Bonsai on a Half Shell

hinokihalfshellThis Tsukomo cypress-on-a-half-shell* is being offered for sale by Suthin Sukosolvisit. Before I read the variety I thought for sure it was a Hinoki cypress (same genus, Chamaecyparis, but different species), but I'll defer to Suthin's keen eye.

Our old friend Suthin (Suthin Bonsai Studio) has been putting up new trees for sale on a regular basis for the last few months. These aren’t just bonsai from your everyday bonsai company either. Each one is from Suthin’s personal collection, and when an artist offers something from their personal collection, it’s usually among their very best.

Speaking of his best, Suthin’s trees show up in all four U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition Albums, often as prize winners (to my eye all his trees are prize winners).

We’ve been featuring Suthin’s new offerings for a while now and will continue for as long as he keeps putting them up.

We don’t usually mix adds for our products (bonsai books in this case) into the middle of a post, but in this case, where each book relates to a particular tree, I thought we’d give it a try (complaints, praise or whatever are always welcome in the comments).

shohinSweet shohin. Before I look, I'll guess it's a Willow leaf ficus (I know, way too easy).



Speaking of small trees
There are a wealth of Shohin bonsai in this book 



Looks like this Trident maple swallowed most of its rock.



This could be your hand 
holding this very cool little Black pine


Speaking of Japanese black pines….'s our famous Pine book



Japanese maple of course. Not bad and neither is the pot.


 B1JMAPLES-2Bonsai with Japanese Maples. Even though that's a Trident maple on the cover, it's about Japanese maples (mostly).

*I don’t think it’s really a shell, but you have to admit…

It Takes a Bonsai Village

juniperafter2Not in its pot yet and not a perfect photo, but still...! 
It's a Rocky Mountain juniper from Michael Hagedorn's Crataegus Bonsai portfolio.

While we’re in Portland (see yesterday’s post) we’d be remiss if we didn’t mention the Portland Bonsai Village. In fact, it would almost criminal and an insult to our friend Michael Hagedorn if we didn’t clue you in. So, click this link and consider yourself clued… and while you’re in Portland at the Cup, hop on board (bus below).

Skip this paragraph unless you’re a fan of self flagellation. Sometimes I amaze myself at just how dense I can be. Even though Michael has made it perfectly clear for even the slowest of the slow, I still refused to understand (better to blame stubbornness rather than stupidity) that the Portland Bonsai Village and the Artisans Cup are two separate (but equal) entities. So, to set the record straight and to repair past errors, The Village is Michael Hagedorn’s brain child and the Cup belongs to Ryan Neil.

Enough said. I’ve no doubt confused you enough about the Portland Bonsai Village. We’ll just let the pictures do the talking.

hapsburgThe Village even has its own passports, though as Michael discovered it wouldn't get him into the Habsburg castle in Vienna or...


breakfast...…it wouldn't even buy him a colorful (if a little fuzzy) breakfast at a B&B in Munchen, Germany… (he did try). Astoundingly, there were several other things his passport wouldn't do. However, it will get you into all kinds of wonderful bonsai places and events in and around Portland.



The mini bus for Village tours during the Artisans Cup.



This Ponderosa pine belongs to Michael, who as you probably know, is a talented and disciplined bonsai artist and teacher. If you've seen his bonsai in person you'll understand. Meanwhile, though this is a pretty good photo, I'm waiting for the day that Michael sets up a permanent space for studio level photos with just the right lighting and all the rest (including perhaps a black background?) so that we can all enjoy his trees in the best possible light (intended).



Michael's famous boot and its story.... "And this one is not really an accent although I have it out there between the bonsai along with the other accents. I could tell some story like ‘Well, the boot never did fit.’ But actually I bought it at an estate sale."

And now, after a whole post plugging Michael’s Bonsai Village it’s time for a plug from our sponsor…

 Wire310% to 30% off Kilo Rolls of Bonsai Aesthetics wire
plus an additional 5% off Stone Lantern orders 100.00 or more

Artisans Cup – an Inspirational Bonsai Event that You Will Remember for the Rest of Your Life

cupAnnouncing the exhibitors. From the Artisans Cup blog.

Stick: Awhile ago we posted “What if you woke up on September 25th and realized that you’re not at the Artisans Cup?” An unabashed scare tactic. Problem is, some of you don’t scare all that easily, so we’ll switch from stick to carrot.

Carrot: If this post convinces you to go, you will be eternally grateful. Even if you’ve already made up your mind (or better yet, already registered) you will be delighted you decided to go to the Artisans Cup. It’s the first of its kind and promises to be an inspirational bonsai event that you will remember for the rest of your life.

You’ll see powerful bonsai displayed in a famous art museum. You’ll enjoy a steady stream of deliciously innovative events (many involving food).

You’ll meet some of North America’s greatest bonsai artists and you’ll meet and even become friends with some of the coolest bonsai enthusiasts around. In fact, your presence there will automatically qualify you as one of the coolest enthusiasts around.

Here’s a link so you can register right now! I’m looking forward to seeing you there.



Michael Hagedorn's famous Ezo Spruce in 2013. Michael is a prime mover in the Portland Bonsai Village.



This rugged Rocky Mountain Juniper belongs to Ryan Neil, the Cup's prime mover



Close up from the photo at the top


The Cup even has a store

Back Budding – Feed Your Bonsai!

Carpinus-coreana-shohin-Mario-KomstaThis shohin Carpinus coreana (Korean hornbeam) by Mario Komsta has appeared here on Bark before. As a companion plant no less (see below). No problem though. Any tree this good deserves to be shown more than once. As a companion or by itself.

You might wonder why we’re headlining a dormant tree in mid-summer. Well, it’s a great tree and it goes with this post which has appeared twice already here on Bark (with some value added each time).

I have been trying to get a few of my trees to back bud lately. So far to no avail. But then, they are varieties that don’t readily show buds on old wood. One in particular is a promising Hinoki that has almost all its growth out at the tips of the branches. So I’ll keep trying.



Speaking of Mario Komsta, this instructive photo about back budding, a lesser known benefit of fertilizing, is something he cooked up. I don't remember where I found it. It and the text below (edited just a bit) originally appeared here on Bark in October, 2010.

Fertilize! Skip ahead to the fourth point unless you are a beginner.
Many, if not most people under fertilize their bonsai. I imagine it’s laziness on some people’s part and ignorance on others (they’re related). There’s nothing we can do about the laziness part, but, maybe we can help with the ignorance.

First, we’ll state the obvious: fertilizing helps keep your bonsai healthy. Plants need a range of nutrients to sustain themselves, stay beautiful, help resist pests and disease and so forth.

Second, you don’t starve bonsai to keep them small. Bonsai are kept small by pruning (top and roots) and by growing in small containers.

Third (you’d be surprised how many people don’t quite get this): fertilizing encourages growth and growth is critical in developing quality bonsai. You want trunks to thicken, branches to develop, nebari to develop, and so forth. Unhealthy plants don’t grow much, or worse, their growth is leggy and weak (Note from 2015: there’s a lot more to say about this, like what kind of fertilizer, when, how much and etc, but we can’t say everything in one post. If you search fertilizing on Bark and elsewhere you’ll find a wealth of information. Be careful though! Not everything you read is true).

Fourth (the purpose of the photo above): ample fertilizing can encourage back budding (budding on old wood). Some trees don’t back bud easily (pines or hinoki for example) so they need some encouragement. In the photo above, Mario points out a bud that popped up on eleven-year-old wood (on a pine no less!). He attributes this not very common occurrence to fertilizing.

Here’s a comment from the original post by someone named Mark: “It doesn’t seem like 11 year old wood. And that’s exactly why the bud came out. Had the growth been strong, the wood would’ve mature and those sleeping buds would’ve had inactivated (for lack of a better word) long ago. Bottom line: it’s not an absolute age that’s the decisive factor. It’s all relative: one has to take other factors (besides age and fertilizing) into account.”

105-1511A great companion for a very good Red pine. Here's the original caption from just over six years ago right here on Bark: The main tree in this display by Mario Komsta is a Japanese red pine (Pinus densiflora: Akamatsu in Japanese) and the secondary tree is a Korean hornbeam (Carpinus coreana: Iwashide in Japanese). The photo originally appeared in Bonsai Today issue 105 under the title; Dreams of Kokufu-ten - A Western Bonsai Artist Exhibits at Japan’s Most Prestigious Show.



Three of our favorite fertilizers
Green DreamBonsai ProMaruta Rape Seed Cakes

One more thing about fertilizing. Virtually all bonsai should be generously fed in the summer. It’s a little different in the spring when you want to generously feed younger trees but wait on old well-developed tree until the summer to feed (fertilizing too early on old trees can force rapid growth and cause them to start looking young again).

Bonsai Flower Dreams


If you can get past the flowers, you might pull your eyes down to the trunk. While you're down there, you might also notice the pot. The photo is from an exhibit called “Japanese Flower Dreams – 1st Azalea Festival” in Schwetzingen, Germany. I found the photo on The caption reads: "A lovely example by Udo Fischer Bonsai Design."

Lots of azaleas lately. Response is good and who’s to argue with all the brilliant colors? You can see the photos shown here and others on

blaudekor001It's not always about the flowers. Some azaleas are powerful enough to hold their own year round. This one could be displayed anywhere, anytime.





You can most likely figure it out, but just in case: Japanese Flowering Trees. 1. Azalea festival in Schwetzingen.

Our famous and immensely popular scissors are finally back…
...and on Special


Three Ring Bonsai Circus


Luminous Bougainvillea. Yesterday we featured a Buttonwood by Paul Pikel. Today we'll stay with Paul (while inviting some other Florida artists) and we'll start with this Bougainvillea at the Epcot (2009). You can read about it and more at Orlando Bonsai.

Yesterday and today could be called Paul Pikel day here at Bark. Yesterday we headlined a famous Buttonwood of Paul’s (a better photo is below) and today I borrowed the Three Ring Bonsai Circus title (above) from an article by Paul at Orlando Bonsai.

In the course of exploring Paul’s bonsai and his writing, it was a very short trip to Bonsai Societies of Florida and a whole host of other accomplished bonsai artists. I guess we could’ve titled this post; Paul Pikel & Friends.



This shot was lifted from a Bonsai Societies of Florida video by Jackie Barret. The photography is by the eminently accomplished Paul Pikel. As you can see, the tree belongs to Randy Clark, an old regular here on Bark.



Same video.



And once more... There are plenty of other trees on the video.


ficusThis little Ficus belongs to Paul.



Here’s a better shot of Paul’s famous Buttonwood. It won the All American award at the 4th U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition and this is the photo that appears in the Exhibition Album.



Now back in stock. Our most popular and affordable bonsai tool. And yes, it’s exactly the same great tool. Only the color of the handles has changed.

Bonsai Tool & Wire Sales Ends Tonight


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Bonsai Banter, Buttonwoods & Summer Dormancy

paul pikle

This dynamic Buttonwood (Conocarpus erectus) is one of four trees from Florida that were selected for the upcoming Artisan's Cup in Portland, Oregon (go! it's going to be great). It belongs to Paul Pikel. Image courtesy of Mary Miller (Bonsai Mary of Bonsai Banter).

Florida is more than a refuge for snowbirds and hormone bedeviled college kids; it’s also home to most of the best tropical and semi-tropical bonsai in North America, and of all the great bonsai varieties you’ll find in Florida, Buttonwood is king.

Something else you’ll find in Florida (and some other north American hot spots) are long periods of extreme summer heat and resultant summer dormancy, where, in order to conserve water, plant growth slows way down or even stops for a while (this is not unlike winter dormancy, where water conservation is also part of the picture).

Below are some comments borrowed from Mary Miller’s Bonsai Banter, one of my favorite bonsai reads.

ed_ButtonwoodThis now famous buttonwood belonged to Ed Trout. Sadly it was stolen back in 2009. On a happier note, many of Ed’s other bonsai have become famous and are featured in Bonsai Today magazine, here on Bark and numerous other places.

Summer Dormancy
by Mary Miller, Bonsai Banter

“You may find some of your trees wilt in the heat. Before you water, check the soil moisture, you may be surprised!

“Many years ago I noticed a dormancy period with my legume and buttonwood bonsai. The trees had seemingly shut down. They “pouted” and even shed a few leaves. Another symptom was little to no new growth.

‘Summer dormancy’ is a temporary inactive phase caused by chemical changes within the plant cells. This growth arrestment is caused by high temperatures.

“During this time, allow your bonsai to rest. They have stored up enough nutrition to sustain themselves. Do not try to wake them up with fertilizer, it won’t work!

“Don’t overwater either. Before you water, make sure your bonsai need it.”


Tools & Wire x3

Two great Stone Lantern Sales end tomorrow night
25% off 500 gram rolls of Bonsai Wire
20% to 30% off Roshi Bonsai Tools

An Impressive Collection of Delicious Little Trees


These delicious little trees (shohin bonsai) are all from Cliff Chong’s bonsai gallery. I don’t know if all the trees are his, but his or otherwise, it’s a very impressive collection of photographs. Cliff lives and practices the art of bonsai in Malaysia.










Here’s another impressive Shohin Bonsai
it’s Morten Albek’s classic and it’s full of
a wider range of how-to & other information on small bonsai
than most of us ever knew existed
And the price is right

Pointing the Way

Juniperus-Sabina-Patrick-CremersThree years ago when we originally showed this tree we didn't have any idea who the artist was. We were none the wiser until someone offered this in the comments (from the second posting last year ): "The first sabina juniper you mention is from Patrick Cremers.." Once we had a name it was easy to find this newer and better photo (the original is below).

This post is worth a third time. It’s rich in bonsai beauty and information. First time was titled The Trend Only Gets More Outrageous (be sure to read the comments). The second was There Are No Rules (but What About Guidelines?). Some people keep insisting on rules, but of course rules are made to be broken (in art for sure) and even guidelines, though often useful, are never cast in stone.

Speaking of guidelines, we've got a brand new bonsai book that is the best on guidelines (principles in this case) that we've seen for a long long time. In fact, we can say with complete confidence that it's destined to be a bonsai standard. It's titled Principles of Bonsai Design and it's by David De Groot (more below).

One thing I failed to mention in both earlier posts is how the main tree (above) points (with at least two pointers no less) to the secondary tree which in turn points to the mysterious little companion. You don’t usually see the relationship between objects so obviously stated, but it works for me.

The old rules of bonsai, if they ever really existed (they didn’t), were broken as soon as they were made and the trend only gets more outrageous (in whatever sense you prefer: out·ra·geous: shockingly bad or excessive, wildly exaggerated or improbable, very bold, unusual, and startling).


harry1As you can see, this common Privet (Ligustrum ovalifolium) belongs to Harry Harrington. It was developed from an old hedgerow tree collected in 2004. At the risk of stating the obvious, it's the way the pot by Victor Harris) and the base of tree play together that gives this one its cachet. 


taikanBillThis lonely persimmon is from the recent Taikan Bonsai Exhibition. I borrowed the photo from Bill Valavanis, who was there (Bill is everywhere) and who took the photo, along with a whole bunch of other photos. In any case, I'm scratching my head a bit about this one, though knowing how much Japanese people appreciate fruit and flowers on bonsai, I guess you could say it's about being touched by fleeting beauty. Something like that.


walter13This collected Norway spruce (Picea abies) belonged to Walter Pall when this photo was shot. I don't think Walter considered it styled at this point, but there's something about its flowing naturalness that I like. Walter traded it Mauro Stemberger who said, according to Walter, that "he wanted to 'Italianize' it and he did. Together with his friend he worked for three hours and the result (below) speaks for itself."


piceaThe Spruce from just above, that belonged to Walter and now belongs to Mauro. Tamed a bit now.


longNot a great photo, but a remarkably unusual tree. Like the one at the top of the post, it's from Estação Bonsai and also unattributed.



The lead photo from the original post.



Brand NEW – Principles of Bonsai Design is now at Stone Lantern

By David De Groot. If you know who Dave is, you’ll have a
pretty good idea of just how excellent and thorough this book really is