Happy People, Healthy Bonsai 6/12/11

Happy people make for healthy bonsai (not to mention a healthy business). BTW: there are some household bonsai names above. Can you spot them?

Breaking with our tradition
Bonsai Bark is all about bonsai. We usually (almost always) leave the people photos to others. But just this once, we’re breaking our own rules by mixing in photos of people enjoying bonsai and just enjoying themselves.

New England Bonsai Gardens
All the photos in this post are from New England Bonsai. If you’re ever in their neighborhood (on the Mass/RI border, an hour from Boston), definitely stop by. They’ll be happy to see you.

Sweet tree. Great pot. Nice knot.

Paula, Kandy & ??? Not really. If memory serves, it’s Teddi, John and Hitoshi mixing business and pleasure.

A peaceful Buddha presides over a peaceful scene.

Another peaceful scene.

I rest my case. That’s Elaine (another happy New England Bonsai staffer) with Hiromi Tsukada, visiting bonsai artist.




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4 thoughts on “Happy People, Healthy Bonsai

  1. New England Bonsai Gardens- founded in 1987 by Wayne Schoech and Hitoshi Kanegae- an auspicious partnership which lead many people down the path of bonsai and beyond.
    Thank you Wayne for your kind words, cutting words and friendship over the years. Your honesty and fearlessness is always appreciated. Keep up the creative work.
    And to all our friends, members, associates and readers-peace, happiness and prosperity.

  2. Hi Teddi,
    Thanks for your kind words and apologies for the cutting words, my mouth still gets me in trouble from time to time.
    For those of you who don’t know Teddi, she joined Hitoshi and I immediately after we started NEBG and was (and remains) an instant hit with everyone involved. Both she and Hitoshi have done a remarkable job in creating a first class bonsai nursery with a first class attitude.

  3. Ha! Wayne,
    the Paula, Randy and Simon tags were for our New Bonsai Artist contest. We were the ‘American Idol’ judges – Paula Abdul (can’t you see the resemblance?), Randy Jackson and Simon Cowell (Hitoshi is the tough critic!)
    Fun time.

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