A Little Imagination and a Whole Lot of Experience and Skill


This dramatic Mountain Hemlock was recently restyled (reimagined) by Michael Hagedorn and friends. Here's part of a quote by Michael... "Very old Hemlock .... often have idiosyncratic branching, and in the restyling ... we tried to feature the lines of these unusual branches that were created in the wild, without influence or manipulation in the studio..." The whole quote is below

Michael Hagedorn (Crataegus Bonsai) continues to amaze. With an abiding respect for the tree and an approach that is so uniquely his that you might recognize his trees in an instant. Which in this case is a remarkable old Mountain Hemlock (Tsuga mertensiana). Rather than say more, we’ll let Michael do the talking…
Continued below…

Don’t Forget to Feed your Bonsai!



Before. The only things missing are a little imagination and and a whole lot of experience and skill

In Michael’s own words, from his Crataegus blog
The completed composition, 36″/ 91 cm. We patched in some moss to jumpstart the desired result of full eventual coverage. The environs of Mountain Hemlock often have great views, high up on rounded terrain with vistas. The cascading drop branch does remind me of being in high country, brushing the clouds, where I’ve often see them. Very old Hemlock in this zone often have idiosyncratic branching, and in the restyling a few years back we tried to feature the lines of these unusual branches that were created in the wild, without influence or manipulation in the studio, simply by choosing an inclination and front that showed off the branches to the best advantage — the decision being that the branches were more interesting than the trunk. In the potting this spring it seemed advantageous to make a high mound to show off the lowest branch, leaving the container with a very minor supporting role.


A little perspective... assuming these are more or less average size humans


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You Don’t Have to Go to Japan to Study Bonsai with Bjorn

fujiThis powerful little White pine-over-rock is from the Fujikawa International School of Bonsai website.

Yesterday we mentioned Bjorn Bjorholm’s upcoming Advanced Bonsai Coourse with Bonsai Empire (see  below). This got me thinking about Bjorn’s history here on Bark, so I took a little journey through our archives and came up with this from June, 2013, one of our earliest Bjorn posts

The post was titled Study Bonsai in the Old Country. It featured the Fujikawa International School of Bonsai and Bjorn’s role their at the time. Here’s your link if you’d like a little bonsai history.



fuji5We showed this lovely little pine a few months ago (remember it was 2013) in a post about Bjorn Bjorholm and his Bjorvala Bonsai Studio. I wonder if we would be surprised by the actual size of this tree and the one above, both of which we've referred to as little.

Continued below…

Here’s the course mentioned above…


Bjorn Bjorholm renowned American bonsai artist and teacher doing what he loves

Advanced Bonsai Course

Discounted pre-enrollment for the Advanced Bonsai Course has started! The online course offers unique access to the latest and most advanced Bonsai techniques. Instructor Bjorn Bjorholm guides you through the long-term impact of techniques on a wide variety of tree species.

Disclaimer: No kickbacks, just good karma

This very unusual Shimpaku got sliced a bit (mea culpa, but if you look at the original photo below, you'll understand). Aside from the very radical twist in the trunk, how often do you see a tree where the all the branching and the entire crown are off to the side hanging out in space like this?


There must be another solution to this problem. Still, great tree.


A bright slice of the Kouka-en nursery.

Magnificent Cliff Bonsai & Bjorn’s Advanced Bonsai Course


Here's a challenge for you. Take a look at this Cliff Bonsai photo and the next couple (but don't scroll all the way down) and see if you can figure out just how big they are. I borrowed this and the other photos in this post from Bonsai Empire. The artist/mastercraftsman is Daisuke Nakajima.

Here’s what Oscar (Bonsai Empire) wrote about these Cliff Bonsai… “Trees clinging to a steep cliff, roots entangled in solid rock and beautifully detailed miniature buildings – welcome to the mysterious world of “Cliff Bonsai”. Japanese artist Daisuke Nakajima created these four stunning miniature landscapes, and agreed to share his creations with us. Enjoy!

While we’re on Bonsai Empire… Bjorn Bjorholm together with Bonsai Empire is offering a new Advanced Bonsai Course (see below).


Close up


High Impact Plastic Bonsai Pots 
25% off list prices


Another one



This one provides a little perspective. Smaller than you thought?


Here’s the course mentioned above…


Bjorn Bjorholm renowned American bonsai artist and teacher doing what he loves

Advanced Bonsai Course

Discounted pre-enrollment for the Advanced Bonsai Course has started! The online course offers unique access to the latest and most advanced Bonsai techniques. Instructor Bjorn Bjorholm guides you through the long-term impact of techniques on a wide variety of tree species.

Topics include heavy bending, various grafting techniques, creating deadwood and advanced design principles – for trees in different stages of development. But this course is not exclusively about advanced techniques. It also takes an unprecedented deep dive look into the philosophy and history of bonsai art, as well as aesthetic considerations that are crucial to improving your Bonsai skills.

Another Excellent Wire Special


500 GRAM ROLLS 9.95
100 GRAM ROLLS 3.95

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The Best of DC – Our National Bonsai Treasure

This Sargent juniper (Aka Shimpaku) resides at the U.S. National Bonsai and Penjing Museum. It was donated by Doug Paul, owner of the Kennett Collection. This photo and the others shown here, were taken and generously offered by Robert Vitale. The plant varieties and names of the donors are courtesy ofJanice Vitale and Michael James
 It’s time to sing the praises of our National Bonsai and Penjing Museum, one of our true national treasures and a great place to visit next time you’re in or around DC.  And just in case you’re not familiar with our bonsai collection (it belongs to all of us), maybe these photos can serve as a brief introduction. 

50% off Bonsai Book Special


The following is from our friend Felix Laughlin, President of the National Bonsai Foundation…  “We are delighted to announce that the National Bonsai & Penjing Museum has been named the “Best Place to Take an Out-of-Towner” in Washington City Paper‘s Best of D.C. 2018 awards. Thanks to everyone who voted and helped spread the word about the national bonsai collection. We look forward to seeing you (and your out-of-town visitors) at the National Bonsai & Penjing Museum very soon.
Closeup of Sedum in Rock Penjing “Li Jiang river in Spring.”  Donated by the Shanghai Botanical Garden.
This iconic Japanese White Pine ‘Miyajima’ was donated by Daizo Iwasaki, one of the world's great bonsai benefactors. Iwasaki sama passed away in 2011. 
Closeup of a Japanese White pine, that was gifted to Nancy Reagan by Hassan II King of Morocco. It has been in training since 1832

Hinoki Cypress donated by Muriel Leeds. In training since 1964
A piece of a Pitch pine that was also donated by Muriel Leeds. In training since 1967
Close up of Chinese Elm penjing forest that was donated by Yunhua Hu. In training since 2004

50% Bonsai Book Special Ends Wednesday Night – 30% off Special Also Ends


This luscious Satsuki azalea is one of a multitude of remarkable bonsai photos from the very aptly named, Fine Bonsai, Art and Nature - Now on Special

There’s a method to our madness. All these spectacular photos we’ve posted for your enjoyment are from some of our large selection of bonsai books that we offer and all our books are currently on special. Stone Lantern and Haskill Creek Publishing books are 50% off list prices and all other books are 30% offOur books on Japanese Gardening and related topics are also 30% off .

50% off Bonsai Book Special
Ends Tomorrow Night
30% off Other Books Also Ends

50% off list on Stone Lantern & Haskill Creek Publishing Books
30% off list on All Other Books
Specials end Wednesday, May 9 at 11:59pm EDT


50% off our Pine Book

full111My guess is that this is one of the very best and most famous full cascade bonsai in the world. It's from the Black pine gallery in our Masters’ Series Pine Book. Now 50% off. List price 34.95 - Now Only 17.45



A piece of the cover of Francois Jeker's excellent, one-of-a-kind book. List price 24.75 - Now Only 17.45 


50% off our Juniper Book

B1JUN-2-1The cover tree from our Masters Series Juniper book. List price 29.95 - Now 50% off - Only 14.95


Windswept Japanese white pine tray planting from Zhao Qingquan's remarkable book, Penjing, the Chinese Art of Bonsai. In this case, I think the wind is a gentle but persistent off-shore breeze. Now Only 18.85


50% off The Magician


After. Finished for the moment. The challenge was for Masahiko Kimura to style a bunjin (literati) bonsai with only one branch. It’s a Japanese red pine from our Masters’ Series The Magician, the Bonsai Art of Kimura 2. List price 29.95 Now Only 14.95


50% off Botany for Bonsai

The cover tree for Botany for Bonsai. It’s a collected Black Mangrove (Avicennia germinans) that belongs to Enrique Castaño, who happens to be the author of Botany for Bonsai and the winner of the 2010 John Y. Naka award (for this tree). BTW: it looks a lot like what is usually called Buttonwood (Conocarpus erectus) in Florida and sometimes called Button Mangrove (just to thicken the plot). List price 22.95 - Now 50% off - Only 11.45



Norway spruce (Picea abies) by Francois Jeker. From the first volume of his two essential books on Bonsai Aesthetics (volume two is out of print). Now Only 17.45



A piece of the cover of Michael Hagedorn's delightfully readable Post-Dated: The Schooling of an Irreverent Bonsai Monk Now Only 10.45



The tree is an old Japanese yew (Taxus cuspidata) from the Pacific Rim Bonsai Collection. It’s one of 248 fine bonsai that are featured in the 3rd U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition Album (sorry, out of print). The good news is the 4th & 5th albums are Now 30% off.



Playfully sitting bonsai from Kenji Kobayashi's Keshiki Bonsai - Now Only 13.95


B2ZEN-770We also offer a whole range of Japanese garden books and some other related books as well. All Now 30% off

Feed your Bonsai!



I like organic slow release fertilizers
(Green Dream pellets & Rape Seed cakes)

supplemented once a week or so during the growing season
with liquid fertilizer

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but only if you choose free shipping when you check out

Small Is Beautiful (& Practical Too)

fuku-mame-serrisaThis banyan style dwarf Snow rose serissa (Serissa foetida microphylla) was styled by David Fukumoto of Fuku Bonsai in Hawaii. The pot is a Tokoname from Japan. Living in the tropics is a big plus when it comes to growing aerial roots.

Monday morning, Stone Lantern’s peak season and the busiest time of year for bonsai growers, so it’s back to our archives. This one is from April, 2014

Based on thirty five years experience in bonsai business, I’d say that the majority of our readers and customers are into their middle years or beyond. I’m sure there are several good reasons for this, but I think it’s mostly because a slower more stable lifestyle allows the time and space to properly care for bonsai.
Continued below…

50% & 30% off Bonsai Book Special
Ends In Two Days

shohinjuniperafterItoigawa juniper by Michael Hagedorn. Michael is one of our favorite American bonsai artists. If you haven't visited his site (Crataegus Bonsai) this is as good a time as any. BTW: Michael is the author of Post-Dated - The Schooling of an Irreverent Bonsai Monk a fascinating read, bonsai or otherwise.

Continued from above…
Which brings us to aging backs and smaller bonsai. On the back cover of Majesty in Miniature; Shohin Bonsai (out of print) it says “When compared to large bonsai, Shohin cost less, take less time to develop, take less space, are easier to move, and are less apt to be over-watered. Perhaps best of all, Shohin-bonsai are a delight to behold.” Easier to move and better suited to the small balcony on the retirement condo…


This brilliant Viginia creeper belongs to Harry Harrington, author of the Foundations of Bonsai and Bonsai Inspirations.


This is sweet little Spiraea japonica also belongs to Harry Harrington.

Feed your Bonsai!



I like organic slow release fertilizers
(Green Dream pellets & Rape Seed cakes)

supplemented once a week or so during the growing season
with liquid fertilizer

FREE Shipping on Continental U.S. orders 75.00 or more

but only if you choose free shipping when you check out

Floating Mountains with Trees


Floating mountains with trees. I originally thought the trees with their tiny leaves might be boxwoods, but upon closer inspection, I think they are probably Serissas. This photo is a closeup from the photo just below.

This unusual and creative arrangement was posted by Aus Bonsai on facebook. It would be nice to know who the artist is, but Aus makes no mention of the artist or even provide a link to their source. If this were the first time, we wouldn’t mention it, but Aus Bonsai often fails in this regard (it’s one thing to not be able to hunt down the artist, but a whole other thing to not even provide a link to their source)*



I like the way each planting looks like it could stand alone, and the way they all work together (even given the one with the mismatched rock).


A closer (fuzzier too) look to try to determine what the tree is. Is that a flower and some buds? Could it be a Serissa?

*This does beg the question of why we would bother to pass this along without attribution or even a link to original source. This is an ongoing issue when you try to post everyday and you find distinctive bonsai (like this one) worthy of sharing. Beyond that, I feel strongly about the importance of attribution, or at least links, and use Bark as an opportunity to bring the issue up from time to time. 

By the way, I did a google image search, but came up with Aus Bonsai and Bonsai Bark. Not much help


More Great Boxwood Bonsai


Aside from being a phenomenal tree and a great pot, there's a relaxed in-synch feeling, like the pot and tree are old friends. This might have something to do with the color, texture, soft lines and aged look of each. The color and feel of the stand fits right in too, while contrast is provided by its sharp rectangular lines. All together an excellent bonsai. The artist is François Gau (pot by Greg Ceramics). All three photos in this post are from Parlons Bonsai (I took the liberty to crop all three to bring the trees closer).

We featured Kingsville boxwoods a couple time this week, so continuing the theme (except for the Kingsville part). This post is from one we did on the 2013 European Bonsai San show.  We’ve done some editing and have added a paragraph about wintering boxwoods.
Continued below…


plus numerous other specials at Stone Lantern


box4This wild old tree is little more rough and rugged than the one above. That ruggedness and the long stretch of trunk without foliage, leans a little toward literati, though the lush foliage and deep pot betray that definition. If this were your tree, would you remove the strange branch on the left? Or maybe eliminate the inward growing foliage and create a jin? The artist is Raymond Claerr (pot by Isabelia).

The three trees shown here all have at least three things in common: They are all Boxwood bonsai (Buxus sempervirens). They all appeared in a 2013 bonsai show in Saulieu France (European Bonsai San Show). And, they all have powerful trunks.
Continued below…



When I first saw this tree, my eye went straight to the large hole at the base of the trunk and the jagged wood that frames it. It took a few moments and a more relaxed gaze to take in and appreciate the power of the whole tree. The artist is once again François Gau. The pot is Chinese and looks a lot like it might be Yixing.

I’ve had luck wintering boxwood indoors. I think it works best if you leave them out on a covered porch in the fall until night temperatures are well below freezing so they can experience at least a short period of dormancy (how cold depends on which type boxwood), and then bring them into a coolish place with plenty of light for the winter (old farmhouses often have rooms that aren’t heated and with adequate light… modern houses that are heated to 75F aren’t so good). If you live in a climate that has real winters but doesn’t get too cold, you can leave most boxwoods on a covered porch or in an out building all winter. If you live in a place with very mild winters, you can leave them out in the open

50% off Bonsai Book Special


B1-SET3HaskIll copy

All 6 of these Stone Lantern & Haskill Creek Books 
are now 50% off list price

All the rest of our Books
are now 30% off list prices

B! books not SLD

A partial sampling of some of our Books
now 30% off List Prices


FREE Shipping on Continental U.S. orders 75.00+
(only if you chose free shipping when you check out)

Celebrating Bonsai & the Arrival of Our Bright Sun


This brilliant Deshojo Japanese maple (Acer palmatum  var. Deshojo) and the equally brilliant rising sun scroll belong to Bill Valavanis.

All the photos shown here were borrowed from Bill Valavanis’ timeline. Here’s Bill’s caption… “Alcove display for tonight’s Introductory to Classical Bonsai Course. Deshojo Japanese maple displayed with a ripe strawberry accessory. Although the rising sun theme hanging scroll is generally only used once a year in Japan on New Year’s Day, it was used tonight to celebrate the bright sun and 85F weather we enjoyed during the day.”

By the way, Bill Valavanis is, in addition to being a highly respected bonsai artist and teacher, the founder and primary force behind the U.S. National Bonsai Exhibitions
Continued below…

Bonsai Book Special

50% off list on Stone Lantern & Haskill Creek Publishing Books
30% off list on All Other Books
ee below


Great close up

It’s time to remind you about the 6th U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition. It’s the premier North American celebration of bonsai. The one event you don’t want to miss and it’s only four months away (Sept 8th and 9th). We look forward to seeing you there!



Bill's display alcove (Tokonama in Japanese)



Strawberries anyone? This sumptuous companion is a perfect fit with the rest of the display



The three main elements

50% off Bonsai Book Special


B1-SET3HaskIll copy

All 6 of these Stone Lantern & Haskill Creek Books 
are now 50% off list price

All the rest of our Books
are now 30% off list prices

B! books not SLD

A partial sampling of some of our Books
that are now 30% off List Prices

FREE Shipping Continental U.S. orders 75.00+
but only if you choose free shipping when you check out