A Very Short Apprenticeship with Mr Fukano 12/1/10


There are few flowers in the world as pure as the quince flower. This one is from Mr. Shigero Fukano’s bonsai nursery (Yorozu-en) in Kawaguchi Japan. This photo, and the next photo are by Michelle Dougherty.

Michelle’s most excellent week
I just stumbled upon a great post by Michelle at Bunjin Journal. It’s about her one week visit (not what you would call a full apprenticeship, but still…) with Shigero Fukano at his nursery in Japan in February, 2009 . Michelle’s story is both personal and highly informative, but rather than bore you with my take on her take, I’ll just show you a few photos and encourage you to visit Bunjin Journal for the full story.


Every bonsai nursery I’ve ever visited has flats of pots laying around. In that sense I guess this photo isn’t unique to Yarozu-en. Still, I like it and wouldn’t mind having a few (all) of the pots in my collection.


Hands on. That’s Michelle’s blond head, about which she says: “I think having a foreign, blond woman working in the shop may be good for business, and everyone is being extremely nice to me (probably because I will only be here a week and I’m not a real apprentice…)” Photo is by Mrs. Fukano.

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4 thoughts on “A Very Short Apprenticeship with Mr Fukano

  1. Thanks again Alan.
    Yeah, a little daring on her part and a little luck and she has a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

  2. Hi Wayne,

    I had a chance to meet Michelle and I can see why she got accepted. She is probably one of the nicest bonsai people you’ll ever meet and she’s very humble. I bought two pots from her and didn’t have any money on me to pay for them but she wrapped them up and told me to hang on to them.

    Her pots have that “handmade” look that’s imperfect yet perfect. I’ll try to post some photos of her pots when I get some trees in them.

    Well, it’s 1:30 am here…sorry if I’m a little incoherent but my daughter’s been having a fever so I haven’t had much sleep lately.


  3. HI Ken,
    I don’t know Michelle, but appreciate her take on things.
    Yes, send photos and I hope your daughter is feeling better soon.

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