Piece of Cake (Let Them Eat Bonsai?) 4/18/10


This is not a real bonsai!

It’s a Cake. Cake pot, cake soil, cake trunk, cake leaves, cake berries.

The story behind the cake
“I had a birthday recently and my husband ordered the most extraordinary cake.  Sharon Berke, an artist and baker in Boston, Mass., made the cake you see in the picture.  I’m a bonsai novice, but I believe it is meant to be a cotoneaster.  Every bit of the cake was edible, with the exception of the wires used to make the branches.  Even the tray was edible.  It was a great surprise.  Some of your readers might enjoy seeing it.” June Rutkowski

It’s a good thing…
… it’s cake and not a bonsai, don’t you think? Though the berries are very good.

BTW: Our critique contest is still running
It’s not too late for you to win a gift certificate to Stone Lantern.

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5 thoughts on “Piece of Cake (Let Them Eat Bonsai?)

  1. There was a delicious chocolate cake inside the “pot”, which I believe was Fondant. It formed a kind of shell around the cake. The tree and tray were sweet and edible, but not very tasty. (The flavor made me think of marshmallows.) However, that did not stop my 7-yr. old from begging to eat the leaves, berries and tray.

  2. Thanks June. Edible bonsai, who wudda thought?

    Yeah. Those seven year olds almost match my sugar addiction. Though I like to think my taste is more refined.

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