Gallerie de Francois Jeker

Carving with a French flare We have featured Francois Jeker several times on Bonsai Bark. And for good reason; Francois is an accomplish bonsai artist, teacher and author (Bonsai Aesthetics). He also designed and built his own Japanese garden and is a lighting professional, among other things. In the overlapping circles of the bonsai world, Francois is especially known for his deadwood carving. The trees shown here (borrowed from his website) give you just a taste of what Francois has been up to lately.

Screwing Around

Graham Potter’s hands doing the screwing (into a larch). The image is from a video on styling an old larch (the same larch, and the same video we used a few days ago) on Graham’s Kaizen Bonsai site. It’s another way to do the same thing Often, when you want to use wire to pull two parts of a tree closer together, you can find branches or stubs or something else to fasten the wire to. But what if you can’t? Or what if you can, but you are concerned about the wire damaging the part of the tree you … Continue reading Screwing Around

Robert Steven Critiques an Atlas Cedar and Provides an Interesting Lesson in Creating Shari

Robert Steven’s digitally enhanced version of a Blue Atlas Cedar. The original photo (below) was submitted by Mike Andrews. The original. Robert’s critique Basically, this is a very nice Cedar with nice movement and sufficient well-arranged branching and the shari helps create a feeling of age. But, there are few issue here : This bonsai is styled in a very common “S” shape with a basic 1,2,3 branch arrangement. Although there is nothing wrong with it, it lacks excitement. In other words, it could be styled in more interesting and natural fashion. The shari is not properly done. As described … Continue reading Robert Steven Critiques an Atlas Cedar and Provides an Interesting Lesson in Creating Shari

More Mammouth Book Discounts

Morten Albek’s classic book on small bonsai is marked down from $24.95 to only $9.95. This is the only book on Shohin bonsai in English and is both beautifully photographed and thorough going in its coverage of the ins and out of styling and growing small and miniature bonsai. As we’ve already stated, we can’t do this with most books… … just the ones we published. We pay way too much for books by other publishers to reduce them this much. However, with our own books, we can do what we want; they were paid for eons ago, and though … Continue reading More Mammouth Book Discounts

Bonsai Events Calendar (Updated 10/17/2010)

Salvatore Liporace at Rosade Bonsai Studio. See Nov 4-7 below.  Send us yours If you have a bonsai event you’d like to see in our next calendar, send it to, or put it in the comments below (don’t forget the links).  Oct 16 – ?: Stone Lantern 30% to 40% off books, tools and wire Oct – Nov: Kathy Shaner Advanced Workshops, Redwood Empire Bonsai Society

Robert Steven Critique: Smaller Pot, Stronger Tree

Robert Steven’s digitally enhanced version of a Trident maple by Carl Morrow (the photo Carl submitted is below). The original photo. Robert’s comments Despite the details, bonsai design is all about composition, and the pot is one of the most important composition elements. A well chosen pot can reflect and enhance the best features of a tree and effect the overall image, adding both nuance and balance.

A Touch of Bonsai Sweetness

A flowering cherry from one of our mystery Japanese books. Check out the pot; there are two things you might notice. First, it’s unglazed, which is unusual with flowering trees (especially in Japan), and second, it’s hand-made rough. Maybe it was chosen because its earthy naturalness goes well with the color and natural aged feel of the trunk. Cherry Blossoms

Trunk Splitter, Stump Splitter, What Else?

Graham Potter using a trunk splitter to tear into a large branch stump. It’s from a video on styling an old larch (one of Graham’s excellent videos) on his Kaizen Bonsai site. Why split? Did you know that you can bend thick trunks by splitting them (in half, in thirds, in fourths, etc)? After splitting and bending, you can tie the pieces back together (just the way they were) and, if you do it right, they’ll fuse back into the single trunk you started with (with its new shape, of course). For a detailed description of this process, see page … Continue reading Trunk Splitter, Stump Splitter, What Else?

Mammoth Book Discounts

One of our very best bonsai books marked down from $29.95 to $9.95. Why, you ask? Because we printed 3,000 and still have about 1,000 left. So, let’s liberate them and give you a chance to enjoy and learn from one of our best and most interesting bonsai artists. BTW: the image above gives you a glimpse into the inner workings of a publishing company.  This isn’t the cover we ended up with. We changed the color from blue to green and the main heading to gold. Otherwise, everything is the same. We can’t do this with most books… … … Continue reading Mammoth Book Discounts

Robert Steven Critiques a Yew

Robert’s digitally enhanced version of a Yew that was submitted by Andre Flores (see below). The photo that Andre submitted. It’s really too small (we want 500 pixels wide), but Robert went ahead a critiqued it anyway. Robert’s critique The first impression when you look at this bonsai, is that there is something disturbing to our eyes. This is not unusual, and often we cannot tell what it is that bothers us. There are few issues : The main issue is the right branch. This branch’s line is different from the other lines; it is too straight whereas overall the … Continue reading Robert Steven Critiques a Yew