Pretty Good, But Not Good Enough 11/18/13

Robert Steven’s simulation of a Pemphis acidula that was submitted by Nurul Fajri (the original photo is below).

When I opened my email from Robert Steven and glanced at the before photo (below), I thought it was the after photo. But only for a moment. It’s the pot that gave it away. The rest looked pretty good. Beyond pretty good actually (some of us might trade our entire collections for a tree like this). But not good enough for Robert who always seems to find ways to improve any bonsai (maybe we should challenge him improve a Kimura masterpiece… just for the fun of it).

The photo that Nurul Fajri submitted to Robert.

Robert’s Critique
Pemphis acidula that are collected from nature often have rocks attached. Composing harmonious designs that incorporate these rocks while retaining a tropical look, requires well-developed bonsai sensibilities and skill.

The trunk, the foliage and the pot, which are the basic elements in the design above, look like they are all from different sources and lack unity. The neat round crown suggests a formal tree and does not fit with the casual character of the trunk; it’s apical shape breaks the flow from the trunk to the releasing tip. Also, the pot is too big for the rocky base; its bulky heavy feel distracts from the natural beauty of the tree. Consequently, the overall design lacks harmony and the tree’s dynamic movement is not adequately expressed.

The ideal shape for the crown is irregular. This fits much better with tree’s the casual feel. In order to improve the visual balance, the trunk is leaned slightly to the left. Due to the heavy rock, the best way to minimize the bulky base is to use a shallow hand-made container. Its natural shape also fits well with the other elements. As a result of these changes, a more dynamic and harmonious mood is created.

Robert’s General Comments
There is more than one way to design any bonsai and my critiques and recommended solutions might not always fit your taste and personal preferences, but I always try to give my opinion based on artistic and horticultural principles.

To understand my concepts better, please read my books Vision of My Soul (out of stock for now) and Mission of Transformation which are available at Stone Lantern.

Your are also welcome to visit my facebook pages and my bonsai blog.

Looking forward. Robert helped Nurul Fajri make this background for his display in next year ‘s International Bonsai Art & Culture Biennale 2014.

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3 thoughts on “Pretty Good, But Not Good Enough

  1. A real transformation with a huge imagination and knowledge of techniques

  2. I liked the new angle, gins and pot selection. In the original the pot was almost as dominant as the tree. I did not like the background. The stylized glyph behind the tree distracts from the trunk; it needs to go. So does the strong green edge as that distracts from the tree too. Wayne you’re right, who wouldn’t trade several trees for such a specimen?

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