Francesco Santini, Seven Years Later


I found this gnarly old European yew (Taxus Baccata) on Francesco Santini's website. We've been featuring yews a lot these days. They make excellent bonsai and there are countless old specimens in temperate zone gardens (and in the wild) in Europe, North American and elsewhere (not all are T baccata however, as there are several other species scattered around the world).

It’s been a long time. Way back in February of 2010 we featured a couple trees that belong to Francesco Santini. Now, seven years on, he’s still at it and so are we. This time however, we’ll double down and show you four of Francesco’s outstanding bonsai.

Continued below…

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I strongly suspect that this rugged old Scot's pine (Pinus sylvestris) was collected in the wild. This view is reinforced by the fact that Scot's pines are native Europeans, as is Francesco Santini (Italy).



This tall twisted beauty is a Sabina juniper. Sabina are also European natives, so you might assume that it too was originally collected in the wild. And though domestically grown twisted trees are becoming more common, I'd still bet it's a yamadori (collected bonsai).

lonicera2Another twisted sister.* The only name given is Lonicera (Honey suckle), so we don’t know the species. I’d bet this one is also a yamadori.

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*I’m not really a metal fan. However, I have an older sister who tortured me mercilessly (mostly psychologically), so the name rings true (she grew up to be good person by the way… now she only tortures me occasionally).

The Finishing Touches that Make a Tree Stand Out


Is this a Yew (Taxus)? Thanks to Walter Pall we now know that this is a plastic sculpture (a very good one at that). "This tree was exhibited at Noelanders Tropyh 2012 ouside the bonsai exhibit. It is a PLASTIC tree wanting to show the ideal bonsai. There is a tree looking similar which is owned by Enrico Savini in Italy as far as I remember. it is still in the making. Enrico's tree is alive and for real." I don't know much about this tree; its variety, its owner, where it resides.... What I do know is, some highly skilled bonsai artist did an excellent job. Including all the finishing touches* that make a tree really stand out. And that it look suspiciously like a yew.

Still on vacation, so we’ll show you just this one tree (one amazing tree) and remind you about our book sale (and that our two bonsai wire sales are about to end).

BTW: I found the tree above here and there’s more about those aforementioned finishing touches below*

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* The perfectly chosen pot cleaned to look like new, the stand that simply supports the tree instead of calling attention to itself, the way the deadwood is clean and freshly lime sulfured, the way the living veins are cleaned and brushed to stand out against the deadwood, the manicured moss. And then there’s the professional quality photo…

The Foundations of Bonsai


This Common Privet was originally dug from an English hedge row. It belongs to Harry Harrington who has been developing it since 2004. The photos are from Harry's book, The Foundations of Bonsai.

We’re excited about our ‘new’ The Foundations of Bonsai, an all-encompassing how-to book that is targeted to beginning and intermediate enthusiasts. The North American edition (Stone Lantern Publishing) is due to arrive at our warehouse within the next week or two.

We strongly recommend The Foundations of Bonsai to people buying their first trees (or second, or third…), or really to anyone still grappling with keeping their bonsai healthy and learning essential techniques for styling and maintaining beautiful trees.

To quote the author Harry Harrington, Foundations was written “…to give beginners a solid starting point in bonsai, as well as for intermediate enthusiasts who are having problems with their trees due to weak points in their care regimes. Hence the name The Foundations of Bonsai.

In spite of what we may think, most of us fall into the beginning to intermediate category (yours truly included). This is in no way a problem. When we recognize that we still have a ways to go, we stay open to continued learning.

Continued below…

We are now accepting pre-orders for The Foundations of Bonsai. The timing is right with our…

25% off Bonsai Book Sale
Bonsai Books August 2016


A full spread from The Foundations of Bonsai.



Back and front covers of Foundations (U.K. edition).

Field Growing, Drainage & Fertilizing

trident-nebari-bt64-p231This impressive Trident maple's (Acer buergeranum) massive nebari is a dead giveaway that it was field grown. The original article is in Bonsai Today issue 64. I wrote this back in 2009. Though the tree and it's impressive nebari started in the field, much of the development was accomplished in a container (see below).

Enjoying a quick winter vacation in stormy San Francisco. The rain is desperately needed, so I can live with failed expectations of sun and warm breezes. Because this is a vacation, we’ll resort to reposting one of our very earliest posts. It’s from February 2009. I’ve done some adding and subtracting based on the questionable assumption that I might have learned something the last eight years.

I once read a report from Cornell University about the advantages of planting trees directly into the native soil, rather than the common practice of digging in soil amendments, a practice that may be good for the garden center’s bottom line, but not so good for your plants.

If you think about it, it makes sense; if you create a pocket of richer soil, then the roots tend to stay in that pocket. This causes slower growth and increased susceptibility to drought and winter kill.

Ever since the Cornell report, I’ve been simply digging a hole and planting. What a relief! No tedious time consuming soil prep. This frees time to plant more and catch up on emails.*

Continued below…

NEW Increased Discounts
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as we run out of issues, the discounts increase

1-9 issues 45% off
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trident-in-box-bt64-p20The same Trident maple fifteen years earlier, right after it was dug from the field. At this point the nebari measure 20" (51cm) at its widest point.

I’m lucky that my soil is sandy so there’s no worry about drainage; it can rain as much as it wants. If your soil is heavy and doesn’t drain so well, then it’s time to think about raised beds, but that’s a topic for another post.

Sandy soil also makes fertilizing easier. Basically, you can feed freely. I like organic,* but even if you use chemicals you can fertilize fairly liberally if you have good drainage, because the drainage helps insure that there won’t be excessive build up of chemicals around the roots. Reflecting now, I’d say this is intuitive, but intuition isn’t always enough, so you might want to do your own research.

Three New Sales

25% off all our Bonsai Books
40% off Japanese Bonsai Wire
25% off Copper Wire
Bonsai Books August 2016Plus an Extra 10% off orders 100.00+
& FREE Shipping on U.S. orders 50.00+

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*Most years I put a layer of aged cow manure around each plant and every year I mulch with wood chips. This gradually builds organic matter into the soil.

From Snow Covered Forests to Thirsty Redwoods

redwoodsmithsOff to a very good start. Though the branching is young and has a ways to go, the trunk, with its power and character bodes well for the future of this tree. You can find it along with other quality bonsai at Bonsai Smiths.

Long flight, late night. Boston to SF with a stop in Denver for fuel (blame the wind), so we’ll burrow down into our archives for an appropriate retread (nothing like a good mixed metaphor to start the day). This one is from February, 2015.

Out of the ice palace and into Redwood country, so why not take a look at some Redwood bonsai? BTW: it’s raining here in Northern California. A welcome relief for the Redwoods and everyone else.

Continued below…

Three New Sales plus one

25% off all our Bonsai Books
40% off Japanese Bonsai Wire
25% off Copper Wire
Bonsai Books August 2016Plus an Extra 10% off orders 100.00+
& FREE Shipping on U.S. orders 50.00+

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This one is a lot like the one above. Great trunk with branch development to follow. From the 2011 Redwood Empire Bonsai Show (photo courtesy of Jonas at Bonsai Tonight).



This one has a complex story to tell. It's also from the 2011 Redwood Empire Bonsai Show (photo also courtesy of Jonas at Bonsai Tonight).



Another complex story to tell. Given the vigor at the top, the bottom must be healthier than it looks (another Jonas photo from the 2011 Redwood Empire show).

NEW Increased Discounts
on Bonsai Today back issues

bt100cover-500x642we recently bought an almost complete selection in perfect condition
but several issues are already gone
as our selection dwindles the discounts increase
but if you wait too long…

1-9 issues 45% off
10+ 55% off
Plus an Extra 10% off orders 100.00+
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Five Shohin Bonsai Plus One


A sweet little Firethorn (Pyracantha) in full flower. Yesterday we showed one with a few berries and if you scroll down you'll see one with a lot more than a few.

Thought we’d continue yesterday’s Shohin theme with a few more photos. I’ll spare you too much commentary. The photo above is from Bonsai Mike.

Continued below…

25% off All Bonsai Books
Bonsai Books August 2016

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robert_kempinski_buttonwood_410It's not everyday you see a shohin Buttonwood (Conocarpus erectus). This one belongs to Robert Kempinski. The pot is by J. Baccus. I found the photo on an old art of bonsai post.



Shohin shimpaku juniper from Bay Island Bonsai's 17 annual exhibit. The photo is by Jonas Dupuich (Bonsai Tonight).


har61Red on red. The tiny tree is an Elaeagnus pungens (Siverthorn in English, Kangumi in Japanese). It belongs to Haruyosi.

Continued below…

40% off All Japanese Bonsai Wire

wireUnbeatable discount for quality Yoshiaki Wire
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Red on blue. Another tiny tree by Haruyosi. This time it's a Quince.



A little large for shohin, but who could resist all those brilliant berries? Looks like another pyracantha. The image is from a Cristian De Ross video.

25% off Copper Bonsai Wire

Wire32-500x159partially annealed U.S. made copper wire
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Shohin Bonsai – An Art Unto Itself


This muscular little pine is a great example of well done Shohin bonsai. You might notice the lack of secondary and tertiary branching and thus the limited foliage. There is only so much you can do on such a small canvass. This results in an overall look and feel that is quite different than larger trees. Almost like an art unto itself.

It’s Shohin day today. Little bonsai with big advantages. A few of these advantages are: shohin tend to be less expensive than larger trees, they take up a lot less space, they are easy to lift and move, you are less likely to over-water shohin, and they are fun.

Continued below…

Three Big Sales End Tonight

30% off 500 gram Bonsai Wire
25% off Koyo Japanese Bonsai Tools
20% off Okatsune Japanese Bonsai & Garden Tools
Tools & Wire x3all three sales end tonight, Sunday, Jan 8, at 11:59pm EST

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I borrowed the little pine above from Franco Franco Pedrós. The two photos below (shohin pyracantha and the Japanese shohin display) are courtesy of Mark Arpag.

shohinThe U.S. National Shohin Exhibition is coming. Visit Bill Valavanis Bonsai blog for details.
shohin2Here's Mark Arpag's caption for this little Pyracantha: Firethorn Mame created from rooted cutting, no hormones, just clean cut in Bonsai soil / potting mix. Cut top off Shohin Bonsai and it was too nice to throw away. Photo by Wm. N. Valavanis.



Mark's caption for this photo is: Last day on display in Kyoto.

8.50 for 500 gram Rolls of Bonsai Wire

Ends Tonight

13.50 less 30% = 9.45 per roll
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Satsuki Bonsai, with or without Flowers


This must be one of the most perfect Satsuki azalea you'll see anywhere. It's sheer power, balance and shape are so spot on that it doesn't need to be covered with flowers (see below) for its majesty to shine through. I'm pretty sure we've shown it before, but a quick search came up empty. I found it somewhere on social media. Unattributed (I can guess it's from Japan) and unidentified....

Continued below…

Three Big Sales End Tomorrow Night

30% off 500 gram Bonsai Wire
25% off Koyo Japanese Bonsai Tools
20% off Okatsune Japanese Bonsai & Garden Tools
Tools & Wire x3all three sales end Sunday, Jan 8, at 11:59pm EST

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The 3 trees below are from a post titled Three Monster Satsuki (April, 2011). Each is a good example of how a powerful Satsuki can stand on its own without flowers.

A prize winning Satsuki azalea from Bonsai -Matsuda Seishoen displaying it power, balance and tranquility.


Another powerful Satsuki azalea from Bonsai -Matsuda Seishoen. It's not that often you see a trunk so short and yet so strong. Excellent nebari too.


This one is also from Bonsai -Matsuda Seishoen. It's a little different than the other two; the trunk has a lot less taper, and the unruly nebari gives the tree a wilder, freer look.


Another Great Sale

this one is not ending just yet

3 BTs40% off for 1-9 Bonsai Today back issues

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Just Another Great Juniper with Sculpted Deadwood?


This dynamic Sabina juniper was posted by Mauro Stemberger (Italian Bonsai Dream), someone whose trees and photos have long graced this blog.

Is the tree featured here just another great Juniper with sculpted deadwood? Well… yes, that’s exactly what it is, another great juniper, sculpted deadwood and all.

There was a day not too long ago when trees like this could only be from Japan. But this is the 21st century and the explosion of high quality bonsai worldwide is happening. If I’m not mistaken, this one resides in Italy. Or at least, that’s where Mauro Stemberger resides. For more on this tree, you can visit Mauro on facebook.

Three Big Sales End Sunday Night

30% off 500 gram Bonsai Wire
25% off Koyo Japanese Bonsai Tools
20% off Okatsune Japanese Bonsai & Garden Tools
Tools & Wire x3Don’t fall asleep & miss this chance to save big
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Close up so you can better appreciate the carving



Looking up into the tree, as contrasted with the mid-point shots above

Another Great Sale

this one is not ending just yet

3 BTs40% off for 1-9 Bonsai Today back issues

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Which Pot Would You Choose?


Which pot would you choose for this Itoigawa shimpaku juniper?

Here’s a favorite topic by our old friend, American bonsai artist and teacher, Boon Manakitivipart (Bonsai Boon). If you would like to state your choice (and reasons, if you’re up for it), you can visit Bonsai Bark on facebook (we don’t accept comments directly on our blog because of near infinite spam) or you can visit Boon on facebook. Or even better, you can visit us both.

Continued below…

8.50 for 500 gram Rolls of Bonsai Wire

Is Too Good to Pass up

13.50 less 30% = 9.45 per roll
if your total order is 100.00+ 8.50 per roll
and to sweeten the pot you get
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Continued below…

Speaking of Junipers…

b1jun-2Our Masters Series Juniper book is on Special

list price 29.95






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