Encore for a Famous Million Dollar Bonsai


This photo is from Bill Valavanis Bonsai Blog, as are the photos in our last post which featured bonsai by a Mr Funayama (no first name given) at the recent 8th World Bonsai Convention. The display of Mr Funayama's trees was designed by Seiji Morimae.

Here’s what Bill Valavanis wrote about the bonsai above (and below)… “Seiji Morimae and his assistants also maintain the Funayama Collection. A few years ago he (Seiji Morimae) took me to visit Mr. Funayama. During lunch Mr. Funayama showed me an old photograph of one of his prized Japanese five-needle pine bonsai from an exhibition around 1940. The photo was so old that it was in black and white, rather than color. That was the last time it was displayed until the Asia Pacific Bonsai & Suiseki Convention in Takamatsu held in November 2011. Mr. Morimae designed and had handmae in China for this bonsai which was valued at US$1,000,000.”

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This photo and the following caption are from a post we did in November, 2015.... Million dollar bonsai. Here's a mind-bending Japanese white pine that we featured back in 2011 with our original caption: This magnificent White pine was sold at the 11th Asia-Pacific Bonsai and Suiseki Convention & Exhibition in at Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan, earlier this month. As you can see, the asking price was 100,000,000 yen (that’s close to 1.3 million dollars). I don’t know what the actual sales price was. Photo borrowed from Bonsai Tonight. 



Here's a cropped version of the photo at the top of the page. BTW, Bill didn't comment on the scroll and plates, or the Gongshi (Scholar's stone) in the photo at the top of the post, so your guess is as good as mine (maybe better).


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A Walk Through an Exceptional Bonsai Collection


Not only is this a great tree, but is has to qualifies as one of the most unique bonsai we've seen in a while... it's just not often you see three (or is it four?) trunks fused into one. The tree belongs to a Mr Funayama. We borrowed this photo and the others shown here from Bill Valavanis.

The photos shown here all from the Funayama Collection which was on display in a section of private collections at the recent 8th World Bonsai Convention. They were taken by the omnipresent Bill Valavanis. For more, I encourage you to visit Bill’s blog.


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As you can see, this is the Funayama Collection display at the recent 8th WBC. Here's part of what Bill Valavanis wrote about this display... "designed by Seiji Morimae (as) a walk through presentation with two long low boxes filled with sand and many suiseki adorned with moss in the center. Two pines, one on each end of the two long boxes combined with the stones and moss reminded me of scenic Japan. The boxes were surrounded by bonsai with a light yellow background..."


This undulating White pine look like it might be a sinuous root... if you can have a raft with only one trunk (the two trunks on the left look like they might have their own roots)

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This near perfect bonsai is not quite as unusual. In fact, it looks a lot like other clump style Japanese white pines of the highest quality. An old school masterpiece



Most of the trees in the Funayama section were Japanese white pines, but not this one. Bill doesn't say what it is and I won't bother to guess (though if I did guess, I'd say it's an Ezo spruce)

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Spectacular Demo Trees at the 2017 World Bonsai Convention

gtomachiIsao Omachi, his just finished demo tree and a Green T Professional Hydraulic Lift Turntable at this year's World Bonsai Convention

Today it’s time to drive from the Central Coast back to SF, so I hope you don’t mind if we dig back into our archives. It’s a recent one (May 12th) and a bit of an infomercial, but the photo are still very good.

Time to pay another visit to the recent World Bonsai Convention. This time it’s about the demonstrators, their demo trees and the heavy lifting, omnipresent Green T Professional Hydraulic Lift Turntables – the quiet stars of the show.

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That's famous bonsai master, Kunio Kobayashi on the right, getting ready to tackle his monster demo tree. And yes, that's a Green T gamely holding the behemoth up. The after shot is below

All the photos shown here are from Green T professional bonsai turntable on facebook. And just in case you suspect that this entire post may be an infomercial, well… Stone Lantern is your North American source for Green Ts… and as informercials go, you gotta admit you’re still getting our usual bonsai rich content (and it’s free!)



Another famous bonsai master, Shinji Suzuki, his demo tree and yes, another Green T Turntable



Both the Basic and the Plus, Green T Professional Hydraulic Lift Turntables are 10% off at Stone Lantern



Akiyama Minoru, his demo tree and of course, another Green T

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Thumbs up for Bjorn, his demo tree and its supporting Green T



The Magician with his rock planting and another omnipresent Green T



After. Kunio Kobayashi's monster pine from above. Still perched on its Green T

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Boon’s Black Pine, Before & After


A Japanese black pine after some serious trimming. If you look at the photo just below, you might notice that there has also been some serious needle reduction. The tree and the photos in this post belong to Boon Manakitivipart (aka Bonsai Boon).

Yesterday we featured Boon, our famous bonsai teacher to the teachers, so why not just keep going? We’re on vacation, so both yesterday’s and today’s (June 2014) are from our archives.

The first two photos shown here provide a simple before and after on a Japanese black pine. As you can see it’s a remarkable tree. I was especially taken with the deeply striated bark and the way it flows into the nebari.

Another thing that struck me about this tree is just how far American bonsai has come. It wasn’t that long ago when a Black pine of this caliber could only be Japanese.
Continued below…

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Just before trimming and cleaning up.

If you want to see the entire progression you can visit Boon on facebook (here and here).


This one is labeled August 2001, before. We'll assume it's right after Boon got the tree from Lone Pine Gardens (you'll have to ask Boon for the details).
boon12005Shaping up. This one is labeled January 2005. At the risk of stating the obvious, you might notice the two sacrifice branches. They are there to strengthen the apex by drawing energy up.

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May 2013. Almost there. It has been over eight years and one of the sacrifice branches is still there. I suspect it has done its job and is about to be removed.


boon2015Back to the future. Boon labeled this August 2015. But upon cross examination he admitted that he was rushing the future.



If you'd like to know a lot more about Pines, this is the book for you. List price 34.95 - Now on Special Only 24.95

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Bonsai by Boon

B1JUNBoonSierraThis Sierra juniper by Boon Manakitivipart is one of three trees by Boon that appears in the gallery section of our Masters' Series Juniper book.

Still on vacation. Right now it’s California’s Central Coast, with its Elephant seals and pure blue sunny skies (last time I checked it was 50 degrees and raining at home). Anyway, vacation time is usually archive time. This one is originally from November, 2015.

Boon Manakitivipart (Bonsai Boon) is a well-known and highly respected bonsai artist and teacher (a teacher’s teacher). He also has the distinction of having three of his trees in our Juniper book. All three and a couple others appear here. Including one that is on the cover of our final Bonsai Today issue from way back in 2007.
Continud below…

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This simple, natural looking tree is a Rough bark Shore juniper (Jun procumbens sp.). It's also by Boon and it also appears in our Juniper book.

At least four of the trees (maybe all five) shown here are yamadori (bonsai that were originally collected in the wild) and four of the five are from North America’s western mountains ranges (the Shore juniper just below is native to Japan and judging by the bark, is probably a yamadori).


boon1rocky mountain juniper

Though we showed this one yesterday, it completes the three Boon trees in our Juniper book, so we'll include it here as well. It's a Rocky mountain juniper with a very distinctive piece of deadwood hanging on the trunk.

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This California juniper, also by Boon, is not from our Juniper book. We had well over a hundred choices for the gallery, so some very worthy trees were left off.


boon3sierra juniper 3

This one, also by Boon and also not in our Juniper book, does have the distinction of being on the cover of our final issue of Bonsai Today (issue 108). It's a Sierra juniper.



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The Tao of Bonsai

robert680This famous three-tiered tree, is a good example of how a bonsai can express both movement and stillness. All three tiers, bottom, top and middle move to the right, yet the overall effect is one of balance and stillness. Our friend and associate Robert Steven is the artist.

This post originally appeared in February, 2011. It’s one of dozens of Bark posts on the bonsai of Robert Steven, a long time leader in promoting and advancing the art of bonsai. The trees shown here are from Robert’s facebook photos.

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A simple tree with gnarled time-twisted trunk leans into darkness


Sentient trees in a ancient forest, a floating world

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The Tao of Bonsai

robert680This famous three-tiered tree, is a good example of how a bonsai can express both movement and stillness. All three tiers, bottom, top and middle move to the right, yet the overall effect is one of balance and stillness. Our friend and associate Robert Steven is the artist.

This post originally appeared in February, 2011. It’s one of dozens of Bark posts on the bonsai of Robert Steven, a long time leader in promoting and advancing the art of bonsai. The trees shown here are from Robert’s facebook photos.

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A simple tree with gnarled time-twisted trunk leans into darkness


Sentient trees in a ancient forest, a floating world

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Little Bonsai Beans


The sweet little Japanese maple belongs to Hiroshi Kunii. Hiroshi calls the pot Maru (circle in Japanese).

The tiniest bonsai are called Mame in Japanese (bean in English) and the little trees shown here certainly qualify. They (including the pots) are by Hiroshi Kunii, who is new to us. A noble addition to our list of Japanese bonsai artists and potters.

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Here's part of Hiroshi's caption (computer translated from Japanese)... Lesser Spindle (Euonymus Alatus), Shooting date: May 18, 2017, Height: 9.5 cm, Maru Bonsai Pot, Diameter 7.1 cm x height 3.8 cm, It's a cuttings of 10 in mini bonsai



Here's part of the computer translation for this one... Crape Myrtles (Lagerstroemia Indica), hundred days Red Bonsai, Shooting date: May 14, 2017, Height: 9.5 cm, Maru Bonsai Pot / Masako: Diameter 7.2 cm x height 3.4 cm. Of beautiful crape myrtles in the sense that the trees are good fun



Continuing with Hiroshi's computer translated captions... Boston Ivy (Parthenocissus), Height: 15.3 cm. The Old Fat Trunk Bonsai on the back of the ivy house. The Green has become a little bit darker



Hiroshi's caption... Beni Rosewood (Cotoneaster horizontalis), Height: 4.4 cm, It is a little bonsai with the roots of Red Rosewood. A little flower has come in bloom



This one reads... Elm Zelkova (Ulmus parvifolia), Round Bonsai: 5.7 cm tall. It's a little bonsai for elm trees



This one is a Japanese quince (Chaenomeles japonica), so I'm not sure why the translated caption reads... Green G (grass) Bonsai... Height: 5.8 cm, Maru Bonsai Pot / Masako: Diameter 7.4 cm x height 3.6 cm, It is a beans of beans



Another computer translated caption... White Flower Butterfly Juba Lee-N1, Longevity Mei Bonsai (CHAENOMELES SPECIOSA) 'Chojubai' Bonsai. Height: 5.9 cm, Maru Bonsai Pot. White Juba Juba Juba

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Flowering Bonsai & an American in Tokyo

quince1Not a prize winner, but still a mind stopper. Here's what Bill Valavanis has to say about this remarkable quince: "An unusual cultivar of Japanese flowering quince. This is NOT the Toyo Nishiki cultivar, but rather 'Takane Nishiki'. Beautiful flowers, unusual container, but I personally do not like the design of the bonsai, so enjoyed the blossoms."

Vacation time is archive time (with some new posts thrown in). This one is from July, 2011. I was looking for something more on Doug Paul’s Kennett Collection (see yesterday). The tree below is his, and the tree above has beautiful flowers and a strikingly ornate pot. So why not?


Bonsai Books August 2016Most of our Books have been reduced
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many are doubly discounted


 dougAn American in Tokyo. Sargent's juniper (aka Shimpaku) displayed by Doug Paul of Pennsylvania (The Kennett Collection). You don't see many American exhibitors at Kokufu; this is the second that I know of and both are Doug. The other, a hemlock, is from Isao Omachi (bonsai at Kokufu and other Japanese exhibitions are listed by own rather than artist). 

The two photos shown here are by Bill Valavanis, from his visit earlier this year (2011) to the Kokufu Bonsai Exhibition in Tokyo, still the best bonsai show in the world. You can find Bill’s whole story (with comments) on the Internet Bonsai Club site.

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A Very Impressive North American Bonsai Collection


Fantastic tree! It belongs to Doug Paul (Mr. Kennett Collection). This photo is from the famous Kokufu Exhibition in Tokyo. It's a great honor to have a tree accepted to Kokufu; only a handful of North Americans have had that honor.

Today we’ve got a few photos from Doug Paul’s Kennett Collection, no doubt one of the foremost bonsai collections in North America. The collection – with the exception of any trees Doug keeps in Japan -resides in Kennett Square PA.

Continued below…

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This impressive exposed-root tree is a Trident maple. The leaves are dead giveaway.

If you’d like to learn more about the Collection, you can visit their facebook timeline or their website. I’m on vacation, so I won’t bother to research the types of trees shown here (the facebook photos don’t say), but I will make some semi-educated guesses.



I don't know what this multi trunk beast is, but I'm very impressed by the nebari



This would be an impressive tree even without the brilliant leaves. Speaking of, have you ever seen such bright yellow and red leaves on the same tree at the same time? Some of the sugar maples around here (Vermont) do that in the fall, but maybe not quite as brightly contrasted as these leaves (almost looks shopped a bit)



Japanese maple. Another colorful display



How often do you see a formal upright Azalea? I think the trunk is the result of bundling a bunch of saplings (whips) together

One thing you can be sure of is
all the trees above have been well-fed

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