The Dog Days 7/31/10


Bonsai? Weird perversion? Highly innovative new cross art? Whaddya think? And to answer your question, I don’t know for sure, but I’d bet my third born grandchild that it’s a Lenz (it just has too many marks of the old Master to deny). Anyway, you can blame it on BUNJINJOURNAL.COM. Or further down the chain of blame;

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22 thoughts on “The Dog Days

  1. looks like photoshop to me. ive been working on some sculpted trees, and there is no possible way to actually merge stone and wood seamlessly.

  2. The design I have seen before, I am trying to remember if it is Nick’s design. If the carving is original it is very nicely done. It is certainly out side of the box. I applaud such explorations. I would think the owner would be proud to exhibit that piece in any contemporary setting. THUMBS UP!! DD

  3. It’s reminiscent of Bernini’s Apollo and Daphne where Daphne changes into a tree as Apollo catches her.

  4. If you do 10 seconds worth of research you will see that FreakingNews is a photoshop site….sorry not a Lenz tree!

  5. Thanks John,
    Whoops. Acted too fast and now I’ve been outed as lazy once again.

  6. Can we please have equal time for a beautiful female sculpture done out of dead wood? Somebody, please slip Kimura some ecstacy tablets and see what he comes up with, LOL.

  7. Nick has a bonsai that has a female nude as part of the design. It is a concert figure with the roots of the tree embracing the form with delight, Look it up, very nice. D.

  8. Yeah. I know that one and a slew of other strange and creative stuff by Nick. I’d post it except I’m at 36,000 feet right now and can’t seem to upload images. Maybe later.

  9. Yeah, I have seen that one by Nick also. Most of my friends think his stuff is not real Bonsai. Its just not traditional Bonsai, but it certainly is beautiful art. Many people are resistant to something new. They get kind of brain washed that the way they were taught is the only way. Fortunatly, some people can think outside of the pot. My favorite by nick is the larch in the pic above and his forest with the burned out german tank.

  10. Thinking outside the pot…. yeah, that’s Nick alright. If he wasn’t such an accomplished bonsai artist and grower in the traditional sense, then maybe criticisms would stick. But, he’s one of the best around.

  11. Just talked to Nick. Nope, not his.

    And I quote:

    “No. This is photoshopping beyond my ability.”

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