts ago).

This one is from Wolfgang Putz backyard. It turns out that Wolfgang is a bonsai professional, so his backyard is really a bonsai nursery. After this first one, the focus became non-commercial backyards (until yesterday that is, when we showed a mix of commercial and non).


putz-backyard2This ariel shot shows part of Wolfgang Putz's back yard bonsai display. Clearly this is a labor of love. For a close up of part of the display, continue reading. Or, you can visit Wolfgang's website and peruse his remarkable gallery as well as more shots of his back yard.



This photo and the proceeding one are just two of several great shots of Wolfgang's remarkable backyard bonsai display.


25% off Koyo Japanese Bonsai Tool Sale
ends Monday night


Our Koyo Tool Sale includes
Koyo Stainless and other Masters Grade Tools

Inspiration for Backyard Bonsai Displays – #15


Bonsai with Koi. This is what could happen if you have the inspiration, space, time and money to build a pond in your garden. The shot is from Kunio Kobayashi's Shunkaen Bonsai Museum in Tokyo. The concrete display poles are made to look like tree trunks. This photo and all but one of the others in this post are borrowed from Bonsai Empire.

This is the fifthteenth post in our long-standing Backyard Bonsai series. However, if memory serves, this is the first time that we’ve shown commercial gardens that happen to be in backyards as part of the series. In this case, two large backyards that double as complete bonsai nurseries. There are other venues too, but you can see for yourself.


BYshunkaenHere's another shot of the famous Shunkaen Bonsai Museum/Garden. Oscar of Bonsai Empire describes it this way: "The garden is quite spacious and this is the center patio; around it the masterpiece trees are displayed on poles made of wood. Most of these trees are pines."



A little cluttered, but you do what you can with limited space. It looks like a classic (non-commercial) backyard with trees displayed around the edge of the yard.



Here's what Oscar wrote about this one: "One of the most beautiful Bonsai gardens in Japan, Taikan is located in Obuse. The trees in the photo catch the eye, as the background and ground are plain. The owner of the garden, Mr. Suzuki, is known for his great skill displaying Bonsai, so this is a garden to look at for inspiration. The trees are fixed to the poles they stand on, mostly to protect them from storms and heavy snowfall." I cropped this photo because I thought the rest was distracting. Here's your link to the original.



Here's a vertical display along a fence at the U.S. National Arboretum. You sometimes see them on walls as well (see below). The photo is by Aaron Karnofski.




Up against the wall! I borrowed this from Rosade Bonsai Studio website. We first showed it here on Bark in a 2010 post titled Backyard Bonsai #6: Un Patio Hermoso.


Our Masters’ Series Juniper book is back in Print


The only book you’ll ever need
for styling, caring for and enjoying Juniper bonsai


This set of our two most popular books
would be a great gift for any bonsai lover

Save when you buy
Bonsai Books by the Set

Bill’s Bonsai Exploration


Infinity sign. A piece of a Japanese white pine trunk at the Shimpuku-Ji Temple in Japan. This and the other photos in this post are from Bill Valavanis' Bonsai blog.

The photos in this post are from Bill Valavanis’ 2015 Autumn Japan Bonsai Exploration (part 6). Bill has been posting loads of photos from the Exploration almost daily for the last week. The handful shown here represent a small fraction of the photos you’ll find on Bill’s blog.
Continued below…



Not a bad setting for a spectacular bonsai display.

Yesterday Bill and friends visited the Shimpuku-Ji Temple. In Bill’s own words:
“Our next stop for the day was in the nearby Shimpuku-Ji Temple, established in the 6th century. Now reduced in size, it still has a quiet beauty. The head priest Mr. Omura is a bonsai enthusiast and has one of the best collections of bonsai in Japan. Although not numerous, most are masterpiece bonsai creations of Saichi and Toshinori Suzuki.“Saichi and Toshinori Suzuki are the owners of Daiju-en Bonsai Garden which Bill visited earlier the same day.




Another impressive Japanese white pine. In fact, I'd venture to say one of the most impressive you'll see anywhere.



This old Japanese maple is no slouch either.



Pyracantha in full berry. The light blue pot provides the perfect contrast.



Looks like a Japanese black pine.



I'm torn between this Needle juniper and the thick white pine (third photo from the top) as the most impressive trees of this collection (taking nothing away from the rest). The abundance of floating cloud foliage pads are common on old Needle juniper bonsai.



The whole tree from the top of the post.




Masters’ Series Bonsai Books
B1-SET2JUNPINEthese two classics are available as a set
or individually
Pine book
Juniper book

Large Bonsai with Thick Trunks Are Nearly Always Developed in the Ground

H12We've shown this Harry Harrington privet before, but it's worth another look.

 I’ve long been impressed with what Harry Harrington has been up to. Both his bonsai techniques and the results, as well as his willingness to share what he knows (three books and a website full of useful techniques and other information). Yesterday it was a remarkable yew. Today it’s a field grown privet and an excerpt of an article Harry wrote on field growing. Both are from our archives.

One reason we’ve featured field growing so much is that the USDA restrictions make importing quality stock from Asia somewhere between difficult and impossible (Europe is a whole other story – it’s easier for them to import plants from Asia). This means that if we are going to develop quality bonsai stock in this country, we need to learn how to grow our own.


Harry's distinctive carving. If you compare this tree with the one in yesterday's post, you can't help but notice strong similarities.

The following text is from Harry Harrington’s, as are all the photos shown here.

Field Growing Trees For Bonsai by Harry Harrington
“A common misconception amongst newcomers to the art of bonsai is that trees (bonsai) with large, thick trunks must have had decades of training to become the size they are and that a thin-trunked seedling will one day acquire a thick mature trunk even though it is planted in a bonsai pot.

“Unfortunately, once a tree is growing in the confines of a small pot, with its roots restricted and upper growth regularly pruned, the trunk and branches of the tree will only thicken very slowly.

“Large bonsai with thick trunks are nearly always developed in the ground prior to being planted into a pot; some are purposely field grown, some are collected mature trees.

“As a tree develops new growth during the growing season, it lays down new wood to feed and supply its new shoots and leaves. The more new shoots and foliage the tree produces, the more new wood is developed to support this new growth. This new wood grows around the outer ring of the trunk and branches in an almost direct passage from the new shoots, back through the trunk to the root system, gradually increasing the trunk’s diameter. Therefore, the greater the amount of new growth a tree achieves in a season, the greater the increase in the girth of its trunk (continued below).


We first showed this raft style Privet back in 2011. We found it at Harry originally found it in a hedge.

A tree that is allowed unrestricted growth will always thicken faster than a tree that is pruned.
“The best way to promote unrestricted growth in any tree or shrub is to plant it into the ground; a large container is an alternative but not equivalent to growing in the ground. (This is chiefly due to the difference in dynamics of soil held within a container and that of a large mass of ground-soil; be wary of planting trees in overly large containers, this can in fact slow growth. See Overpotting).

“Field-growing techniques can be used within any area of ground, if an area of land is unavailable to you (as is often the case) trees can be grown on (and enjoyed) in the garden amongst ordinary garden schemes, as ‘temporary’ 5-10 year hedges or as ‘temporary’ garden specimens. It is also possible with a little work to build raised beds specifically for the purpose of field growing; raised beds can be walled with brick or wooden planks and filled with good quality soil.

“Any tree/shrub species can be used for field growing as long as it is hardy in your local climate. Native species naturally thrive in your local climate and will therefore respond to give the best results; other species will develop well but can take longer to establish in the ground before growing with real vigour.

“Any age or size of tree is suitable for field growing as long as it is well developed enough to compete with any grasses or weeds that might compete for light or moisture. Generally, cuttings, seedlings or saplings should be at least 2 years old before planting out unless you are able to cosset them for the first year.”

For more go to Field Growing Trees For Bonsai

harry11Here’s another Privet. Harry’s collected this one from a hedgerow. The melting pot is by Victor Harris.


25% off all of our very large selection of
Bonsai Wire


You can never have too much bonsai wire
We just received another large shipment of wire
with another one hot on its heels
this is a good time for you to stock up
(and for us too make some space in our warehouse)

plus FREE Shipping on U.S. orders of 50.00 or more

Evolution of Remarkable Bonsai


Harry Harrington’s latest iteration of his English yew. Here’s what Harry said about this tree three days ago: ” Finally, work on my Taxus baccata/ Yew bonsai completed with the branches wired and laid-out. Height 25″/61cm, trunkbase (inc root jin) 12″/30cm. Pot by Victor Harris of Erin Pottery.” 

I’ve been watching the evolution of Harry Harrington’s bonsai for a long time now. In fact, one of our first posts is from Harry’s bonsai4me (March 2009). Now, almost seven years later we have the (you can supply your own adjectives) tree shown here. It’s an English (aka European) Yew  (Taxus baccata).



Here's the earliest shot of whole tree I could find. From July 2013. Harry writes: " Update of my Yew bonsai, 57cm in height. Carving is finished for the time being; I'll carry out more refinement work on the deadwood along with branch placement in the autumn."


july2013cuIn this July 2013 before and after close up, Harry finds a solution to some extraneous roots (taken just before the shot above).



Sept 213. Most of us would stop here. New pot would be good and a little time for the foliage to fill out, but otherwise finished. At the time, Harry agreed (only to change his mind later): “Fully styled Taxus baccata/Yew bonsai. Height 25″/61cm, trunkbase (inc root jin) 12″/30cm I’m very excited to see what pot Victor Harris at Erin Bonsai can come up with for it!



May 2014. In Harry's own words: "I finally photographed my Yew in its new pot by Victor Harris of Erin Pottery / Bonsai on Sunday; Taxus baccata/ Yew bonsai, styled during September 2013 and repotted last month. Height 25"/61cm, trunkbase (inc root jin) 12"/30cm."




November 11, 2015. Harry again: "Update on the carving of my Yew bonsai (Taxus baccata) that I started last week. I've now refined, aged and lime-sulphured my initial work.
"The tree has settled down from its styling of 2 years ago, I have been able to establish the narrow live vein that meanders up the front of the trunk and carved the large panel of deadwood at the front of the tree.
All that remains now is to finish wiring and styling the foliage mass."



Another close up from November 11th, 2015.



November 20th, 2015 again. The broken pot effect provides an elegant solution to the lopsided nebari.


30% off Roshi Bonsai Tool Sale ends tonight

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Our Roshi Bonsai Tools
are known for precision, quality, durability, beauty & great prices

FREE Shipping on U.S. orders of 50.00 or more
(foreign customers will receive a valuable coupon for a future order)

Bonsai from Nothing

Royinsyah-SimulationRobert Steven's simulation of a tree that was submitted by David Royinsyah (below).

The following is from two years ago today (the first time I rehashed this post): “Even though I promised I wouldn’t do any rehashed posts for a while, my day is already full and it just happens to be my birthday, so I’m going to cut myself a little slack. Anyway, what better to rehash than a Robert Steven critique? This one originally appeared almost three years ago.”

After featuring a couple dozen of Robert’s critiques over the years, I’m still impressed. This one is quite unusual and particularly impressive. The stock is totally raw and not that interesting. Robert simply manufactured all the branching and the foliage from nothing and the trunks have been transformed from taperless sticks to what looks like naturally time-worn wood. He even created a new pot from scratch. Testaments to Robert’s vision and artistry.


David's original provides an usual challenge for Robert.

Robert’s comments

“Usually I only critique finished bonsai and not raw material. However, David Royinsyah sent me this photo to challenge me, because I often mention that I believe any material can be made into nice bonsai.

“Many people, including David, would consider this poor bonsai material, because the trunk lines are very straight with no taper and nothing seems to be interesting.

“I agree that this material can hardly be done into nice bonsai if we are thinking the “textbook” way with the 1-2-3-apex rules. No way to correct the taper and train an ideal apex with the 1-2-3 branching. But once we master the “transformation” concept (read my book Mission of Transformation), then we can easily simulate nature and turn this material into nice bonsai.

“In my opinion, this is ideal material for a triple-trunk design. The position and the size of the middle trunk is just perfect for the focal point, and the leaning motion of the front trunk nicely adds dimension to the front. Now, our job is to design the overall composition in a reasonable manner that follows horticultural clues.

“To handle the straight clear-cut trunk, let’s assume this tree used to be much taller with tapering trunks, but an accident happened that caused them to be shortened. Then this tree went through a transformation process to form its new shape. To simulate this, I would carve the tops of the trunks and create deadwood down the trunks to suggest the accident and simulate the aging process. At the same time, the shari will lend a tapering illusion. The dead apex and the shari will enhance the story and create beauty.

“Thanks to the fact that the tree is a Pemphis, we can easily expect new shoots from almost anywhere on the trunk and rapid growth in the training pot. This allows us to easily train new branches with the ramification shown in the simulation. A handmade pot will suit the design.

General comments
“There is more than one way to design any bonsai and my critiques and recommended solutions might not always fit your taste and personal preferences, but I always try to give my opinion based on artistic and horticultural principles.

“To understand my concepts better, please read my books Vision of My Soul  (out of print) and Mission of Transformation which are available at Stone Lantern.

“You can also visit my bonsai blog.”


Our Roshi Tool Sale ends tomorrow night

30% off Roshi Bonsai Tools
this sale ends Monday, November 23rd at 11:59pm EST

FREE Shipping on U.S. orders of 50.00 or more