Bonsai Today Sale: 40% to 50% off!


John Naka‘s famous ‘Goshin’ graces the cover of Bonsai Today issue 93. Inside there’s a tribute to Mr. Naka and a range of how-to articles and other useful and inspiring photos and information. This and a host of other back issues can now be yours for forty to fifty percent off.

I love summer…
…my bonsai and garden are in ecstatic celebration and there’s cold drinks on the deck in the late afternoon (just before the mosquitoes take over).

I hate summer…
…it’s too short, my lawn needs mowing every fifteen minutes, and just when you’re relieved that black flies last only six weeks, along come the mosquitoes and deer flies.

Why am I telling you this?
I’m not sure why I’m telling you this. Maybe it’s because I’m trying to write copy that encourages you to buy some magazines (back issues of Bonsai Europe and Bonsai Focus are also on sale) and there are few things more tedious and uninspiring than writing copy (except maybe reading other people’s complaints about insects and writing copy). Anyway…

…buy some bonsai magazines
…you’ll be glad you did. And enjoy the rest of the summer!

Contest #5: Mystery Bonsai


It’s a mystery to me
Though I can tell you where I found this tree (not yet though), and I do know the species, I genuinely don’t know who the artist is (he/she doesn’t seem to be listed on the site). So maybe you can help me, and win a twenty five dollar gift certificate to Stone Lantern in the process.

Be the first to correctly answer all four of these questions and you’ll be declared the winner
1. the name of the artist
2. the species and sub-species (if applicable) of the tree
3. the height of the tree, including the pot
4. where the tree can be found on the web
I would also appreciate the approximate age of the tree, if you know it.

Thanks. I look forward to your answers.

The Great Debate part 3: More from Walter


A naturalistic Norway spruce (Picea abies) by Walter Pall (from Bonsai Today issue 106). This tree was awarded third place overall in the Bonsai Today/Art of Bonsai 2006 photo contest. Walter also won first and second place in the overall category.

The Naturalistic Bonsai Movement?
In the expanding galaxy of accomplished Western bonsai artists, Walter Pall’s bonsai skills and dedication to teaching and promoting the art of bonsai make him one of the brightest stars. Walter is also one of the most prominent proponents of what could be called the Naturalistic Bonsai Movement (or something like that).

In our last Great Debate post, I promised you more from Walter on the topic. The quotes below by Walter are from an article entitled A Naturalistic Scot’s Pine that appeared in Bonsai Today issue 104 (out of print).

The other two photos in this post are NOT Walter’s trees. They are rather, my idea of two worthy examples of naturalistic bonsai by other artists.

Continue reading The Great Debate part 3: More from Walter

Get Out Your Camera! AoB Awards Coming Up


This Red escallonia (Escallonia rubra ‘Woodside’) by Mike Page is from the Bonsai Today/Art of Bonsai 2006 photo contest. If you are interested, you can find the winning photos in Bonsai Today issue 106.

Don’t be shy
Stone Lantern and Bonsai Bark are delighted to announce that we one of the sponsors of  The Art of Bonsai Project’s annual photo contest. The contest provides an excellent opportunity for you to delve into preparing and photographing your bonsai. Two practices that will open your eyes in ways that may surprise you. Really, don’t be shy and don’t think your trees have to be world class to enter. The folks at AoB will be happy to provide useful (and friendly) feedback, no matter your level of accomplishment.

Continue reading Get Out Your Camera! AoB Awards Coming Up

Jin & Shari #4 – Natural Aging


These four stages of natural aging on deadwood are from an article by François Jeker that appeared in Bonsai Today 103 (out of print). Francois is a accomplished bonsai artist (and deadwood master), gardener, author (Bonsai Aesthetics) and more.

Stage one
A freshly peeled branch or trunk will have completely smooth wood.

Stage two
Over the years, due to drying in the sun and wind, the wood will split into apical cracks (see below for more on apical growth and cracks).

Stage three
Much later, cracks that are perpendicular to the apical cracks will appear and form a “snakeskin” pattern.

Stage four
Continued exposure to harsh weather, fungal decay and xylophagous insects (insects that feed on woody plants) hollow the deadwood out in this final stage.

Continue reading Jin & Shari #4 – Natural Aging

Robert Steven: Mission of Transformation


Coming soon
Robert Steven’s long awaited new book Mission of Transformation has just pulled out of port for it’s halfway round the world journey from Indonesia to Vermont. We hope to see it pull up to our warehouse sometime in August (no guarantees!). While we (and you) are waiting, we’re offering a pre-order, pre-pay special at $49. (retail $55.), with double discounts during our book sale.

Here’s what a few bonsai notables have to say about it:

“I am certain bonsai artists from around the globe will find “Mission of Transformation” a valuable addition to their reference library because it contains information not found anywhere so well presented and explained.” William N. Valavanis

“Robert has finally given us a “how-to” book on bonsai design that concentrates on the artistic and horticultural aspects like no other books have.”Walter Pall

“…this book, “Mission of Transformation” will certainly make another great success and give a great influencing contribution to the bonsai world.”Yen Zi Jing

Stay posted for some enticing photos to jump start your appetite.

KoB Shohin Willow Leaf Ficus by Robert Kempinski


Robert Kempinski (author of Introduction to Bonsai) has an excellent article at Knowledge of Bonsai on Shohin Willow Leaf Ficus (the photo above was borrowed from the article). Check it and a slew of other good stuff out, including a revealing exposé on nasty (but beautifully photographed) little aphids by Heather Hartman.

While you are at it, take a look at two related books we offer: Shohin Bonsai by Morten Albek (Stone Lantern Publishing), and Ficus: The Exotic Bonsai by Jerry Meislik (Devonshire Gardens Ltd.).

Speaking of Pots…


The pots in the post are from another Japanese book that has been in my library for a long time. So long, that I don’t even remember where I got it. Nor do I know who made the pots or basically much of anything about the contents (I don’t read Japanese). If you read Japanese, scroll down and check the text at the bottom of this post and let me know if you can make any sense of it.

Continue reading Speaking of Pots…

Master Potter: Gyozan Nakano


I don’t know who styled this wonderfully crazy azalea (I don’t read Japanese) but I do know that Master Potter Gyozan Nakano made the pot.

A remarkable book about a remarkable potter
Four years ago I was given a most remarkable book by the World Bonsai Friendship Federation, who received it courtesy of Masahiro Tokuo (President of Kindai Publishing). Since then, it has spent most of its time just sitting on my shelf, though occasionally I thumb through and marvel at the photos (and wish I could read Japanese).

The book is about Master Potter Gyozan Nakano and consists mostly of high quality photos of his pots.  Most pots stand alone, but some are holding great bonsai or companion plants. I wish I could show you the whole book, but I can’t, so we’ll settle for a few photos.

Continue reading Master Potter: Gyozan Nakano