It’s not unusual to see a photo of someone holding a small bonsai in one hand. However, you almost never see a photo with someone holding a bonsai with two hands. Until now that is. This two handed approach gives the feeling that the tree (a rather spectacular Shimpaku) is being offered. This photo and the others in this post are from Japan Shohin Bonsai.
One of the problems with photographing bonsai is conveying size. The easiest and perhaps best way is to provide something familiar for contrast.
It used to be fairly common to see bonsai with cigarette packs before smoking fell out of favor (you still see them occasionally in places where smoking is more accepted). You also sometimes see soft drink cans, though soft drinks are also starting to fall out of favor (like cigarettes they are unhealthy and a waste of money). Either way, cigarette packs or soft drink cans, the effect is distracting and shows a lack of respect for the natural beauty of the bonsai.
Which brings us to hands. One of the great things about hands is they are always available (close at hand). Another plus is they tend to look good. And then there’s the natural relationship between hands and the art of bonsai. The only downsides I can think of are, they don’t work with large bonsai and it takes two people to create the photo (you could struggle to photograph with one hand while holding the bonsai with the other, but my guess is the best shots involve two people).
Before I shut up, just want to say how happy I am to have discovered Japan Shohin Bonsai. Not only are their trees super top notch, but they are so well photographed. There are few things better in our online bonsai world than well-photographed top notch bonsai.

Another two handed offering. This one looks like a Needle juniper (Juniperus rigida).

This little Japanese maple only needs one hand. I like the trunk a lot and of course, there’s that sweet little pot.

We’ve shown this lovely maple before, but a two minute search came up blank.

No hands here, but I couldn’t resist.

Speaking of Shohin Bonsai, this Stone Lantern book will take you a long ways in developing your shohin bonsai and your appreciation of the art. And the price is right.