Contest #6: Paint-by-Numbers!!?? 7/30/09

The image that was in this space has been removed at the request of the artist. My apologies for any problems we’ve caused for the artist or anyone else.

I picked this image up on Bunjin Journal. It’s a strange and wonderful site, with some parts just wonderful and some parts wonderfully strange. The image originally came from The Art of Bonsai Project.

Be brave!
You have one month. You can print and paint then scan it, or you can color using Illustrator. Or you can do something else. Anyway, just do it. Be brave! It’ll be fun and you might learn something (that’s part of the point).

Break out!
I don’t care if you follow the numbers or the lines. Do what you want. I just want to see color paintings or illustrations, then I’ll pick a winner (and maybe second and third places if we get enough) and award a $50.00 gift certificate (and maybe something for second and third) to Stone Lantern.

You have one month!
The contest closes on the last day of August. But don’t wait, if you procrastinate, you may forget and miss out on the fun.

Good luck!

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