Best of Show Bonsai – part 2


Noelanders Trophy award; Best of Show. A Juniperus Sabina by Xavier Massanet. I'm sure someone will clue me in, but I'm a little confused about how there can be two Best of Show trees (see yesterday's post).

The first day of a quick two day escape, so we’ll make this short and sweet.

Today we have the second Noelanders Trophy Best of Show Bonsai. As mentioned yesterday, thank you to Bonsai Empire for the exceptional photos and thanks also to Mark Noelanders for putting together a world class bonsai extravaganza.

Continued below…

Here’s the Wire Sale you’ve been waiting for…

25% to 30% off Kilo Rolls
of Bonsai Aesthetics Wire

Wire32-500x159125% off 1-5 kilo rolls
30% off 6 or more

plus an extra 10% off all Stone Lantern orders 100.00+

and FREE Shipping on all U.S. orders 50.00+

be sure to select Free Shipping when you check out



An unusual split trunk. As you can see, there's living veins on both trunks (half trunks?), even though, if you look at the photo above, it's hard to tell if there's any living foliage on the right side.


N2AWith companions

If you want to master Bonsai
start by mastering the Art of Watering

20% off Watering Cans
Watering Wands & Nozzles
Watering Cans

Trophy Time and the Year of the Yew


Noelanders Trophy award; Best of Show. A Taxus cuspidata (Japanese yew) by Bonsai Museum Alcobendas. Can we assume that the artist is Luis Vallejo? It's not really kosher to cut off part of pot, but who's to complain? Bonsai Empire once again wins the award for fastest bonsai news scoop, and we'll take what we can get. Gratefully.

Up late last night* and now I’m trying to get out of town for a brief Montreal mid-winter epicurean extravaganza… so we’ll make this short.

We have a Noelanders Trophy Best of Show Bonsai (actually there are two, but we’ll save the second for later). Thank you to Bonsai Empire for their usual hyper-sonic job putting up a slew of exceptional photos. Oscar doesn’t waste time. And thanks also to Mark Noelanders for putting together a world class bonsai extravaganza. Year in and year out.

Continued below…

Here’s the Wire Sale you’ve been waiting for…

20% to 25% off Kilo Rolls
of Bonsai Aesthetics Wire

Wire32-500x159120% off 1-5 kilo rolls
25% off 6 or more

plus an extra 10% off all Stone Lantern orders 100.00+

and FREE Shipping on all U.S. orders 50.00+

be sure to select Free Shipping when you check out



The rest of the pot and the base of the trunk.

BTW: The Year of the Yew reference in the title has to do with how many superior Yew bonsai we’ve seen and shown lately.


winnerwothersBest of show and friends.

*Don’t waste your time reading this self serving footnote… but if you must, I have to mention the Superbowl as a long time New England resident (since 1980). What’s worse, I’m lifelong 49ere fan due to a fortunate accident of birth. So that make nine…

If you want to master Bonsai, master the Art of Watering

20% off Watering Cans
Watering Wands & Nozzles
Watering Cans

Sheer Bonsai Beauty


The black background provides a perfect contrast to the sheer white flowers. This Hawthorn bonsai belongs to Hans Van Meer. He doesn't say what the the variety is but the flower looks like a Common hawthorn* (Crataegus monogyna). The pot is by Dan Barton

Here’s another post I dug out of our archives (heavily edited to spare you unnecessary words). It’s from June, 2015. Both of the bonsai featured here are from the bonsai blog of Hans Van Meer.

Continued below…

Here’s the Wire Sale you’ve been waiting for…

20% to 25% off Kilo Rolls
of Bonsai Aesthetics Wire

Wire32-500x159120% off 1-5 kilo rolls
25% off 6 or more

plus an extra 10% off all Stone Lantern orders 100.00+

and FREE Shipping on all U.S. orders 50.00+

be sure to select Free Shipping when you check out


Another Hawthorn by Hans. Same species. The trunk is more interesting on this one, but both trees are stunning with their brilliant white flowers. This time the pot is by Brian Albright.



Wikipedia says these are Common hawthorn flowers, which pretty much cinches that the trees above are in fact Crataegus monogyna.

*Common Hawthorn is often referred to as English hawthorn.

25% off Okatsune Bonsai & Garden Tools

The choice of Japanese Professionals
Sale ends Sunday night at 11:59pm EST
Okatsune Tools
cut like butter & last forever

Bonsai Nibbler & The Foundations of Bonsai


A piece of a European Larch that was carved by Harry Harrington with his Bonsai Nibbler. Here's Harry's caption: "Images of a European Larch I carved and styled last year, with the help of a Bonsai Nibbler fitted to a Dremel multi-tool!"

We’ve been featuring Harry Harrington a lot lately. Not only have we long been fans of Harry’s unique and innovative bonsai, but his book The Foundations of Bonsai is due to arrive at our warehouse early next week.*

Bonsai Aesthetic Tool Sale Ends Tonight

30% off Bonsai Aesthetics Tools
TKBA5V40030% off our already low prices

a great opportunity to upgrade your tool selection
this sale ends at 11:59pm EST tonight


The whole tree, carved and wired to the tips. This image and the other images of this tree are from Harry Harrington's facebook feed.



This soft, simple round pot goes perfectly with the soft and fluid lines of the tree. The moss doesn't hurt either.



Harry's unique and practical book, The Foundations of Bonsai is in Boston Harbor and due here early next week.* Order yours now for first-come-first-serve delivery.

*For those of you who have pre-ordered, The Foundations of Bonsai was originally slated to be here almost a month ago, but paperwork and other issues conspired to hold it up. We have now been assured that it will show up at our warehouse early next week. Thank you for your patience!



This impressive Sabamiki was carved with Harry's Bonsai Nibbler.


Nibblers. Visit Harry's bonsai4me shop for more on these amazing bits


20% to 25% off Kilo Bonsai Aesthetics Wire
Wire32-500x159120% off 1-5 kilo rolls
25% off 6 or more

plus an extra 10% off all Stone Lantern orders 100.00+

and FREE Shipping on all U.S. orders 50.00+

be sure to select Free Shipping when you check out


DarkHorseBjorva1What a great photo. The tree is a Japanese black pine from post titled 'The Dark Horse' on the Bjorvala Bonsai Studio blog. The full tree and pot are shown below.

Busy day today, so it’s a good time to dig back into our archives. This one originally appeared in 2013. It was titled ‘Drifting a Little Farther Afield.’

There’s really not much theme with this post, other than a digital tour of some bonsai blogs/websites. So we’ll leave it at that… except to say that we’re drifting a little farther afield than we usually do.

Continued below…

Yoshiaki Japanese Tool & Wire Sales

20% of Yoshiaki Tools, Turntables, Sieves & Wire

Sales Ends Tonight, February 2nd, at 11:59pm EST

pot22I have a soft spot for hand painted bonsai pots. This one is from the 'for sale' section of Ryan Bell's Japanese Bonsai Pots Blog. Here's the caption: "Echizen Hosui 5-color painted pot, with original Turmeric cloth stamped by artist. 5.6" by 4" by 1.6". SOLD!" (too bad about the sold part). When you see just how small the pot is, the painting is that much more impressive.

boon9Sierra juniper by Boon. We featured one of Boon's Sierra junipers (J. occidenatalis) on the cover of our very last issue of Bonsai Today (issue 108, back in 2007). Boon calls this one Kirin.

I don’t know if you are interested, but, in addition to being a Japanese beer… “The Kirin is a legendary Asian creature similar to the Western unicorn. It is said to look like a horse, with the tail of a lion and golden scales on its body. It has golden fiery manes and a head looking like a cross between horse and dragon. It has a single horn on its forehead in most depictions (courtesy of Anwers). Can you see it?

THE Book on Juniper Bonsai

b1jun-2Our Masters Series Juniper book has a wealth of do-it-yourself
by the Old Masters, including one whole chapter on Rock plantings
list price 29.95
Don’t fall asleep, this special will end tomorrow


raft5I can't be sure if this is a Hinoki (Chamaecyparis obtusa) or an Arborvitae (Thuja, aka Cedar). There are plentiful varieties of each, and sometimes they look quite similar. If it's a Hinoki, I don't think I've ever seen one that's raft-style. Actually, the same goes if it's a Cedar. Whatever it is, it was one of the trees shown at the 2013 Swindon Winter Image Show (in the U.K.). I found it on the Bonsai-Passion blog.


To my somewhat unsophisticated eyes, this is a truly remarkable stone. Though we almost never show Suiseki and Gongshi (Japanese and Chinese for viewing stones) on Bark, we used to feature them in Bonsai Today now and then. As you probably know, there is a bonsai tie-in with suiseki, especially when it comes to display. In fact, this one is from a fall Tokonoma display at the National Bonsai and Penjing Museum. It was featured on Capital Bonsai way back in 2012. Their caption reads: "This close-up view of the stone shows the various mineral deposits within the stones matrix."


darkhouse2Here's the whole Dark Horse from the top of the post.

Two NEW Bonsai Tool Sales

30% off Bonsai Aesthetics Tools

25% off Okatsune tools
Tools - garden

plus an extra 10% off all Stone Lantern orders 100.00+

and FREE Shipping on all U.S. orders 50.00+

be sure to select Free Shipping when you check out

Frozen Bonsai & 2 NEW Tool Sales


Frozen! Though there's no explanation with the photo, it's easy to guess that someone watered these trees to protect them from excessive cold. You probably know this, but cold damage or death is caused by dehydration; the dry cold pulls the water out of the foliage and stems. Though there's more to it than this (having to do with cold hardiness, the difference between plants in the ground and plants in pots and other factors), we'll leave it at that. I found this photo on Bonsai Art & Ink Paintings - Sakura Studio - Sonia Stella. No attribution given.

After a freakishly warm January, we’re expecting some cold weather the next few days. Still, nothing like the old days when -30F (-34C) or even colder was not that unusual. So far this year -5F (-20.5) is about as cold as we’ve seen with only a handful of nights below 0F (-18C). Not that you care about our weather, but just in case you’re interested in how climate change is effecting us.

Continued below…

Two Brand NEW Bonsai Tool Sales

30% off Bonsai Aesthetics Tools

25% off Okatsune tools
Tools - garden

frozen2We've shown this one before. It's an art gallery piece by Makoto Azuma. That's not real ice or a living bonsai, but it works.



Frozen Buttonwood in black & white. We borrowed this photo from Bonsai Banter.

Yoshiaki Japanese Tool & Wire Sales

20% of Yoshiaki Tools, Turntables, Sieves & Wire

plus an extra 10% off all Stone Lantern orders 100.00+
and FREE Shipping on all U.S. orders 50.00+

be sure to select Free Shipping when you check out


Bonsai Art, Circles & Curves


Zen pine. In some types of art shapes are often suggested rather than completed. The mind of the viewer does the rest. In the case of this pine, it's a circle (or maybe a fishhook). The tree and the photo belong to Mauro Stemberger. You can see more of Mauro's bonsai here, here and here.

Today themes are circles, semi circles and curves, as well as another bonsai by Mauro Stemberger (see above and our last two posts). This post originally appeared here just over a year ago. I’ve taken the liberty to edit my own writing.

Continued below…

Bonsai Wire Sale Ends Tonight

20% – 30% off 500 gram Bonsai Aesthetics Wire
Wire32-500x159120% off 1-5 rolls
30% off 5 or more rolls

 This sale ends tonight, January 31st at 11:59pm EST



Bonsai with long slow curves like this one tend to be out of favor, at least with some people, who might refer to this type curve to as a pigeon breast. In the case of this pine I think the deadwood that mirrors the curve creates interest and perhaps even make the pigeon breast more acceptable. The artist is Wlodzimierz Pietraszko.



Fuzzy full circle. I don't know what kind of tree this is, but I'll bet you'll remember it if you ever see it again. I found it here.



A snake about to strike. Once again (like the pine above), the artist is Wlodzimierz Pietraszko.

Yoshiaki Japanese Tool & Wire Sales

20% of Yoshiaki Tools, Turntables, Sieves & Wire

plus an extra 10% off all Stone Lantern orders 100.00+
and FREE Shipping on all U.S. orders 50.00+

be sure to select Free Shipping when you check out

Rock Island Bonsai


One of three impressive rock plantings from Mauro Stemberger's recent bonsai sojourn in India. The trees in all three plantings are Procumbens juinipers. The natural sandstone river rocks were put together with cement. I don't know anything about the pot, except that it's a monster.

Yesterday I wrote that I wanted to feature these three Juniper forests on rock islands by Mauro Stemberger and friends but needed more time to do a little research. We’ll, I couldn’t find the time, but if you’d like, you can do your own research. Here and here are two facebook links. You might also enjoy Mauro’s Italian Bonsai Dream website.

Continued below…

Great Wire Sale Ends Tomorrow

20% – 30% off 500 gram Bonsai Aesthetics Wire
Wire32-500x159120% off 1-5 rolls
30% off 5 or more rolls

 This excellent sale ends tomorrow night at 11:59pm EST



Another one. Same type trees (Juniperus procumbens) and same type sandstones held together with cement (Mauro wrote cement, but I'm wondering if he means mortar).

Do It Yourself

b1jun-2Our Masters Series Juniper book has a wealth of do-it-yourself
by the Old Masters, including one whole chapter on Rock plantings
list price 29.95
Don’t fall asleep, this special will end very soon


One more. Same type trees and stones

NEW Yoshiaki Sales

20% of Yoshiaki Tools, Turntables, Sieves & Wire

plus an extra 10% off all Stone Lantern orders 100.00+
and FREE Shipping on all U.S. orders 50.00+

be sure to select Free Shipping when you check out


A Dancer, a Famous Snake & Other Impressive Bonsai

scots770The Dancer by Mauro Stemberger. Mauro's caption reads: Never give up!!!!  Swedish Scots pine "The Dancer." You can see that Mauro is planning a new planting angle and most likely a new pot. You might imagine a bunjin type pot; shallow, round, maybe a little rough...

Today I set out to put together a post on some rock plantings that were created during Mauro Stemberger’s recent (on-going?) trip to India. However, time wasn’t on my side, so I decided to wait until I could do a little more research. Meanwhile, to set the tone we’ll borrow this one from our achives (January, 2015). It’s was titled ‘Scots Pine: One Artist, Four Trees.’

Good Scots pine bonsai (Pinus sylvestris) are abundant in our Bonsai world. Here are four very good examples that belong to Mauro Stemberger.

Continued below…

NEW Sales

20% of Yoshiaki Tools, Turntables, Sieves & Wire
plus an extra 10% off orders 100.00+


The snake. Here's Mauro's caption from facebook: Finally the snake for BCI magazine....... Pinus sylvestris 75cm (30"). Snake seems like a perfect name, given the way it lifts its head above its coil on the ground. And then there's the way pot is designed to accommodates the tree.


A loop

This is what can happen when a top-notch tree receives a top-notch trimming and wiring. Mauro's facebook caption says: Spanish Scots pine, 65 cm (26") in Tokoname pot. Before......and after five kilometers of wire :)"

Speaking of wire…

2 Bonsai Wire Sales

20% – 30% off 500 gram Bonsai Aesthetics Wire
Wire32-500x159120% off 1-5 rolls  –  30% off 5 or more rolls



20% off Yoshiaki Japanese wire
100 & 400 gram rolls


plus an extra 10% off all Stone Lantern orders 100.00+
and FREE Shipping on all U.S. orders 50.00+

be sure to select Free Shipping when you check out

Reviving a Powerful Old Shimpaku Bonsai


After. A dynamic & powerful Shimpaku juniper that belongs to our friend Suthin Sukosolvisit, one of a handful of the most highly talented and accomplished North American bonsai artists.

This is our third straight before and after. All three started with superior but neglected junipers and ended with masterful bonsai.  And all three were revived and upgraded by highly accomplished and well known bonsai artists; Naoki Maeoka for the previous two and Suthin Sukosolvisit today.

Continued below…

NEW Sales

20% of Yoshiaki Tools, Turntables, Sieves & Wire
plus an extra 10% off orders 100.00+


SuthinBeforeBefore. Great skill is required to take a neglected bonsai and bring it back to its previous glory and beyond that, to take it to an even higher level.

Special 2 Days Only
b1jun-2Our famous Masters Juniper Book

list price 29.95



suthinafterCUYou can see lot of what Suthin accomplished in this closeup

Last Chance!

25% off All Bonsai Fertilizers & Tonics

order now – this sale ends tonight
ORG2-2Slow Release Green Dream Pellets

our favorite Bonsai Fertilizer
available in 4 sizes, now all 25% off
plus an extra 10% off all Stone Lantern orders 100.00+
and FREE Shipping on all U.S. orders 50.00+

be sure to select Free Shipping when you check out