Soft & Squishy


Juan Andrade's caption for this photo is... "Keto, mochi and wet cement. Soft and squishy was today's theme." We'll skip the mochi and wet cement for now, and focus on the Keto. BTW: I don't know if you noticed, but this is a very unusual tree (eccentric works)... one feature that stands out is the trunk's horizontal thrust and then the sudden shift to vertical. This abrupt effect is softened by all the movement. In particular the way the live vein snakes along the deadwood and the curlicue vertical section. There are other striking peculiarities, but we'll leave those to you.
The photo above is from Juan Andrade’s timeline. What follows is a discussion in the comments on Juan’s post and a definition of Keto.
Neil Dellinger…Juan- why the keto over the soil when the tree is in a pot? I know it is necessary for rock plantings- can you explain please. Thanks!”
Juan Andrade…Hi Neil! Oyakata wants this tree growing slow and tight. And it becomes natural looking faster too, if you plant shredded moss on top.
Neil Dellinger…thanks Juan. So does the keto prevents it from needing watered as frequently? Just trying to understand how this technique achieves the result
See below for a definition of Keto…

One Day Sale

30% off Bonsai Books
Japanese garden books too
Bonsai Books August 2016don’t blink!

this sale ends tomorrow, Saturday at noon EDT


juancuClose up of the deadwood and the keto on the soil surface. BTW...Juan doesn't mention the type Juniper and the foliage is a little fuzzy and my eyes aren't that good, so we'll spare you our guess.
Keto defined by Kaizen Bonsai… “Often called Japanese peat clay or peat muck. This unique product is neither peat or clay. Keto comes from rotting vegetation lying deep in waterlogged ground, typically rice paddies. The material has soft clay like qualities but unlike clay will not cause water to puddle. Use when constructing plantings on slabs or rocks. Use to build a retaining wall to contain standard growing medium and create landscape profiles prior to the application of moss covering. In time the trees roots will grow into the Keto and moss and bind everything together.


Two Day Sale

30% off Okatsune bonsai & garden tools

okatsune…the creme of the creme
Bonsai Books August 2016don’t blink twice!

this sale ends Sunday at noon EDT

additional 10% off orders 150.00 or more
FREE Shipping on Continental U.S. orders 75.00 or more
but only if you choose free shipping when you check out


A Study in Deadwood


A great tree for a study in deadwood. It's a Juniper procumben from Luis Vallejo's website. I cropped the photo a bit, but you can see the full size original just below.

Very busy right now with little time to put together a new post. Yesterday it was the remarkably talented Luis Vallejo’s bonsai, so today we’ll stay on the same track. This post originally appeared in June, 2015.

I just spent the last digital hour or so wandering around Luis Vallejo’s Bonsai Studio (Estudio de Bonsai) and his Bonsai Museum (Museo del Bonsai). Given just how prolific Luis is, we need to narrow our focus for this post. So I’ve decided to feature two Junipers with great deadwood.

Koyo Tool Sale extended one day

(see below)

3 Day Roshi Sale ends tonight

30% to 40% off Roshi Bonsai Tools

TM-Roshi Banner

30% off 1-2 Tools  –  40% off 3 or more

don’t blink

this special ends tonight, Thursday at 11:59pm EDT



The tree above the way it appears on Luis Vallejo's website. I picked this tree because it's beautiful and because it shows truly remarkable deadwood. Not overstated but strong and in good proportion to the rest of the tree. And white! (blame it on lime sulfur). Sometimes when deadwood is too white it looks unnatural, but it works here. And then there's that snaky dead branch on the right.



A fuzzy deadwood close-up (mea culpa) with guy wires.

Tanuki? I don’t think the tree above is a tanuki (phoenix graft), but you can’t tell from the photos one way or the other. Many people frown on phoenix grafts, but some people accept them as a legitimate bonsai technique.



Powerful (to say the least) fluid sculpted deadwood with a strong living vein and some playful action lower right. This one is a Chinese juniper (Juniperus chinensis). Looks like the Shimpaku variety.



If you're interested in learning about deadwood, this excellent book by Francois Jeker is the place to go (short of a workshop with Francois, that is).

Koyo Tool Sale ends tonight

20% off Koyo Japanese Bonsai Tools

a small sampling of our approximately 50 Koyo tools
this special was extended one day and now
ends tonight, Thursday, at 11:59pm EDT

additional 10% off orders 150.00 or more
FREE Shipping on Continental U.S. orders 75.00 or more
but only if you choose free shipping when you check out


The Difference High Quality Professional Photos Can Make – Especially with Such High Quality Bonsai



This and the other trees in this post are from Luis Vallejo's Bonsai Collection. The caption for these (and some others not shown here) is "Some of the Bonsai trees that will be displayed at the Bonsai San Show. Saulieu . October 2017 - Luis Vallejo Bonsai Collection - Photos By Miguel Krause"

Luis Vallejo didn’t list the varieties when he posted these remarkable photos, and because I’m still licking my wounds from the fiasco of Sunday’s post, I’m going to dispense with any guessing today. But don’t worry (not that you were), I’ll recover soon enough and resume guessing until the next humiliating episode…
Continued below…

Koyo Tool Sale ends tonight

(see below)


3 Day Roshi Sale ends tomorrow night

30% to 40% off Roshi Bonsai Tools

TM-Roshi Banner

30% off 1-2 Tools  –  40% off 3 or more

don’t blink

this special ends Thursday at 11:59pm EDT





We’re including a closeup of each tree along with the original photo. We can do this without distortion because the high quality professional photos by Miguel Krause make it possible. If only everyone could afford professional photographers for their bonsai, it would make our job a lot easier




Our Bonsai Soil
is all bagged & ready to ship

SASQAkadama Japanese Bonsai Soil
Kamuna Japanese Azalea Soil

Lava & Pumice for mixing your own
& a Japanese favorite…
Aoki blended volcanic soils








Koyo Tool Sale ends tonight

20% off Koyo Japanese Bonsai Tools

a small sampling of our approximately 50 Koyo tools
this special ends tonight, Wednesday, at 11:59pm EDT

additional 10% off orders 150.00 or more
and FREE Shipping on Continental U.S. orders 75.00 or more
but only if you choose free shipping when you check out

Saburo Kato, Bonsai Master for the Ages


This very large forest was on display at last month's World Bonsai Convention in Japan. It was originally created by Saburo Kato, who was one of the original old masters of Japanese bonsai. One of the things Mr Kato was known for Ezo spruce forests, so we'll assume that this planting is an Ezo as well. The photo was borrowed from Mark Fields, one of our lucky friends who made the trip to Japan.

It has been a while since we featured the bonsai of Saburo Kato, one of the most accomplished and most revered of the old Japanese bonsai masters

I only saw Saburo Kato once. It was in 2005 at the WBC (World Bonsai Convention) in Washington DC. I was busy selling books and magazines when he walked by. He was very old and thin, with an air of dignity. I was so taken by surprise that I blurted out “Kato san!”  He stopped for a moment, smiled and moved on. That was it, nothing more. Yet I can still see that moment and my embarrassment at just blurting out his name… incorrectly no less (san is the basic term of respect you might accord almost anyone). What would have been appropriate is Kato sama (an honorific used to address someone of much higher rank than oneself) or Kato sensei (teacher). Next time the greatest bonsai master of his generation (who happens to be almost twice my age) walks by, I’ll get it right.

NEW 3 Day Sale

30% to 40% off Roshi Bonsai Tools

TM-Roshi Banner

30% off 1-2 Tools, 40% off 3 or more

don’t blink

this special ends Thursday at 11:59pm EDT



Same forest, different perspective. Both this photo and the one above include people, which helps when it comes to realizing just how immense this planting is. The photo was sent to us by Felix Laughlin, who is, in addition to being another lucky friend, the President of the U.S. National Bonsai Foundation.



Close up. Realistically sized ground cover is an important piece in most great forest bonsai. This photo was also taken by Felix Laughlin.



The Remotest Hill, Mr Kato's most famous Ezo spruce forest from the cover of his internationally renowned book, Forest, Rock Planting & Ezo Spruce Bonsai. Here's Mr Kato's caption: "Ezo spruce (Picea glehnii). Sixty years ago I often traveled with my father to Ezo spruce in the large virgin forests on Kunashir Island off the cooast of Hokkaido. I selected the finest material to create this bonsai entitled The Remotest Hill."



This exquisite mixed forest is also from Forest, Rock Planting & Ezo Spruce Bonsai



This photo of another Ezo spruce forest is from an untranslated Japanese book on Mr. Kato’s bonsai that his son Hatsuji sent us in appreciation for a gift we sent Mr. Kato’s family when he passed away in 2008



Saburo Kato's unrivaled masterful bonsai book
List price 34.95, now on special for only 24.00

Koyo Tool Sale ends tomorrow night

20% off Koyo Japanese Bonsai Tools

a small sampling of our approximately 50 Koyo tools

additional 10% off orders 150.00 or more
and FREE Shipping on Continental U.S. orders 75.00 or more
but only if you choose free shipping when you check out

Bonsai Ethics & Livelihood


I think this magnificent tree is a Japanese beech. It's from Bonsaimania. All it says is: La foto de este bonsái pertenece al álbum de Jordi Escaler (The photo belongs to Jordi Escaler's album). As far as I know, neither Bonsaimania or Jordi Escaler are Japanese, yet anyone who knows about Japanese bonsai will readily recognize this as almost certainly Japanese.(whoops - according to Aleksander Dechnik Vázquez this tree is a Carpinus Turczaninovii (Korean hornbeam), that won the award of merit at Noelanders Trophy XIII, and is owned by Germán Gómez Soler - now my only defense is a guess that the tree originally came from Japan). When I tried to follow the link provided, 'content unavailable' came up. When I searched Jordi Escaler bonsai, I struck out.

Yesterday we posted about attribution (or lack of it) and promised we’d continue the discussion today. So here it is… some new thoughts on the topic and some old thoughts as well (from a 2010 post titled, The Attribution Question).

Social media is full of unattributed photos of bonsai. Often, what appears to be attribution is just a mention of where the photo was found. But as often as not, this source is not the artist or the photographer, but simply someone else who found the photo somewhere, liked it and put it up.

Continued below…

Kilo Bonsai Wire Sale Ends Tonight

30% off 2 or more rolls kilo bonsai wire


only 15.05 each

don’t blink

this special ends tonight, Monday at 11:59pm EDT


I don’t know too much about the limits of copyright laws and how they pertain to posting photos online (I do know that you can challenge a post that violates copyright on facebook)… however, would you like to see one of your trees posted by John Doe with a discussion of how great John’s bonsai is?

Seeing your bonsai attributed to someone else can’t make you happy, but beyond that, wouldn’t it be helpful to simply know who the artist is? To me this seems like a basic piece of information that might prove useful… you could look up the artist and see what else they’re up too. Or you might want to discuss the tree with the artist, or even see about purchasing one of their trees.

This brings us to the question of livelihood. There are an increasing number of people who make their living off selling their bonsai as well as teaching, doing demos and writing about bonsai. Obviously, the more attribution the better for these artists, teachers and authors. After all, making a living at art isn’t that easy. And having potential customers think that your art belongs to someone else, or simply not knowing that a tree belongs to you, can’t help.


I cropped and blew up the photo above because I wanted a closer look at the details. But the fuzzy result is questionable and may violate the integrity the of the photographer's work. Is this another ethical issue?

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Don’t Be that Person!


This lovely tree will have to remain a mystery. The person who posted it doesn't say anything about it, including where he or she found it, so we'll return the favor.

If you’ve been reading Bonsai Bark for a while, you may be aware of my occasional rants (gentle rants I hope) about failure to attribute bonsai to the artists and provide other pertinent information about the trees. And yes, as you suspect, we’re talking about social media.

I think this is mostly just laziness. Somewhere in the course of a photo’s journey from one person’s timeline to the next, someone knew who the artist or owner was and failed to mention their name (this goes for other information about any given tree). Don’t be that person!

3 Day Kilo Bonsai Wire Sale

30% off 2 or more rolls kilo bonsai wire


only 15.05 each

don’t blink

this special ends tomorrow, Monday at 11:59pm EDT


There’s plenty to say about why attribution and other pertinent info on any given tree is important, but we’ll save that for tomorrow. Meanwhile, with the next tree, it’s kinda personal…

Just received this note from Tony BonsaiFirst tree is called Baeckea Frutescens. Native to Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. Most of the stylists for these trees can’t speak read or write English which would explain a lot why trying to acquire info about these are near to impossible.” Thanks Tony… this explains part of the problem and also begs some questions (more later).


I found this photo the same place as the other two shown here. I happen to know it's copyrighted (originally by Kindai Bonsai) and later by Stone Lantern's Bonsai Today magazine and still later by Stone Lantern when it was shown in our Pine book. So, technically posting it without permission is violation of copyright laws. But that being what it is, what troubles me is the lack of common courtesy by whoever first failed to list the source. I could complain about the lack of effort to find out by all the subsequent posters, but you might notice that I haven't done that with two of the photos shown here, so I'll hold my tongue.

Speaking of our Pine Book…


Full of useful how-to fully illustrated instuctions
enhanced by photos of some of the world’s greatest masterpiece bonsai
list price 34.95
Special Only 24.95



One more unattributed bonsai that you might like...

No Matter Where You Go, Sooner or Later You’ll Find Walter

Sabina1This tall, wild looking Sabina juniper was styled by Walter Pall. The photo is from The Art of Bonsai Project. The pot is by Bryan Albright.

Got a load of topsoil coming this morning, so we need to make this quick, and what could be quicker than borrowing from our archives? This one is from October 2013.

“No matter where you go, there you are” (Buckaroo Banzai) could be paraphrased, “no matter where you go on the web, sooner or later you’ll find Walter Pall ” (the Buckaroo of European Bonsai?). Walter is both prolific and very good at what he does. In this case, what he does is style some Sabina junipers, a bonsai species that may be common in Europe, but is little-known here in North America.

3 Day Kilo Bonsai Wire Sale

30% off 2 or more rolls kilo bonsai wire


30% off 21.50 is only 15.05

30% off 19.50 (some rolls are already discounted) is only 13.65

don’t blink

this special ends Monday at 11:59pm EDT


This Sabina is from a post on Walter's Bonsai Adventures. The tree was collected in Austria in 1997.

Here’s what Wikipedia has to say about Sabina junipers: “Juniperus sabina (Savin Juniper or Savin) is a species of juniper native to the mountains of central and southern Europe and western and central Asia, from Spain east to eastern Siberia, typically growing at altitudes of 1,000-3,300 m.” This might help explain the ‘little known here in North America” piece.


This is a stock photo of a cascading Sabina with a somewhat ‘in training’ look. The caption says, “Sabina juniper, Juniperus sabina, 50 cm high, 80 cm long, 100 years old, collected in Austria, styled by Walter Pall.

Clearance & Super Specials

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Famous Bonsai Artists, their Demo Trees & the Omnipresent Green T Professional Hydraulic Lift Bonsai Turntables


Bonsai Master Masahiko Kimura's rock planting perched on a Green T Professional Hydraulic Lift Turntable at last month's World Bonsai Convention

Time to pay another visit to last month’s World Bonsai Convention. This time it’s about the demonstrators, their demo trees and the heavy lifting, omnipresent Green T Professional Hydraulic Lift Turntables – the quiet stars of the show.
Continued below…

2 Day Fertilizer Sale Ends Tonight

40% off our large selection of
Bonsai Fertilizers

ORMIX3-2two thing to know…

40% off is a lot…

…and don’t blink
this special ends tonight (Friday) at 11:59pm EDT



That's famous bonsai master, Kunio Kobayashi on the right, getting ready to tackle his monster demo tree. And yes, that's a Green T gamely holding the behemoth up. The after shot is below

All the photos shown here are from Green T professional bonsai turntable on facebook. And just in case you suspect that this entire post may be an infomercial, well… Stone Lantern is your North American source for Green Ts… and as informercials go, you gotta admit you’re still getting our usual bonsai rich content (and it’s free!)


Isao Omachi, his just finished demo tree and a Green T Turntable



Another famous bonsai master, Shinji Suzuki, his demo tree and yes, another Green T Turntable



Both the Basic and the Plus, Green T Professional Hydraulic Lift Turntables are 10% off at Stone Lantern



Akiyama Minoru, his demo tree and of course, another Green T



Thumbs up for Bjorn, his demo tree and its supporting Green T



The Magician with his rock planting and another omnipresent Green T



After. Kunio Kobayashi's monster pine from above. Still perched on its Green T


30% off Bonsai Aesthetics Tools

a small sampling of our 35 different Bonsai Aesthetics Tools

additional 10% off orders 150.00 or more
and FREE Shipping on Continental U.S. orders 75.00 or more
but only if you choose free shipping when you check out


A Juniper, Two Pines & an Unusual Flowering Tree


This stately (and sturdy) Shimpaku belongs to Suthin Sukosolvisit. Looks like the lime sulfur is fairly fresh and the bark was recently brushed, so I'm going to guess Suthin was preparing for a show when this picture was taken. He still has to dress up the soil surface and oil the pot, though I'd bet these were next on his list.

It’s our old friend Suthin today. I’d feel remiss if we didn’t feature his trees every few weeks. There’s no particular theme to this collection (a juniper, two pines and an uncommon flowering tree). Except maybe that they are all somewhat unusual trees (each in its own way) and they all belong to Suthin.

NEW 2 Day Fertilizer Sale

40% off our large selection of
Bonsai Fertilizers

ORMIX3-2two thing to know…

40% off is a lot…

…and don’t blink, this special ends tomorrow (Friday) night


I think we might have shown this pine before, but it's worth another shot



I don't think we've ever shown this one. It's bit eccentric with the large gnarled trunk-base. Is its unusual growth a result of damage by insects or fungi (or both)?


SUTYELHow many bonsai with yellow flowers have you seen? This one is a Siberian pea-tree (Caragana arborescens), a type tree we've never shown and that you don't see everyday. 


30% off Bonsai Aesthetics Tools

a small sampling of our 35 different Bonsai Aesthetics Tools

additional 10% off orders 150.00 or more
and FREE Shipping on Continental U.S. orders 75.00 or more
but only if you choose free shipping when you check out



Not Exactly Bonsai, but Close Enough

magI know this is a bonsai blog and this isn't a bonsai, but it's close enough. You might call it something like a giant Penjing style landscape. Or maybe just an exceptional landscape planting (probably Chinese) and leave it at that. I found on at a place call Bonsai Mag. They don't provide much information about who they are, or about this photo. Just heard from Dennis (one of our subscribers), that it belongs to Lâm Ng?c Vinh

Yesterday and day before we featured Harmut Muenchebach’s brilliant Bavarian backyard bonsai garden. Today we’ll continue the landscape theme with the garden above that we found on a place called Bonsai Mag (facebook of course).

3 Day Wire Sale Ends Tonight

40% off 2 or more 500 gram Bonsai Aesthetic Wire
only 8.70 per roll

and just in case you’re new to this
8.70 is a price designed to make any bonsai lover happy

this special ends tonight, Wednesday at 11:59pm EDT



We've divided the shot above into two parts for a closer view. A little fuzz resulted, but I think it's worth it. It's hard to tell if that sumptuous flowing red Japanese maple is one or more trees (I suspect more than one).




30% off Bonsai Aesthetics Tools

a small sampling of our 35 different Bonsai Aesthetics Tools

additional 10% off orders 150.00 or more
and FREE Shipping on Continental U.S. orders 75.00 or more
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