Maple Kissing the Rock (Arce Besando La Roca)


That's a rock sticking out on the left side of this Trident maple. According to Juan Andrade, the maple is kissing the rock (Arce "besando" la roca)

We’ve been posting recurring themes these days. For example we’ve run a whole string of Before & Afters lately. Now with yesterday (another before & after) and today, the new binding factor is Juan Andrade. Juan is one of a whole host of young Western apprentices (Costa Rica in Juan’s case) who are studying or have studied in Japan. The photos and quotes shown here are from Juan’s timeline


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Front view, close up. Here's Juan's caption... "se planto así a propósito desde joven, y el arbol comenzó a "tragarse" la roca. Es un maplecito como de unos 50 años."
 And here's my rough translation... It was intentionally grown this way since the tree was young and began to swallow the rock. It's a little Maple about fifty years old 
The other side

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Before, During & After – Another Radical Bonsai Transformation

baBefore and after. This unusual Japanese white pine, with three trunks merging to give the appearance of one thicker trunk is by Juan Andrade.

Continuing with our Before and After series, here’s one of my favorites, dug up from our archives (October, 2013). It’s a Japanese white pine transformation that is so unusual, with results so striking and unique, that… well, you can see for yourself.

The artist, Juan Andrade is one of a whole host of young Western apprentices (Costa Rica in Juan’s case) who are studying or have studied in Japan. The before, during and after (antes, durante y después) photos are from a photo album on facebook.
Continued below…

all3The progression. It's clear that plenty happens that you can't see. For example, how on earth did he get the left trunk to cooperate? Twisting the trunk to present a different view and then lowering the planting angle help but maybe there's more to it...?
beforeBefore. From this to what you see below is no mean feat. There's that pesky bowed out left trunk for starters, but clearly there's more.

Speaking of Japanese white pines (and other pines)…


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duringDuring. Still in the same pot, but leaning farther to the right.



After. Somehow the gap between the trunks has decreased and the third trunk has almost entirely disappeared. And it would be a shame if we focused too much on trunks and missed the highly skilled wiring and trimming of the branching and crown. As mentioned above, no mean feat

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Before & After Bonsai – From Sow’s Ear to Silk Purse, a Remarkable 7 Year Transformation


Before and after of one Harry Harrington's famous privets. Here's Harry's caption... "For completion, the large Privet bonsai defoliated, wood-hardened and re-styled last month, now back in leaf and ready to live out its days with its new owner near Birmingham (U.K.). Seen here in 2010 after I was given the tree when it was just a big lump of wood collected from a hedge, and now, 7 years later. Ligustrum ovalifolium/Privet bonsai, Height 16"/39cm, Trunk diameter 7"/17cm, Pot by Victor Harris of Erin Pottery"

It’s amazing what seven years and a whole lot of skill and imagination can do. The almost magical transformation shown here is the result of efforts by Harry Harrington, a bit of a whiz at transforming material that many of us wouldn’t give second look. The photos shown here are from Harry’s timeline. You can also visit Harry’ website bonsai4me,

Continued below…

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After, up close



The Foundations of Bonsai

by Harry Harrington
Like the Privet shown in this post, most of Harry Harrington’s bonsai come from humble origins… If you are interested in quality bonsai, and don’t have the resources or inclination to spend a lot of money,
Harry’s approach might be just what you are looking for
Most quality bonsai starts with quality (usually expensive) stock
Harry starts with whatever he can find (or what people bring him)
If you’re like most of us, you can learn a lot from this approach
List price 24.95



The other side



Before, close up


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Mame Master Haruyosi’s Sturdy Little Black Pines


The fingers belong to Haruyosi. As does this sturdy little Kuromatsu (Japanese black pine). And though I don't know this for a fact, my best guess is that Haruyosi made the pot.

Here’s Mame Master Haruyosi’s caption that appears with the first three photos shown here (from July 4th)…  “I worked on decandling of small Kuromatsu today. Now a typhoon is approaching here” (it hit Japan this week and caused severe flooding in the south)

All four photos shown here are all from Haruyosi’s timeline. If you get a chance, it’s a click worth making. You might also want to take a look at our previous Haruyoshi Bark posts



Same fingers, similar pot and another sturdy little Black pine.

Mame means ‘bean’ in Japanese. It’s a commonly used term for miniature bonsai. There’s more that can be said about mame (and shohin), but we’ll leave that for another time.




This little gem is an Astilbe simplicifolia. I'd bet that Haruyosi made the pot. It looks a lot like others of his, and to the best of my knowledge, he makes all his pots.

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Little Beans & Other Small Bonsai

less2I think this one qualifies as Mame ('bean' in Japanese), a common word for the smallest bonsai. Both the tree (Pyracatha) and pot are by Haruyosi. 

I’ve been thinking about starting another series of posts on Mame Master Haruyosi’s tiny bonsai. However,  there are too many obligations today and no time today to put together a new post. The solution? Another journey back in time. This one was originally posted in November, 2013.

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maple1This little Japanese maple may be a little large for mame, but it's most certainly shohin (a category of small bonsai that includes mame). I love the free flowing feel of this little tree. I don't know who it belongs to, so if you know anything about it, please let us know (in the comments on facebook works).


One of Morten Albek's wee wonders. Of all of Morten's trees that I've seen, this has to be one of the very best.


I found this fat-trunked little Japanese black pine, with it's excellent burnished Tokoname pot, in Bonsai Smiths gallery.  It's obviously too big for mame and because we don't know the exact size, it may or may not qualify as shohin.


This brilliant little Persimmon (Daisuke variety, identified by Ryan Bell, Japanese Bonsai Pots Blog) is a bonsai that pops up all over the digital place. I think we've shown it four or five times here Bark.

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Photographing Bonsai – Change Your Viewing Angle


This shot looking up into the tree accentuates the dynamic flow of the trunk and allows for a clear look at all its texture and other details. The artist, Mauro Stemberger doesn't identify any of the trees shown here, but it's safe to say Juniper with this one, though we won't guess the species.

All the photos shown here were posted by Mauro Stemberger under the title Change your viewing angle… In this case, the change involves a lower camera placement than what we are accustomed to. A placement that allows you to lookup into the tree in much the same way you might view a large tree growing nature.
Continued below…

Roshi Tool Special

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Could this powerful tree be a Norway spruce?

In most bonsai shots eye level is about one third of the way up the trunk (give or take). This straight ahead approach seems to make sense, but like many things that seem to make sense, it might be useful to reconsider. If most of the bonsai you see are in photographs, perhaps the prevalence of this straight on view is over-determining how you see and understand bonsai. Or maybe not. Either way, a fresh view never hurts.



I'm thinking this one might be a Yew. They seem to be in favor these days, and it's no wonder with so many good ones out there.

Now for the same trees, just a little closer…







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A Lifetime of Bonsai Inspiration


This convoluted Buttonwood (Conocarpus erectus) belongs to Ed Trout of Pembroke Pines Florida. The container is by Sonny Boggs. The photo is from the 5th U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition Album. We always have an eye out for unique, high quality bonsai and this one certainly qualifies.

A little over two weeks ago we received our copies of the 5th U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition Album. Since then, I’ve tried to spend a few minutes each day thumbing through and allowing myself to re-experience the initial jolt of excitement from that first day.

Now it’s your turn. But we don’t want to spoil your jolt by showing you too many photos, so we’ll just add one more tree to our initial 5th Album post and encourage you to visit our website and purchase your own copy. Over 200 great photos of magnificent trees will provide a lifetime of bonsai inspiration and enhance your bonsai experience


Closeup of Ed Trout's Buttonwood

NEW Roshi Tool Special

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b1nat5winnerWinner of the Finest Bonsai Masterpiece at the 5th U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition. It's a Mountain Hemlock (Tsuga Mertensiana) that belongs to Eric Schikowski. The photo is by Joseph Noga as are all the photos in Exhibition Albums 2-5.



Another Mountain Hemlock and another winner. The award is for the Finest Evergreen Bonsai and the artist is Michael Hagedorn (one of our favorites here on Bark). We've shown this tree several times over the years, but this iteration is the best yet.



We would be happy to send your brand new copy of the 5th U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition Album directly to your front door


Wildly Unique Before & After Bonsai


Before and after by Alfredo Salaccione (Bonsailab.) The after version is so wildly unique that you'll most likely recognize if you stumble upon it five years from now. And what a dramatic change. The way the branching and foliage has been moved and refined is dramatic enough, but then there's the deadwood (upper left on the after shot) that has risen to new heights. I'm not sure how this was done. Alfredo Salaccione doesn't say what the tree is, but based on some other trees on his timeline, and based on the way the foliage looks in the before shot, I'm going to guess Mugo pine.

Continuing with our recent Before and After theme. we’ve got some good ones for you from our recently discovered Bonsailab. The artist is Alfredo Salaccione and, as you can see, the trees are remarkable. As an extra plus they’re all dated so you can get a good idea of just how long these transformations take. My only complaint (and it’s an old one of mine) is that the varieties aren’t identified.

Once again, we’re running out of time, so we’ll let you provide your own commentary on the rest of the trees shown here.


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Juniper Bonsai Before & After – Cleanup Day


Before and after on cleanup day. It's a Tam juniper (Juniperus sabina ‘Tamariscifolia') that belongs to Michael Hagedorn.

It’s finally sunny after interminable and often torrential rains, so it’s time to dig back into our archives so we can get outside asap. This post originally appeared almost exactly a year ago to the day.

Here’s copy about the tree shown above that I lifted from Michael Horndorn’s Crataegus Bonsai: “The day these photos were taken was a basic ‘clean up day’ for the juniper—no wire was applied, removing only old and dangling foliage and shortening shoots that were overlong, and also sanding the bark, cleaning deadwood, and applying lime sulfur. This is yearly work on any juniper.

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TamIt's a little hard to fathom that the tree above is the exact same variety as this low growing clump... but it is.  Here's Michael's copy for this photo: "Tam Juniper, is a commonly planted conifer for foundations and gardens. The foliage grows upright from the branch, giving it a sprightly appearance."

Speaking of Junipers…
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Don’t fall asleep
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A close-up of the after shot


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From Wild to Wild – Another Before & After Bonsai


After. This distinctive European spruce, aka Norway spruce (Picea abies) was collected in Switzerland in 1993. It's now 25cm (10") high and around 100 years old. The strikingly naturalistic pot (by Mateusz Grobeiny) and those little plants (succulents?) growing around the trunk and flowing down side of the pot add a strong natural touch. So natural that you might imagine stumbling upon the whole planting while hiking in the Alps. The artist and owner of the tree is Walter Pall. You can view the before and after together if you scroll down.

Too much going on here today, so we’ll take our short cut. This post –  another before and after – originally appeared last September (with some major reconfiguring and rewriting today).

Often with before and after bonsai, the progression is from wild to styled and sophisticated. Walter Pall’s trees often progress from wild to still wild, but transformed into compelling natural looking bonsai.

Continued below…


500 gram (1.1 lb) Bonsai Wire

Only 9.50 8.50 7.95

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Before and after together. From semi to full cascade. The new planting angle represents a dramatic shift from before. This must have entailed considerable reworking of the roots.

There used to be a bit of debate about naturalistic vs more stylized bonsai, but that was long ago. Now that our bonsai tastes are maturing, we are more inclined to evaluate trees individually, rather than in relation to other trees. Or in relation to conventional notions of style.

All the images featured in this post are from Walter Pall’s facebook photos.


Before. A closer look. This shot was taken well after the tree was collected and had been styled some.



An intermediate stage. This almost looks like a different tree. The U shaped curve that is so prominent here, has disappeared in the after photo at the top of the post. And what happened to trunk's swollen base? It must be hidden in the little plants that grow around it (again see the photo at the top).

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