Floating Clouds, Around the Bonsai World, Before & After, Your Guess Is As Good As Mine 9/29/12

Floating clouds. Here’s an unusual tree for your enjoyment. Or, for your criticism if you feel the profusion of foliage pads is unnatural (given conventions these days, you might also say the pot is a little heavy, but I don’t think so). For me, it’s sheer delight. The tree belongs to Hsiu Yang, one of Taiwan’s many great bonsai artists.


Viva Mexico! Found this here. Was intrigued, but didn’t find any other links (Confederacion Mexicana de Artre Bonsai wasn’t current).

Here’s the Spanish: Expocisión Anual de Arte Bonsai en Coyoacan. 4 al 7 de Octubre de 2012. Ven con nosotros al Museo Nacional de Culturas Populares en Coyoacan Av. Hidalgo # 289, Colonia Del Carmen Coyoacan, Ciudad de México.

And here’s a stab at English:  Annual Expostion of Bonsai Art in Coyoacan. October 4-7, 2012.  Join us at the National Museum of Popular Cultures in Coyoacan Av.  Noble # 289, Cologne Of The Carmen Coyoacan, Mexico City


Another Benavente Before and After (from facebook). Here’s David’s website.


Normally, it might not occur to you to visit Belgium in January…


… but how about Madrid in October?

Or, maybe India in November?


A little closer to home, the Artisans Cup is on Facebook (your guess is as good as mine)




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6 thoughts on “Floating Clouds, Around the Bonsai World, Before & After, Your Guess Is As Good As Mine

    The pot?I agree with you, Wayne.The pot is NOT TOO HEAVY considering the trunk width and
    all that foliage pad CLOUD.

  2. I love it also. It seems to me that Chinese bonsai’s are more free in styling Than The Japanese bonsai.

  3. Neat & unique in my opinion. Something about the pot blends in with the wood a bit and takes my eye off the trunk and seems to accentuate the “clouds”.

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