Bonsai Art: Deshojo Japanese Maple 7/12/10

Deshojo Valav

Deshojo Japanese maple by Bill Valavanis. It’s been Bill’s day in the sun lately with a successful 2nd U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition under his belt, so why not show another side of his talents? One thing that strikes me about this photo the are the five strong colors (black, vermillon, whitish, green and shades of blue) that stand in sharp contrast to each other. This play of colors in such high contrast, along with the simple beauty of the tree, leaves little doubt that bonsai, when done well, is elevated to pure art.

fausta lep

Here’s something I grabbed off of facebook that has nothing to do with Bill Valavanis. It’s a kusamono by Fausta Lep. I don’t know if Fausta made this exquisite pot. Anyone?

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2 thoughts on “Bonsai Art: Deshojo Japanese Maple

  1. The pot is wonderful, the plant suits the pot feeling well but the feet look awkward, like they are from mars and the rest of the rest of the design is from venus.

  2. Dan, you must talking about Fauta’s little kusamono. I had a similar take, but decided I don’t mind the strangeness of the way the pot is put together. You could view it as part of its eccentric charm.

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