Enter & Win, Imagine & Create, Visit Stone Lantern & Save 7/23/12

Goshin by John Yoshio Naka. This famous tree resides at the National Bonsai and Penjing Museum in Washington DC. Photos will never do it justice. It is huge (about 1 meter tall – just over 3 feet) and is so dramatic in person that it almost seems to vibrate with power. Goshin is featured in Timeless Trees by Peter and Mary Bloomer. It also appears on the cover of Bonsai Today issue 93, an issue that features a tribute to the life and works of John Naka (The John Naka Sketchbook is on sale here).

Enter & win
Or at least, enter. You just might enjoy yourself in the process and maybe even learn something (humility?). The contest is the ABS John Naka Award.

Our warehouse will be closed…
…from August 7th until the 19th so Corey can have a vacation. Orders placed with Stone Lantern during that time will be charged and shipped on a first-come, first-serve basis on August 20th & 21st.

All good things…
Our Red Hot but Very Cool Summer Sale ends in 3 days on Thursday the 26th. We will have other sales for sure and our prices are always low, but still, if you want some exceptionally good deals, order now.

Here’s a live link…

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4 thoughts on “Enter & Win, Imagine & Create, Visit Stone Lantern & Save

  1. Speaking of contests, have the results been tallied for the tree detective contest? Did I miss it?

  2. Hi Matt,
    No, you didn’t miss it. I have been neglecting it.
    Thanks for the reminder.

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