Speaking of Kusamono & Companion Plants

An exquisite kusamono from our Japanese mystery book. Because I don’t read Japanese, I can’t say what the grass is (can you?), who the potter is, or even, what the name of the book is. However, I can say, with complete confidence, that the whole arrangement is beautiful. What does Kusamono mean? In his book Bonsai, Kusamono, Suiseki, Willi Benz says “Kusa = grass and Mono = object.” He goes on to say “If a Kusamono-Bonsai is the main object of a display, we use the term Kusamono. But if a Kusamono-Bonsai is used as an accent or complementary plant, … Continue reading Speaking of Kusamono & Companion Plants

KoB Shohin Willow Leaf Ficus by Robert Kempinski

Robert Kempinski (author of Introduction to Bonsai) has an excellent article at Knowledge of Bonsai on Shohin Willow Leaf Ficus (the photo above was borrowed from the article). Check it and a slew of other good stuff out, including a revealing exposé on nasty (but beautifully photographed) little aphids by Heather Hartman. While you are at it, take a look at two related books we offer: Shohin Bonsai by Morten Albek (Stone Lantern Publishing), and Ficus: The Exotic Bonsai by Jerry Meislik (Devonshire Gardens Ltd.).

Backyard Bonsai Displays #3: A Fresh Start

Starting from scratch Morten Albek (author of Shohin Bonsai) recently moved himself and his bonsai. This photo shows an early stage in the process of building his new backyard display. Not a bad start. Morten will be posting photos on his website as the project progresses.

Green Workshop: The Art & Science of Watering

This drawing is from our Masters’ Series book; Junipers, Growing & Styling Juniper Bonsai. What is Green Workshop? Green Workshop is a series for beginners and others who are interested in some of the basics of bonsai care and training. Green Workshop originated in Bonsai Today magazine and will be continued with regular postings on this blog. The more you know about watering, the better. Without timely, intelligent watering, any plant in a container is at risk. The more you know about watering, the better.

Back Savers: Sohin & Mame Bonsai

This banyan style dwarf Snow rose serissa (Serissa foetida microphylla) was styled by David Fukumoto of Fuku Bonsai in Hawaii. The pot is a Tokoname from Japan. Living in the tropics really helps when it comes to growing aerial roots. Shohin are small bonsai. When compared to large bonsai, Shohin cost less, take less less time to develop, take less space, are easier to move (especially as your back ages), and are less apt to be overwatered. From the back cover of Morten Albek’s Shohin Bonsai (except for the part about your aging back), written almost two years ago by … Continue reading Back Savers: Sohin & Mame Bonsai

Bonsai & You (tube): Mixed Gallery

This is a collection of images that someone put together. I recognized several trees, including at least one Kimura (The Magician), one Morten Albek (author of Shohin Bonsai), and one Wolfgang Putz. Overall the quality is very good, though a few fairly ordinary trees found their way in.

Spanish Chainsaw Massacre

If you haven’t seen the Magician wielding a chainsaw, check this out. It’s from a 2007 bonsai convention at Mistral Bonsai in the Spanish province of Tarragona (I was there, but that’s another story). Kimura’s assistant is Salvatore Liporace, a well know Italian bonsai artist and author of several Bonsai Today articles. When Masahiko Kimura introduced his custom made chainsaw into the bonsai world, it created a buzz that was heard first in the Japanese bonsai community and then throughout the world (well, world bonsai community).

Kato sama, Kato sensei, but never Kato san

This photo of Saburo Kato was taken by Morten Albek in June of 2005 during an interview he and two friends conducted with Mr. Kato, Japan’s most famous bonsai master of his generation. Kato sensei passed away in February 2008. I only saw Saburo Kato once. It was in 2005 at the WBC (World Bonsai Convention) in Washington DC. I was busy selling books and magazines from our booth when he walked by. He was immistakenly unmistakenly himself, very old and thin, with an air that radiated dignity. I was so taken by surprise that I blurted out “Kato san!”  … Continue reading Kato sama, Kato sensei, but never Kato san

Artofbonsai Nursery Stock Bonsai Gallery

Sinuous root style Rockspray Cotoneaster (Cotoneaster horizontalis) in splendid fall color, by Bill Valavanis of International Bonsai. When I first started playing with bonsai almost thirty years ago, nurseries were bonsai stock gold mines. Now, because bonsai enthusiasts have caught on, old forgotten potential bonsai are a little harder to to find. But don’t lose heart, they are still there. You just have to look a little harder. Bill Valavanis’ sweet sinuous root Cotoneaster (above) is one of many bonsai from nursery stock currently feature on Artofbonsai.org.  Some other well-known featured artists are: Walter Pall, Morten Albek (author of Shohin … Continue reading Artofbonsai Nursery Stock Bonsai Gallery