Classic Penjing/Bonsai Book Back in Print


The Chinese Art of Bonsai & Potted Landscapes
Y. C. Shen, Beulah Kwok Sung, C. B. Sung

Now, this rare and wonderful book is back in print. John Naka was a big fan and said that “this unique book should be on the reading list of all bonsai connoisseurs.” Dr. Wu Yee Sun, famous philanthropist and avid bonsai and penjing supporter said that it “is a masterpiece of great importance in the art of bonsai and will… without a doubt… be valued for generations to come.”

Continue reading Classic Penjing/Bonsai Book Back in Print

David De Groot: Bonsai Artist, Author & Teacher


This shot presents a glimpse of a small piece of the Pacific Rim Bonsai Collection. David De Groot is the resident bonsai artist (curator) of this impressive collection.

A while back I put up a couple posts (here and here) on the Weyerhaeser Pacific Rim Bonsai Collection.

At the time I spoke with David De Groot, the collection’s curator. David told me that the bright spot to the (temporary) closing of the collection, is that he will have more uninterrupted time working on the trees. This has got to be good for the collection as David is an accomplished bonsai artist (and teacher and author).

Continue reading David De Groot: Bonsai Artist, Author & Teacher

Mystery Tree Contest Winners?


Here’s a photo of Boon Manakitivipart with the (no longer a mystery) Mystery Tree from his website Bonsai Boon.

If you look at the original post (5/5/09) the contest was: the first person who posts the name of the person who took the photo and where it is on the internet, wins a $25.00 gift certificate to Stone Lantern’s web store.

What I didn’t anticipate was that someone would tell me where it was on the internet and someone else would tell me who took the photo.

Continue reading Mystery Tree Contest Winners?

Contest: Identify this Wild Mystery Tree & Win


Not too long ago I came across this image of this amazingly wild, rugged, wonderful old tree somewhere on the internet. Unfortunately, I neglected to label it the instant I grabbed it (always a mistake). Now, I don’t remember where I found it and I’d like to know so I can attribute it to the person who took the trouble to find it, photograph it, and post it.

So here’s the contest. The first person who posts (in comments, see link above) the name of the person who took the photo and where it is on the internet, wins a $25.00 gift certificate to Stone Lantern’s web store.

Ben Oki: An Old Master at Play

I could watch and listen to Ben Oki for a long time. In this one, you get to watch the old master wiring, and, as a bonus, hear a story about John Naka; another old master.

FYI: John Naka was considered the dean of American bonsai. He died in 2004. Bonsai Today issue 93 features a special on Mr. Naka and you can enjoy his sketches in The John Naka Sketch Book (The National Bonsai Foundation). Two other noteworthy Naka books are: Bonsai Techniques one and two (Bonsai Institute of California).

Commemorative Album – part two


Prize winning Trident maple (Acer Buergeratum) by Martin Schmalenberg.

Commemorative Album, 1st U.S. Nationaly Bonsai Exhibition, 2008

I set out to pick a few of my favorites to whet your appetite. The problem is, about half of the hundred and fifty some trees (counting multiple tree shohin displays as one tree) are my favorites and the other half are gaining.

Continue reading Commemorative Album – part two

Back Savers: Sohin & Mame Bonsai

fuku-mame-serrisaThis banyan style dwarf Snow rose serissa (Serissa foetida microphylla) was styled by David Fukumoto of Fuku Bonsai in Hawaii. The pot is a Tokoname from Japan. Living in the tropics really helps when it comes to growing aerial roots.

Shohin are small bonsai. When compared to large bonsai, Shohin cost less, take less less time to develop, take less space, are easier to move (especially as your back ages), and are less apt to be overwatered. From the back cover of Morten Albek’s Shohin Bonsai (except for the part about your aging back), written almost two years ago by this very person while sitting in this very spot.

Continue reading Back Savers: Sohin & Mame Bonsai

1st U.S. Bonsai Exhibition Album is on its Way!


Commemorative Album, 1st U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition, 2008

I just received my advance copy of this much awaited book, and I’m almost speechless. Well, for me almost speechless might be a stretch, but I am very excited. And very, very impressed. Everything about this new book is spot on, including the undeniable proof it provides that American bonsai can take its place on the world bonsai stage. My hat is way off (balding head glowing with excitement) to Bill Valavanis and everyone else involved.

Our shipment of Albums is due in early June. Meanwhile, you can visit our website to find out how to order early and save money.