Pine Book Now Due in July 5/7/11

This amazingly powerful and well balanced cascading Japanese Black Pine is from our book: Pines, Growing and Styling Japanese Black and White Pines.

Apologies are in order
Originally, I said the reprint of our Pine Book would be here in April. Then May. Then June. Now July. I won’t bore you with the details, except to say,  that the root of the problem was overly optimistic misjudgement on my part (some lost digital files didn’t help either). In any case, I owe all of you who pre-ordered and pre-paid  an apology. And a thank you for your patience and understanding.

A little gift to reward your patience
I know it’s not much, but given our new low prices, I think you’ll approve:
If you did pre-order and pre-pay for the second printing of our Pine book before May 1st, we would like to offer you a $5 discount on your next Stone Lantern order. All you have to do is write the following in the comments when you order: “I placed an order for your Pine Book before May 1st.” We will then deduct $5 when we process your order (you won’t see the deduction when you place the order).

BTW:  If you haven’t yet ordered our Pine Book, you can still pre-order it for a $5 discount. No promises about delivery date this time.

Illustrations from our Pine book.

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2 thoughts on “Pine Book Now Due in July

  1. Wayne,

    The pine you feature in this post now lives in Taipei, Taiwan. It belongs to Mr. Xu Xuoli, the president of a prominent electronic’s company.

    Warm regards,

    Jose Luis

  2. Thanks Jose,
    Lots of good bonsai in Taiwan. Mostly home grown, but not in this case.

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