Mugo Pines: A Well Kept Secret

This powerful, well groomed yet craggy Mugo pine jumps off the page. It would be exceptional even if it didn’t have that wild and strange piece of deadwood that doubles back on the trunk; a feature that makes this tree uniquely distinctive and even more wonderful than it would be anyway (though I might remove the straight stick at the end that goes behind the trunk). I might also take issue with the crown; it’s a touch too perfectly groomed and symmetrical for my taste, but still, this is an exceptional bonsai. Worthy of the finest collections anywhere. I found … Continue reading Mugo Pines: A Well Kept Secret

Bonsai the Natural Way and the Hand of Man

My best guess is that this powerful old tree is a needle juniper (Juniperus rigida), though I can’t be sure. Whatever it is, it seems to posses an extraordinary number of separate live veins and a massive amount of deadwood to boot. It’s from Gyozan Nakano, Sakai: A 35 Year Anthology (not available in English). Nature and the hand of man Though the tree above is quite powerful and leagues above most bonsai, still, you might fine the busyness around its base (and other places) a little distracting. I’m not sure I’d do anything about it, as attempts to improve … Continue reading Bonsai the Natural Way and the Hand of Man

Bonsai Events Calendar (Updated 10/17/2010)

Salvatore Liporace at Rosade Bonsai Studio. See Nov 4-7 below.  Send us yours If you have a bonsai event you’d like to see in our next calendar, send it to, or put it in the comments below (don’t forget the links).  Oct 16 – ?: Stone Lantern 30% to 40% off books, tools and wire Oct – Nov: Kathy Shaner Advanced Workshops, Redwood Empire Bonsai Society

Becoming Picasso

Lodge pole pine by Dan Robinson (Elandan Gardens). From The Art of Bonsai Project. Photo by Victrinia Ensor. Seriously, Picasso? I didn’t make the Picasso thing up (though it’s the second time I’ve used it). It’s from a chapter entitled ‘Becoming Picasso’ in Gnarly Branches, Ancient Trees: The Life and Works of Dan Robinson – Bonsai Pioneer, by Will Hiltz. No matter who first thought to equate Dan and Picasso, I think it might be apt. Passion, willingness to break with convention, constant experimentation, a profound respect for the medium, and of course, a fair dose of natural talent, accurately … Continue reading Becoming Picasso

One of the Most Important (and Beautiful) Bonsai Books Ever Published Is Coming Soon

This perfect Mountain hemlock expresses Dan Robinson’s respect for how nature does it. Not that he doesn’t add his touch; he does, and it’s masterful. Photo is from the book. Gnarly Branches, Ancient Trees: The Life and Works of Dan Robinson – Bonsai Pioneer This will surely be one of the most important (and beautiful) bonsai books ever published. Will Hiltz, author and photographer elevates the art of book making, and Dan Robinson, bonsai artist and master, elevates the art of collecting, growing and styling bonsai. Dan’s approach is uniquely his own and shows profound respect for trees, nature, art; … Continue reading One of the Most Important (and Beautiful) Bonsai Books Ever Published Is Coming Soon