Boon’s Juniper Bonsai & Our Juniper Book

B1JUNBoonSierraThis Sierra juniper by Boon Manakitivipart is one of three trees by Boon that appears in the gallery section of our newly reprinted Juniper Masters' Series book.

Boon Manakitivipart (Bonsai Boon) is very well-known and highly respected bonsai artist and teacher (a teacher’s teacher). He also has the distinction of having three of his trees in our newly reprinted Juniper book. All three and a couple others appear here. Including one that is on the cover of our final Bonsai Today issue from way back in 2007.

At least four of the trees (maybe all five) shown here are yamadori (bonsai that were originally collected in the wild) and four of the five are from North America’s western mountains ranges (the Shore juniper just below is native to Japan and judging by the bark, is probably a yamadori).


This simple, natural looking tree is a Rough bark Shore juniper (Jun procumbens sp.). It's also by Boon and it also appears in our Juniper book.


boon1rocky mountain juniper

Though we showed this one yesterday, it completes the three Boon trees in our Juniper book, so we'll include it here as well. It's a Rocky mountain juniper with a very distinctive piece of deadwood hanging on the trunk.



This California juniper, also by Boon, is not from our Juniper book. We had well over a hundred choices for the gallery, so some very worthy trees were left off.


boon3sierra juniper 3

This one, also by Boon and also not in our Juniper book, does have the distinction of being on the cover of our final issue of Bonsai Today (issue 108). It's a Sierra juniper.



Now back in print

Juniper Bonsai Book Is Back!


Our famous Juniper book is back. Just in time for the gift season and for your winter bonsai study sessions.

It has been thirteen months since we sold our last copy (number 5,000) of our Masters’ Series Juniper book. Too long really, but somehow time just slipped away. Anyway, we just got another 1,000 from the printer, so off we go. If you already own a copy, you can buy one for a friend (or, if you have more than one friend…).

boon1rocky mountain juniper

Rocky mountain juniper by Boon. From the gallery section of our Juniper book.



Developing fine branching over two seasons. From the Ramification chapter in our Juniper book.



Warren Hill's collected California juniper. From the gallery section.





One of Kimura's famous rock plantings. From the gallery section in our Masters' Series Juniper book.



Four out of 28 illustrations from a chapter titled Step by Step Layering.



The back cover of our Masters Series' Juniper Bonsai Book.

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Ficus, the Exotic Bonsai


This powerfully built gem is from Ficus, the Exotic Bonsai by Jerry Meislik. It's a Ficus Microcarpa. In addition to its rugged good looks, small leaves and a strong penchant for survival make it a bonsai favorite.

The photos shown here originally appeared way back in January, 2010. I enlarged them to fit our current format and I’ve tried to bring the text up to date.

If you want to grow bonsai indoors (winter or year round), you’ll be hard pressed to find subjects better suited than Ficus.

But not all Ficus are created equal when it comes bonsai and to growing indoors. A couple that I’ve had luck with are the Green Island (a variety of F. microcarpa) and the ‘Too Little’ (F. benjamina ‘Too Little’). I’ve also had some luck with the Willow Leaf ficus (F neriifolia – there is some disagreement about the botanical name – here’s a discussion by Robert Kempinski). If you have any experience with other varieties (successful or otherwise), let us know.



A large Willow leaf ficus with some impressive aerial roots from Ficus, the Exotic Bonsai.



A large Benjamina with a well developed nebari by Bradley Barlow, from The Art of Bonsai blog.



This simple Willow leaf planting is from a bonsai exhibit on Morikami's website. Though it's far from a masterpiece, it does have some charm and is the type of project that almost any beginner might attempt.



The one and only Ficus Bonsai book
Now on Special at Stone Lantern

B1BBG-2also on Special at Stone Lantern

Full Attack Mode


Aggression. Everything is moving to the left. The deadwood, which is so dominant appears to be in full attack mode, while the crown and living branches provide some contrast (speaking of contrasts, you might notice the piece of wood pushing a piece of the trunk up and the wire pulling another piece down). Whether you like this tree or not, my guess is you'll remember it.

I found these photos here. Due to the language I don’t know much beyond that. Feel free to do your own research (you could start with the face below).



The long needles and gnarled bark suggest a Japanese black pine, but I can't say for sure. The color of the pot plays well with the bark.



Another Japanese black pine?



 Looks like a field grown Shimpaku juniper made to look like a yamadori. These have been popping up everywhere these days. Many, if not most, are from Taiwan. I'm not sure why the crown has been left so dense.



We'll call this one a bunjin, even though the foliage is too robust. In any case, you don't see too many cascading bunjin (or bunjin-like) trees.
manDo you recognize this face?

Deep Discounts & FREE Shipping* at Stone Lantern  TMRoshi30% off Roshi Bonsai Tools
25% off Koyo Bonsai Tools

*FREE Shipping applies only to U.S. orders of 50.00 or more

Subtle yet Simple


Sweet tree, nice pot and brilliant fall color. But do you know what kind of tree it is? Mark Arpag (it's his tree) doesn't say, but based on the leaves and the bark, I'm going with Chinese elm. If I'm right, this is tree is quite small (Chinese elm leaves are tiny).

One thing I like about Mark Arpag’s bonsai is that they are so accessible. Unlike many of Kimura’s most phenomenal bonsai for example, or the monster first prize tree at the recent Artisans Cup, ordinary bonsai enthusiasts might imagine styling trees like Mark’s. This is not say Mark’s trees are lacking in any  way, because they aren’t. They are beautiful and subtle, yet simple. And for me at least, an inspiration.

Part of the reason for this simplicity and accessibility is that most of Mark’s trees are are shohin (all of his trees in this post are shohin size) and smaller bonsai tend to be simpler. Still, a well done small bonsai can hold its own with even the largest trees.

All but one of the photos shown here are from Mark’s facebook feed.


Clump style Japanese maple in full fall splendor.



In the fall color photo above it's all about leaves. Here, after some trimming you can better distinguish the trunks and branching.



Looks like a flowering quince.



I'll go with Potentilla.



This little companion was part of Mark's shohin display at the Artisans Cup. Here's what Mark wrote about it: "Perhaps the smallest companion @ The Artisans Cup, my expression of the season." I borrowed this photo from Bonsai Empire. The rest of the photos shown here are from facebook.




We have a another new sale at Stone Lantern


25% off Koyo Japanese Bonsai Tools

Before & After (x2) with Crazy

after 27

After. The pot got chopped in this photo, but beggars can't be cheesy.

Way back on November 2nd, 2015, we did a post on an old Hatanaka/Levin Prostrata juniper, titled An American Classic (it’s worth a trip back in time).

Now we’ve got two more Hatanaka/Levin Prostrata bonsai. Both freshly thinned and wired by Uchida yusuki, aka Crazy; the same Crazy that trinned and wired the American Classic. BTW, both of the trees here look as though Shimpaku foliage has been grafted on, to replace the coarser Prostrata foliage.

before 27

Before. The same tree (the one at the top of the post) from a different angle.

transition 27

After thinning, before wiring. This time you can see the whole pot, though I imagine a new pot was in store (maybe Michael will send us a photo).


after 3a2

The other tree after thinning and wiring.


before 3a 2

The other tree before.

25% off Kilo Bonsai Wire Sale
ends in two days

GreenT messy
This photo shows our
New Green T Bonsai Turntable
and some wire as a reminder that our
25% off Kilo Bonsai Wire Sale
ends Sunday night at 11:59pm EST

A New and Improved Bonsai Turntable

GreenT mugoRiboli

Large Mugo pine on a Green T professional bonsai turntable.

Green T Professional Hydraulic Lift Bonsai Turntable

We are pleased to announce the arrival on the U.S. market of an essential tool that will help you work on your trees more efficiently and comfortably.

In Japan hydraulic lift turntables have been the standard for years, but their prohibitive costs have limited their spread in the West. Thanks to professional researchers and the collaboration of well-known bonsai professionals, we are able to offer you a tool inspired by the Japanese turntable and improved in several details (including price).

GreenT is Bigger

The surface is 58cm (23 inches) diameter instead of the usual 50 cm (almost 20 inches). This allows you to work on your largest trees and your smallest trees. You can comfortably use the excess space to have your tools easily accessible.



The work surface is made out of phenolic marine pine plywood which is painted and coated in solid non slip rubber (4 mm thickness, hardness Shore A 70 ). Lifting capacity is up to 200 kg (440 lbs). Tightening screws and threaded bushes are completely made of stainless steel. All the materials used in the construction of Green T guarantee an excellent outdoor weather resistant turntable.

More Useful

Green T features a metal base with five-star support (five horizontal ‘legs’) for maximum stability and a hydraulic foot control lift that adjusts to a maximum height of 60cm (23.6 inches) and a minimum of 43 cm (17 inches). The swing brake of the table can be disconnected with a simple movement of the pedal. Five removable eye screws, located under the bottom edge of the work surface, allow you to anchor your bonsai to the table (see below).



Even with the superior features listed above, at 15 kg (33 lbs), Green T weighs the same as its Japanese competitors.

You Save

You price for Green T is 325.00.
This includes shipping and handling
(U.S. ONLY).
This comes to about half the price of an imported Japanese turntable.
NO OTHER DISCOUNTS APPLY. Green T is made in Italy.

GreenT messy

Visit Stone Lantern for more on our

Green T Professional Hydraulic Lift Bonsai Turntable

Mystical Dragon


I like both the character (the deadwood) and the simplicity (the rest) of this tree. It's a  Buttonwood by Robert Kempinski. I found it here.

It’s time to revisit Buttonwoods, our American (but not just American) tropical jewel . There’s lots of information on the web about buttonwoods and particularly their care. Two good places to start are: Of Bonsai Magazine and Bonsai Mary’s. And then there are our numerous posts that feature Buttonwoods.

The first two photos are new to us. The others are from a Bark post titled American Tropical Jewell.


This one belongs to Mary Madison. John Naka called her the Buttonwood Queen. The tree's name, Senru (Mystical Dragon) was also bestowed by Mr Naka, a man who in the course of long and illustrious life, displayed many talents (including naming). This photo and the story are from Bonsai Mary.


ButtonwoodButtonwood by Ed Trout. The photo is from The Art of Bonsai Project. *


JimSmith I found this monster by Jim Smith in the Of Bonsai Magazine. I couldn’t find any dimensions, but the article on Buttonwoods that accompanies the photo is very thorough. BTW: Jim Smith is an original American tropical bonsai guru. Jim’s nursery (Dura-Stone) is in Vero Beach, Florida.


Mother Nature’s handiwork, with a little help from Robert Kempinski. From the Art of Bonsai Project.


This wild unique tree could only be a buttonwood. Also by Robert Kempinski from the Art of Bonsai Project.


They aren’t all small enough for bonsai. This photo is from Bonsai Mary.

*The sad news about this beautiful Buttonwood is that it was stolen in 2008, and as far as I know, was never recovered.


Roshi Banner30% off Roshi Bonsai Tools
plus 10% off all Stone Lantern orders 100.00 or more

Avant-Garde Bonsai

do4Avant-garde bonsai. This fluid tree with its distinctive flying pot is from Bonsai Do. The caption says with Tony Tickle (I visited Tony's blog and couldn't find it). There's also this quote by Thomas Browne (it's in Spanish on Bonsai Do, but here's the original English): Art is the perfection of nature. Nature hath made one world, and art another.

Leaving for the airport in a while, so not enough time to put together a new post. I borrowed this one from February, 2013.

Here are some photos I captured from Bonsai Do on facebook. The good news is they have put together a impressive selection of photos along with some famous quotes. The bad news is that most of the trees aren’t identified by species and many don’t list the source.


do2Spectacular, if just a little fuzzy. The caption says with El Tim Bonsai, but alas, a quick search resulted in a whiff, so the artist will remain anonymous. I'm going to guess that it's a Japanese beech and really go out a limb (so to speak) and say that it's one of the most impressive deciduous bonsai you'll ever see. In every regard, including sheer power, movement, ramification and all the rest.


do1I'm not sure I've ever seen deadwood patterns quite like this. It's a European olive and it belongs to Stefano Defraia.


Something a little different that looks like it's from China. No source listed, but there is this quote by Friedrich Von Schiller (I can't find the English version and my powers of translation leave much to desired, so we'll settle for the Spanish); "Si buscas lo más elevado, lo más grandioso, una planta te lo puede enseñar: lo que ella es sin querer, tú, queriendo, puedes serlo."


Bonsai Wire Sale


25% off Kilo Coils of Bonsai Aesthetics Wire
plus 10% off all orders 100.00 or more

What You Do to the Land You Do to Yourself

collected_walter_pall_styled_rmj1Rocky Mountain Juniper (Juniperus scopulorum) collected by Andrew (aka Andy) Smith and first styled by Walter Pall. It would hard to find a better pair for the job. Andy (Golden Arrow Bonsai) is a professional forester, master collector of wild bonsai and a bonsai artist in his own right, and Walter Pall is a world famous bonsai artist, teacher, trouble maker (in the positive sense of course) and owner of a very impressive bonsai collection. The photograph is by Walter. My apologies for the fuzz. It's the result of dramatically increasing the image size. On balance I think this size presents a better look at the tree in spite of the fuzz.

Still on vacation and enjoying the wonders of the West Coast. Soon we’ll be home and ready to put together some new posts for you. Meanwhile, we’re taking the easy way out. This one originally appeared April, 2014.

This morning I was looking for photos of Lodgepole pine bonsai when I stumbled upon an old interview with Andy Smith that appeared on The Art of Bonsai Project blog, way back in 2005. It’s a great interview. So great that we’re going to post the whole thing and encourage you to jump in and enjoy Andy’s unique insights into wild bonsai, the art of collecting and much more.

The Art of Bonsai Project Interview with Andrew Smith

Andrew Smith is a contract forester in South Dakota’s Black Hills. He became fascinated with bonsai in 1994 while collecting core specimens from very ancient pines to use in past climate studies.

Smith transplants 300-400 trees per year for bonsai and has supplied demo and workshop trees to many of the world’s best bonsai artists. He enjoys learning about this beautiful and extraordinary art and meeting with other enthusiasts around the country.

The following is an on-line interview conducted with Andy Smith (continued after the photo):

collected_walter_pall_styled_rmj2Another Rocky Mountain Juniper that was collected by Andy Smith and first styled by Walter Pall. Photograph by Walter.

AoB: Andy, how do you answer the critics who insist that removing trees from a supposedly pristine environment is detrimental to that environment.

Andy: That depends upon your values and goals for the particular environment in question. For instance, most of my trees come from public lands and the permit process (in my opinion) is well regulated. I pay between $5 and $10 per tree for the right to collect in certain areas (no refunds if they die!). But there are huge areas that are off limits to collecting; for instance all wilderness areas; areas with high recreational value such as along hiking trails and near campgrounds and lakes; wildlife preserves; national monuments; state and national parks; along heavily travelled roads; areas with spiritual, historical or special visual significance; etc.

In these areas the guiding management principles place a higher value on the aesthetic, spiritual and natural qualities of the environment than they do on someone, like me, being able to go out and pursue an interest that might change the landscape somewhat.

The areas that are open to collecting are usually the same areas that are open to other resource extraction. In other words these areas might well be logged, grazed or mined at some point in time, or at least such uses are not prohibited.

andyAndy beside the large pine that he collected in his How to collect Wild Trees DVD.

Another thing to consider is the scale of the enterprise. I collect about 300-400 trees, from several different National Forests, every year, which is far more than anyone else I know. And it takes a huge amount of time, effort and energy to do that.

Meanwhile, the Forest Service is trying to control burn about 8,000 acres a year just here in the Black Hills alone, and many, many thousands more nationwide. This is done to reduce fuel loading and prevent catastrophic wildfires. I understand that it needs to be done but they kill more potential bonsai doing that in one year than I will collect in ten lifetimes. Consider that we recently had a wildfire here that burned over 130 square miles. The fire damage is worse than an atomic bomb would cause. It’s amazing, that in many places you can look from horizon to horizon and not see one live tree.

Continue reading What You Do to the Land You Do to Yourself