Whoops. The tree I missed in the original post. Too bad, because I have a feeling it would have placed very high in our reader’s poll (it placed 3rd in Method A and second in Method B – see below for the methods).
Two weeks ago we posted photos of seven bonsai and asked our readers to rate them. No contest, no prizes, just for the fun of it.
Putting aside some people’s objections to the whole idea of judging bonsai, the results are in. The trees are arranged from top to bottom (starting just below) in order of your preference (*our scoring system is at the bottom of the post).
Two systems for judging bonsai. The photos and the idea came from a recent facebook post by Robert Steven. Here’s just enough to whet your appetite (continued just below the photo….).

Reader’s choice for the best tree with 78 points. You might notice that it has the #1 on it, and, it was first in line. Unfair advantage? (Using the judging methods referred to below, this tree was 4th using Method A and first using Method B.
Continued from above… In Roberts own words:
This is the result of the 2 judging simulation we did :
Method-A (Scoring) :
– 1st Winner : Tree no. 20
– 2nd Winner : Tree no. 9
– 3rd Winner : Tree no. 18**
– 4th Winner : Tree no. 1
– 5th Winner : Tree no. 2
Method-B (Elimination) :
– 1st Winner : Tree no. 1
– 2nd Winner : Tree no. 18**
– 3rd Winner : Tree no. 20
– 4th Winner : Tree no. 6
– 5th Winner : Tree no. 3
The interesting thing is when the 10 judges were asked which method reflected the best accuracy to their objective choice, 9 of the 10 judges referred to Method-B (Elimination).
You can visit Robert on facebook for the whole story….
** Unfortunately we missed tree number 18 in our original post (it’s at the top of this post, where it may have ended up anyway had we included it).

Second place in our reader’s poll with 64 points (Method A first place, Method B third place).

Reader’s 3rd choice with 39 points (Method A second place, Method B unplaced).

Reader’s 4th with 35 points (Method A unplaced, Method B 5th place).
Reader’s 5th choice with 32 points (unplaced in Method A and B).
Reader’s 6th with 27 points (Method A fifth place, Method B unplaced).

Reader’s 7th and last choice with 26 points (Method A unplaced, Method B 4th place).
** We awarded 5 points for each first place selection and so on, down to 1 point for each 5th place selection. You can find the individual selections along with some remarks in the comments to the original posts.