Two More Brilliant Before & After Bonsai


ba1 copy

We found these two photos at Bonsai Shikoku. All the text is Japanese and there are no intermediate photos, so what you see is what you get. At a glance you can see that there have been two major changes. First, the foliage has been thinned in order to expose most of the trunk and some of the branching. This allows for an unobstructed view of the deadwood and the lower sections of the living veins. The other obvious change is the result of meticulous cleaning and brightening of the deadwood and living veins. Here's an excellent video if you'd like to explore some techniques used in this process.

Continuing with our recent Before and After theme, we’ve got couple good ones for you. Both are from Bonsai Shikoku. The Shimpaku juniper above came with untranslated Japanese text, so you’re stuck with my comments, though we do provide a link to an excellent video on treating deadwood and living veins.

The Japanese black pine below has English text, so we’ll dispense with my comments and go straight to the source. Enjoy!

Continued below…


Deep Discounts on Every Okatsune Tool

by far the lowest prices we’ve ever offered
for our selection of these remarkable bonsai & garden tools

OKATSUNEset4the favorite of Japanese Professionals
Okatsune cut like butter and last forever

Our supply of Okatsune tools is running low
so we have to end this special tomorrow (Saturday) at Noon



These photos are also from Bonsai Shikoku, but this time there's English text, as follows... "Artists adapt trees once in 4 to 5 years. The main purpose of it is to maintain a good size and to receive the sunlight by cutting the branches.

"This time he adapted a Misho (grown from seed) Kuromatsu (Japanese black pine) which is about 40 years old. A long time has passed since the last adaptation. The tree's branches and needles were too long and the balance with trunk was bad. He felt the branch on the left is too big against the trunk on the right.

"He cut the long branch and it allowed the trunk to be seen. He also showed us the technique to make Jin with the cut branch by knuckle cutters and chisels...." There's more here.

Speaking of Junipers and Pines…
PINE & JUN BOOKSThis set of our two most popular Masters Series books
(list price is 64.90)
is now on Special for only 35.00

Still Crazy and an American Bonsai Classic


Michael Levin's 'Hatanaka' Prostrata juniper, June 2015. Even though the foliage hasn't filled out yet, this shot clearly shows the bones of the tree and seems like a good place to start.

Still Crazy. Yesterday we put together a Before and After post that featured three trees by Bonsai Crazy (aka Uchida Yusuki). This jogged my memory and led me back to a November 2015 post about this great old Hatanaka/Levin Prostrata juniper that Bonsai Crazy wired while he was in the States visiting Michael and some other American bonsai growers. 

Here’s what Michael Levin, owner of Bonsai West and long time bonsai enthusiast, artist and entrepreneur wrote about this spectacular tree…

“The Juniper as you know was originally styled by Mrs Hatanaka of Anaheim California and is a true american classic started from a cutting in the 1950’s, I purchased it in the mid 1980s . I’ve tended it for 30 years and most recently it was wired by Uchida yusuki “Crazy” from Japan. It is a mufti generational collaboration between the first generation American Japanese to my generation and now a third new contemporary generation of bonsai wizardry….
Continued below…

Deep Discounts on Every Okatsune Tool

by far the lowest prices we’ve ever offered
for our selection of these remarkable bonsai & garden tools

OKATSUNEset4the favorite of Japanese Professionals
Okatsune cut like butter and last forever



At the Artisans Cup and in full foliage. Photo by Julien Dussaix. The stand is by Howard Chittenden.

Michael, continued from above…
“In 2012 I started to prepare this tree for Bill’s 2014 Rochester show.
As you know Prostrata juniper have very loose and hard to control foliage, made up of both juvenile and mature growth. This tree was very shaggy and I started tip pruning it in the way that Mr Hatanaka taught me way back when.

“I repotted the tree in the Spring of 2013 and continued to prune all during that year. I have found that most of my trees respond well to regular pruning in small amounts of frequent cuts rather than a full hair cut all at once. For instance my pruning regimen would be to visit the tree everyday and prune back the elongated growth as needed over the whole growing season…

Hatanaka20092009. This is the oldest photo of the tree Michael sent. He bought it in the mid-eighties, so plenty of time had elapsed by the time this photo was taken.

Continued from above…
“So it went like this through the summer and fall of 2013 into the spring of 2014. After the tree got accepted to Rochester for the fall show I wired every branch in the spring of 2014. As the year progressed I fed the tree high nitrogen fertilizer to push it along but it never grew to my expectations and in August of 2014 I pulled the tree from the show. It was a huge disappointment for me after all the work I had done, but it wasn’t up to my standard.

“In the Spring of 2015 it was looking great and I hadn’t even thought about the Artisans cup, If I had I was still reluctant to ship a tree all the way to the west coast…

Mrs Hatanaka

Mrs Hatanaka with part of the Hatanaka bonsai collection. I don't know when Michael took this photo, but can guess it was in the 1980s or 90s. Oops, date is on the photo. 1997.

Continued from above
“As the Deadline approached for entering a tree in the Artisans Cup “Crazy” (
Uchi-san aka Bonsai Crazy Uchi asks to be called Crazy) was in town working with me and I thought it would be a great opportunity to finish this project. He did a great job as you could see from this picture.

“As the summer progressed I decided to fertilize with only organic food but still used high nitrogen until July at which time I stopped fertilizing completely. I did however use my pruning technique which I feel is unique to me, in that I pruned almost every day for 2 months straight.

“When I am pruning like this I feel as if I am rocking a car out of a snow bank-the tree seemed to build strength(momentum) and continue to grow all season. My last cuts were made the end of July.

“By the way Ryan did an amazing job of making sure that the tree and its stand made it across the country perfectly, not a scratch on the stand or a twig out of place on the tree.

“The pot is an old commercial Chinese 28 inch oval, They really don’t make them like that anymore. I asked Ron Lang to custom build me one for the tree and he said save your money; the pot is perfect and that he didn’t think he could do better.”



Michael and his American classic at the Cup.


500 gram (1.1 lb) Bonsai Wire

Only 9.50 8.50 7.95

Time to make some room for our next wire shipment…


additional 10% off orders 150.00 or more
FREE Shipping on Continental U.S. orders 75.00 or more
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Bonsai Crazy – Before & After x 3

bc3Of the three before and after photos shown here, this is my favorite. The transition from a clunky, overgrown and unbalanced semi cascading bonsai to an elegant fully cascading tree is radical and quite impressive. If you didn't know, you might never guess it's the same tree.

All three before and after shots shown here are by Bonsai Crazy. If you’d like to see transition shots, you can visit Crazy on facebook. If you’re curious about just who this person is who calls himself Bonsai Crazy, here’s something from his website that will shed some light.


500 gram (1.1 lb) Bonsai Wire
Only 9.50 8.50 7.95

Time to make some room for our next wire shipment…




Clearly the same tree but markedly improved. A new pot doesn't hurt, nor does cleaning up the wood. Structurally speaking, changing the planting angle and redesigning the branching and foliage are big improvements.


Same pot and the same slinky trunk. Structurally the most significant changes are the shortened and redirected main cascading branch and the reconfigured secondary branching and foliage. But perhaps most obvious is just how much can be accomplished by simply cleaning up.

Deep Discounts on Every Okatsune Tool

by far the lowest prices we’ve ever offered
for our selection of these remarkable bonsai & garden tools

OKATSUNEset4the favorite of Japanese Professionals
Okatsune cut like butter and last forever


additional 10% off orders 150.00 or more
FREE Shipping on Continental U.S. orders 75.00 or more
but only if you choose free shipping when you check out

The Whole Bonsai Setup – Trees, Tools & Wire


I like this photo. In addition to the rather spectacular tree, there's the whole setup, with tools and wire that tells us something about the place where this tree was styled and the means by which it was styled. Here's the caption with this tree... "What 6 years of work, a beautiful environment and a great photographer Jill Moors can do ..."

I always get a little jolt when I discover a new (for me) bonsai artist. In this case the artist is Yannick Kiggen. Yannick calls his bonsai endeavor YAMA Bonsai Studio. We’ll just scratch the surface here and encourage you to pay Yannick and his Yama Bonsai Studio a visit if you get a chance.

25% to 40% off List Prices

a rich & varied selection of 50 high quality Japanese bonsai tools
including our highest quality Masters Grade Tools

Tools-Koyo1-500x303Koyo – a leading name in Japanese Bonsai Tools
special ends Wednesday at 12:00 Noon EDT



Yannick's caption for this imposing yamadori Itoigawa juniper... "I observed the tree for a year, and than the first shaping came in 2015." Here's another caption I found with a different photo of the same tree... "Juniperus Itoigawa, pot: 200 y old Nakawatari, Table: Pascal Houdusse, Noelanders trophy 2017"


YK5Bjorn had a hand in this one. Yannick's caption..."In 2016 I have torn the trunk to create a better movement and make the trunk more compact. The callus was growing very well on the part were it was torned last year, the buds are very vigorous so in 2017- As I like to have a variety of trees in my garden I also like to have a variety of trees styled by other people than me. So Bjorn Bjorholm came to my garden to work on this big pine...."



No caption with this elegant pine...


500 gram (1.1 lb) Bonsai Wire
Only 9.50 8.50 7.95

Time to make some room for our next shipment…


additional 10% off orders 150.00 or more
and FREE Shipping on Continental U.S. orders 75.00 or more
but only if you choose free shipping when you check out

An Outstanding Juniper Bonsai, Another Olive, Plus Two

salI think this tree deserves some attention. Especially the massive shari (trunk deadwood) with its protruding handle and only a hint of a living vein (peeking out lower left and upper left). Then there's the foliage which is somewhat groomed but still free-flowing; giving the tree an informal feel. It might also be worth mentioning that it's slanting style. You don't see nearly as many quality slant style bonsai as you do upright bonsai. Here's the caption that accompanies this photo... "Juniperus (no species given) by Salvador De Los Reyes. Approximately 80 years of age. Added by Gustavo Celayes."

Found this old post (March, 2014) while looking to continue our European olive series (see the tree at the bottom).

This isn’t the first time we’ve featured the bonsai of Salvador de los Reyes (here’s a Before & After from August 2012). Actually that may be a bit misleading because none of the bonsai shown here belong to Salvador, though all four appear among his facebook photos. He worked on the tree above but it doesn’t belong to him (here’s the story in Spanish) and the trees below also belong to other people, though Salador had a hand in at least one of them and possibly all three.

Continued below…

A Popular Wire Special Is Back

500 gram (1.1 lb) Bonsai Wire
now only 8.50 per roll

We’d be amazed if you found a better price anywhere


sal2Beautiful tree, beautiful pot, beautiful companion, beautiful arrangement and excellent photo. I believe Salvador de los Reyes might have taken the photo, but I'm too busy -aka impatient- to suffer the aggravation of researching right now (especially in Spanish), so if anyone knows the whole story.... I do know (or believe I know) that the tree belongs to Jose Manuel Frontan Salas.

There’s a story embedded in this post about just how confusing facebook photos can be, especially if you are interested in attribution. Photos get posted and reposted, sometimes dozens of times and trying to trace them back to the artist often proves to be an exercise in futility and frustration.

sal4Have you ever seen a Carob bonsai? I think I have, but maybe just once before and maybe it was this very tree (memory has it's limits). Here's the caption from facebook: Carob Tree (Ceratonia Silicua) by Salvador de Los Reyes from Spain. Owner, Manolo Vargas. Height: 90 cm. Added by Gustavo Celayes


sal3This somewhat overly groomed tree with its magnificent see-through trunk is also from Salvador de los Reyes facebook photos. Is it an olive? The caption says: Excelente obra maestra propiedad de German Gomez Soler (Excelllent masterpiece owned by German Gomez Soler). BTW: German is his name, not his nationality. It's not clear to me if Salvador ever worked on this tree or photographed it, or just liked it and included it in his facebook photos.

Our Long Awaited
Yoshiaki Bonsai Turntables

just arrived last week


Including our in demand
all-weather turntables


“Keep Calm & Carry On”


Once you get over the fascination with this tree's gigantic girth - and your  reaction (positive, negative or otherwise) - you might notice there's a lot more going on than simply size. This photo and the others shown here belong to Ignazio Giambrone.

European olives and exaggerated trunks are almost synonymous. For some of us, these monsters are worthy of high praise – with their massive girth (and great taper in most cases) – while for others these fat beasts might seem just a tad over the top. Mostly, I count myself in first group. Girth and taper are powerful indicators of age and the will to survive.

No matter how you feel about such massive girth, it would be hard to deny that the impressive wrinkles and crevices that speak of centuries in the searing summer Mediterranean sun and chilly winter winds and driving rain, are an undeniable part of what makes these impressive bonsai worthy of our admiration.

Continued below…

25% to 40% off List Prices

a rich & varied selection of 50 high quality Japanese bonsai tools
including our highest quality Masters Grade Tools

Tools-Koyo1-500x303Koyo – a leading name in Japanese Bonsai Tools



Close up

I found the photos shown here on Ignazio Giambrone’s timeline. His remark reads… “Keep Calm and Carry On.” Good advice for sure, though it does leave some questions unanswered.



The other side



Another close up



Another tree. More bark and less deadwood makes for a different look. Either way, the girth and texture still speaks of great age.

Watering Can Special

Watering Cans Deeply Discounted
but only for a few more days


Watering Cans

Choose from our large selection of high quality

Haws Watering Cans


additional 10% off orders 150.00 or more
and FREE Shipping on Continental U.S. orders 75.00 or more
but only if you choose free shipping when you check out

Muscular Bonsai – Muscular Tools

muscleolive11Old European olives are often full of character as well as muscle, and this one is no exception. I believe the tree belongs to Luis Vallejo, though I couldn't find evidence on his website.

Taking some time to work outside today, so we’ll resurrect an old favorite from our archives. While we’re at, we’ll give a nod to our powerful Green T Turntables.

There’s something compelling about bonsai with powerful trunks. Assuming that I’m not the only one so compelled, below are three more very sturdy bonsai and one very sturdy turntable for your enjoyment.

Wire Special Ends Sunday at Noon EDT

Don’t Be Caught Napping

  1 Kilo (2.2 lb) Bonsai Wire

now only 16.00 per roll

You can never have too much wire
and just in case you’ve been napping
16.00 per roll is a very good price


Myrtus communis by Rui Ferrreira. I’ve never seen a Common myrtle with a heavy trunk, let alone one as massive as this one. The photo is from the EXPOS PORTUGAL – 3º Congresso Federação Portuguesa de Bonsai – Ericeira 2011. You can find it on Kintall’s home page.


The revolutionary & very affordable
Green T Turntables

will enhance your bonsai experience and results


Green T Professional Hydraulic Lift Bonsai Turntables
now 2 models – Green T Basic & Green T Plus

It’s time for another reminder about a powerful and essential tool that will help you work on your trees more efficiently, comfortably and enjoyably. You and your bonsai will be happy you got one. And the price is right…

NOW 10% off with our 150.00+ discount
plus FREE Shipping in the Contininal U.S.
(U.S. only. Orders outside the U.S. will be charged shipping).


Muscle with nine(?) trunks. This Trident, by Jose Machado, shows a nebari kind of muscle, but muscle it is. Also from EXPOS PORTUGAL – 3º Congresso Federação Portuguesa de Bonsai – Ericeira 2011, on Kintall’s home page).



Green T Turntable in action
This massive Mugo pine makes the Green T seem much smaller than it is. The tree belongs to Paolo Riboli and the turntable could belong to you.

25% to 40% off List Prices

a rich & varied selection of 50 high quality Japanese bonsai tools
including our highest quality Masters Grade Tools

Tools-Koyo1-500x303Koyo – a leading name in Japanese Bonsai Tools


More North American Bonsai Excellence


Winner of the Creative Award at the 5th U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition. The tree is a Dwarf Japanese garden juniper (Juniperus procumbens 'Nana') and the artist is Creighton Bostrom. The photo is by Joe Noga, as are all the photos in the 5th U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition Album

To continue where we left off yesterday… we just got our new 2017 5th U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition Album and it’s the best yet. We’ll show two more photos here and leave the rest up to you

Time to Stock Up on Bonsai Wire

  1 Kilo (2.2 lb) Bonsai Wire

now only 16.00 per roll

You can never have too much wire
and just in case you’ve been napping
16.00 per roll is a very good price



This amazing root-on-rock Colorada Blue Spruce won the Nippon Bonsai Association Award. It belongs to our good friend (everyone's good friend) Suthin Sukosolvisit



We would be happy to send your brand new copy of the 5th U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition Album directly to your front door



Watering Cans Deeply Discounted
but only for a few days

Watering Cans

Choose from our large selection of high quality

Haws Watering Cans


additional 10% off orders 150.00 or more
and FREE Shipping on Continental U.S. orders 75.00 or more
but only if you choose free shipping when you check out

North American Bonsai Excellence – The 5th U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition Album Is Here!


Winner of the Finest Bonsai Masterpiece at the 5th U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition. It's a Mountain Hemlock (Tsuga Mertensiana) that belongs to Eric Schikowski. The photo is by Joseph Noga as are all the photos in Exhibition Albums 2-5.

Every two years we get a jolt of bonsai excitement when our copies of the latest U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition Album arrives. This time it’s the 5th Album, and it’s the best yet. This should come as no surprise, bonsai is still relatively new in North America (and much of the world) so steady improvement is to be expected. However, given the exceptional quality this year, maybe expecting continued improvement is a bridge too far. I guess we’ll see…

As always, a bow of gratitude to Bill Valavanis, the passion and force behind all of the U.S. National Bonsai Exhibitions and each of the beautiful and inspirational Albums


Another Mountain Hemlock and another winner. The award is for the Finest Evergreen Bonsai and the artist is Michael Hagedorn (one of our favorites here on Bark). We've shown this tree several times over the years, but this iteration is the best yet.



We would be happy to send your brand new copy of the 5th U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition Album directly to your front door



Michelangelo, Picasso & Other Great Bonsai Artists


Even though we know this tree has been worked by human hands, the link to its natural state hasn't been lost. If anything it has been enhanced. No variety is given, though it looks like a collected juniper.

Back from vacation for well over a week and still locked in mortal combat with paperwork demons. Time for a short cut. This post originally appeared almost exactly one year ago.

Nacho Marin is someone who was already an artist when he discovered bonsai and who brought his vision, talent and experience to the art. And though people often say that we are all artists, still, most of us will never be Michelangelo,* no matter how hard we try…

Fertilizer Special Ends Tomorrow

All Bonsai Fertilizers
25% to 40% off List Prices

ORMIX3-2Most people don’t feed their bonsai nearly enough
Summer growing season is time to fertilize generously
Special ends Thursday at Noon EDT



This sleek bunjin style juniper is also a Nacho tree (as are the other bonsai shown here).

The images shown here are all from Nacho Marin’s facebook photos. For more you can take a look at these Bark posts.


Another remarkable juniper in a drum pot. The strange piece of deadwood at the base really pulls your eye. For a moment I thought it might be a piece of coral or lava.

Because all 4 trees shown here are Junipers…

B1JUN-2-2How-to Juniper bonsai wisdom from the masters
List price 29.95
Now only 19.95



There's some great bonsai south of the border. That's Nacho on the right and Felipe Gonzalez on the left.

*I’m not saying that Nacho is like Michelangelo, but if we can call Dan Robinson the Picasso of Bonsai

Time to Stock Up on Bonsai Wire

  1 Kilo (2.2 lb) Bonsai Wire

now only 16.00 per roll

You can never have too much wire
and just in case you’ve been napping
16.00 per roll is a very good price

additional 10% off orders 150.00 or more
FREE Shipping on Continental U.S. orders 75.00 or more
but only if you choose free shipping when you check out