Backyard Bonsai #9

A piece of Christian Przybylsk’s garden (I took the liberty of cropping his photo a little). If you visit his site you can see the uncropped original, as well as over a dozen backyard photos that are not included in this post. Like this one, they are more about the garden than the bonsai, but still, there are enough bonsai sprinkled around for you to get the idea. Picking up an old thread Way back in May 2009 we started a series called Backyard Bonsai. Most of the eight previous posts are from 2009 and early 2010, though the last … Continue reading Backyard Bonsai #9

Backyard Bonsai #7: Vaughn Banting’s Passion

The entrance gate to one of Vaughn Banting’s bonsai courtyards. Come on in… Vaughn Banting Vaughn Banting was an artist, an adventurer and a friend to many people around the world. He was famous in Louisiana bonsai circles (and circles well beyond) for his passion for bonsai. He was both a professional and an avid enthusiasts that devoted much of his life to bonsai, from his teenage years to his untimely passing in 2008. Comprising a life You can visit Vaughn’s website for a journey through his life and work. In addition to photos of Vaughn’s bonsai (his nursery and … Continue reading Backyard Bonsai #7: Vaughn Banting’s Passion

Backyard Bonsai #6: Un Patio Hermoso

Up against the wall! I borrowed this from Rosade Bonsai Studio website. And, no, you don’t need new glasses; it’s a little fuzzy because I increased the size to fit it into our format (see below for the original unfuzzy, uncropped version). I don’t know who lives here I don’t know who lives here, or even what country it’s in. Maybe it’s Spain. I ran into Chase and Solita Rosade there in 2007 at a large show at Mistral Bonsai. Rosade Bonsai Studio We featured another post from Rosade Bonsai Studio a few days ago. As we mentioned then, it’s … Continue reading Backyard Bonsai #6: Un Patio Hermoso

Backyard Bonsai #5: Wunderbare Gartenkunst

This shot provides a glimpse of one small corner of of Michael Veith’s magical world. His living-in-art approach, is a great way to integrate bonsai, gardening and much of the rest of what makes life interesting. The iceburg’s tip The photos here represent only a small piece of what you’ll find at Michael Veith’s world of bonsai, gardens and art. This shot from a little farther away, places some bonsai in a larger context.

Back Yard Bonsai Displays #4: A Japanese Touch

This shot doesn’t exactly show off François Jeker’s bonsai (if you squint you can see them way in the back), but it does give you a pretty good idea of his artistry when it comes to building and maintaining a Japanese garden. Speaking of François Jeker Though François Jeker is well known for his masterful work with deadwood (see previous and future posts), his interest and skills stretch far beyond. The gardens and bonsai displays featured here attest to his sensibilities and deft touch, as does his benchmark book, Bonsai Aesthetics.

Backyard Bonsai Displays #3: A Fresh Start

Starting from scratch Morten Albek (author of Shohin Bonsai) recently moved himself and his bonsai. This photo shows an early stage in the process of building his new backyard display. Not a bad start. Morten will be posting photos on his website as the project progresses.

Backyard Bonsai Displays #2: Reiner Goebel

A while back we featured Reiner Goebel’s bonsai in one of our Bonsai from Nursery Stock posts. Now he’s made the cut for our Backyard Bonsai Displays. Though no one’s backyard (so far at least) is as impressive as Wolfgang Putz‘, still, for those of us with more modest aspirations, Reiner deserve a look.