California Bonsai Dreaming Again, but this Time in the Right Sequence


It would have been better (and correct) if I had used this as the lead (and final) photo in this morning's post.

Had I been paying attention, I could have figured out that I had the third and forth iterations backwards in this morning’s California juniper post (if you don’t like humiliation, be careful what you say and be doubly careful what you write. Especially on the internet).

Michael Andrews just emailed me to gently help clear things up (and to mention that the tree is ‘huge’). Though the tree does belong to Mauro Stemberger, Michael recently worked on it at a Juniper intensive workshop in L.A. Anyway, my apologies to Mauro, Michael and everyone else for being so dense in the face of the obvious.

Having said all this, I still prefer the more sparse look in the ‘guy wire’ photo, even though it’s not the last in the sequence. Though no matter which version I prefer, both are great and the tree is simply magnificent.


The guy wire stage. The third of four photos in the series. You can find all four photos in the series (though out of sequence) in yesterday's post.

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And speaking of Juniper bonsai…
b1jun-2Our Masters Series Juniper book is now on special
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California Bonsai Dreaming


This rather impressive California juniper has come a long ways in about three years (based on the Mauro Stemberger's caption - see below). It still needs to find a massively large pot, but otherwise it looks like it's getting ready for showtime.

The only caption Mauro Stemberger lists with the photos shown here is: CA juniper / 2016-2015-2014 (facebook). I was hoping to flesh out the story with a visit to Mauro’s website, Italian Bonsai Dream, but no such luck. Still, just the photos tell a pretty good bonsai story.



Before. There's lots of character in this old yamadori juniper, but lots of skilled work ahead to bring it out.

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A year or two later (?) and plenty of robust new growth. Some of the aforementioned work has been done and it has found its way into a new box.


The basics are done. Now for some finishing touches...



After more trimming, cleaning up and adding some guy wires. If you look at the last two photos together (see below) it's hard to see that the guy wires on the left effect much change, except for just a slight increase in separation on the lower branch. I suspect the guys wires are there mostly to stabilize the tree.



And speaking of Juniper bonsai…
b1jun-2Our Masters Series Juniper book is now on special
list price 29.95

Bonsai Art & the Art of Bonsai

 bonsaiartThe day has barely started and I'm already running out of superlatives. I guess spectacular will do in this case. It's a Korean hornbeam (Carpinus turczaninowii) by Ian Stewartson. The photo is from Bonsai Art's website.

After three straight new posts it’s time to delve into our archives . This one originally appeared March 2013.

Bonsai Art magazine is very well named. As bonsai magazines go, it is as well-done, beautiful and professional as they come. The problem, for most of us at least, is that it’s in German. But really, the photos and overall presentation are so good that maybe the language isn’t as important as you might think.

art8It has been a while since we've featured kusamono (companion plantings, or herbaceous plants in bonsai containers when they stand alone). This Thalictrum (Meadow-rue), also from Bonsai Art's website, belongs to Wolfgang Putz.

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art7Okay, the trunk is massive for sure, but there's more to this tree (ramification and taper come to mind). It's another Korean hornbeam (Carpinus turczaninowii). This one belongs to Mario Komsta and the photo like the others shown here is from Bonsai Art's website. The smaller bonsai looks like a Shimpaku.

art41Learning from the Master, Masahiko Kimura. This is a pretty good example of what a spread in Bonsai Art looks like.

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art6-500x696Bonsai Art's cover. The tree, a Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), won a special prize at the 2013 Noelander's Exhibition. It resides at the Bonsai Museum in Dusseldorf. The artist is David Benavente.

More Spectacular Full-Bodied Bonsai from Europe


This wild Sabina juniper (Juniperus sabina) belongs to Gabriel Romero. The pot is from Japan. The photo is courtesy of Harry Harrington, as are all the photos in this post.

Yesterday and the day before we featured some of Harry Harrington’s photos from this month’s spectacular European Bonsai San Show. However, with the exception of one shot, none showed the whole tree. Fortunately, Harry offers several shots of each tree, including ‘whole tree, full-bodied’ shots.

Continued below…


This Itoigawa juniper (Juniperus Chinensis Itoigawa) belongs to Noel Suarez Garcia. The pots a Yamaaki

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mugo2This Mugo pine (Pinus mugho) belongs to Enzo Ferrari. The pot is a Seto.

Continued from above…
I have cropped the shots shown here in order to provide closer looks at each tree. If you’d like to see the originals, including numerous shots not shown here, you can visit Harry’s website (bonsai4me).


This unusual, elegant Itoigawa juniper belongs to Luis Balino.


You can tell this Japanese maple has been growing on that rock for a long time. It belongs to Steve Hale.


This gnarly old European larch (Larix decidua) belongs to Jean-Paul Polmans


Yesterday's lead tree, top to bottom. It's an English yew (Taxus baccata) that belongs to Andres Alvarez.


A perfect tree-pot combo. This rather spectacular English elm (Ulmus minor) belongs to David Cardin. The pot is by Juran Homola.
mugoLast but not least, another Mugo pine. It belongs to Enzo Ferrari. The pot is listed as Kataoka Akiji

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‘Art Shots’ from the European Bonsai San Show


Here's a great trunk shot of an old English yew (Taxus baccata) that belongs to Andres Alvarez. The pot is listed as Chinese, which most likely means it's Yixing. This shot makes it look like a short muscular tree, but it's actually quite tall. You'll have to wait for tomorrow's post or visit Harry Harrington's site for a photo of the whole tree (the same goes for the other photos in this post).

Yesterday’s post was devoted to Harry Harrington’s photos from the recent European Bonsai San Show. Today we’re going to continue with Harry’s photos from the show, only this time closeups of just parts of trees (we’ll call them art shots). We’ll feature the trees in all their splendor tomorrow. Meanwhile, if you can’t wait, you can visit Harry’s website.


hmugo2This one is a Mugo pine (Pinus mugho) that belongs to Enzo Ferrari. The pot (what you can see of it) is a Seto.

(see below)


hshimpakuThis Itoigawa juniper (Juniperus Chinensis Itoigawa) belongs to Noel Suarez Garcia. The pots a Yamaaki
h1Here's a great shot of another Itoigawa juniper. It belongs to Luis Balino.

B1JUNIPER770We just put our Masters Series Juniper book
on Special for only 19.95


h3This old root-over-rock Japanese maple (Acer palmatum) belongs to Steve Hale
hmugoHere's another Mugo pine that belongs to Enzo Ferrari. The pot is listed as Kataoka Akiji
h5This gnarly old European larch (Larix decidua) belongs to Jean-Paul Polmans


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“An Incredibly High Standard” at the Recent European Bonsai San Show


I'm pretty sure this tree is a Persimmon (otherwise, why the persimmons?). The photo was taken by Harry Harrington at the recent European Bonsai San Show in Saulieu (Burgundy), France. The tree belongs to German Gomez Soler.

Bonsai artists that happen to be accomplished photographers can provide an illuminating peek into the heart of the art of bonsai. In this case, the artist/photographer is our friend Harry Harrington. Harry is also the author of several bonsai books that are quite popular in Europe (you can expect the U.S. edition of his Foundations of Bonsai soon).

Continued below…


This rather spectacular English elm (Ulmus minor) belongs to David Cardin. The pot is by Juran Homola.


(see below)

Here’s what Harry Harrington has this to say about the photos shown here: “On October 15th and 16th 2016, I had the great pleasure of visiting the European Bonsai San Show in Saulieu, Burgundy, France. This was by far the best Show I have attended to date, with an incredibly high standard of trees, held in a large sports hall with excellent light and facilities, with a very friendly atmosphere. Credit must go to the organisers Fred Chenal and his wife Stephanie.

“Such was the standard of the trees in the exhibition I have a large number of images, of which these are just the first. A second follow-up article will emerge next week.


The deadwood heart of a wild Sabina juniper (Juniperus sabina) that belongs to Gabriel Romero. The pot is from Japan.


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Bonsai & Penjing, Ambassadors of Peace & Beauty


This brand new book tells the awe-inspiring stories of bonsai and penjing trees in the collection of the National Arboretum in Washington D.C. A must for any red-blooded American bonsai lover and really, any bonsai lover anywhere.

We are delighted to offer a beautiful new bonsai book for all of you who love our wonderful U.S. National Bonsai & Penjing collections (even if you don’t know it yet). It’s the next best thing to being there and as a bonus you get the awe inspiring stories of the trees, with some international diplomacy thrown in for good measure.


A spread from Bonsai and Penjing.

The following is from the publisher of Bonsai and Penjing
It details their valuable role in international diplomacy and as instruments of American presidential influence. It also describes their inclusion in world’s fair exhibitions, in Asian-inspired gardens around the country, and as a window onto the extensive cultivation of bonsai in North America today. An extensive first-hand account by Dr. John L. Creech is included about the first extraordinary gift of 53 bonsai from Japan to the U.S. in 1976 which prompted the founding of the National Bonsai & Penjing Museum.

Continued below…

b1bonpenjwpI don't have to tell you this Japanese white pine is a great tree.

Bonsai & Penjing, Ambassadors of Beauty and Peace describes how Chinese penjing and North American bonsai were later added to the Museum, making its collection the most comprehensive in the world. Stories of individual trees and forest plantings are featured, as are the roles played by the skilled and talented creators of these living art forms?people such as John Naka, Saburo Kato, Yuji Yoshimura, Harry Hirao, and Dr. Yee-Sun Wu. Armchair travelers can experience what a visit to the Museum is like, including the discovery of its remarkable viewing stones.”

Bonsai & Penjing, Ambassadors of Beauty and Peace will delight anyone intrigued by these living works of art and curious about the stories they bring to life.


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Power, Brilliance and a Sweet Ficus Forest

boug680This Bougainvillea from Wigert's Bonsai exhibits a striking combination of power and brilliant color. You can visit Wigert's Bonsai Gallery to see another shot in a different setting.

Up against it today, so it’s back to the archives. This one originally appeared April 2011.

Continued below….

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Too Little Ficus Forest. This one was lifted straight from Wigert's Gallery. It's cropped a little tight to eliminate some background text, but even so, its balance and beauty are obvious. I like the choice of trees, the arrangement, the sense of depth and the remarkable pot with its coral/pink blush.

Speaking of Ficus…

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Three Robust Shimpaku on a Stupendous Rock

juniper-bonsai-rock-omiyaThree robust Shimpaku junipers on a stupendous rock. From the Omiya Bonsai Museum via Empire Bonsai.

Yesterday we featured a type of bonsai forest, so let’s keep going with another type. Though some people might not call these rock plantings forests, they do share the multiple tree and the landscape features with more conventional bonsai forests.

This post (with a few changes) first appeared August 2015.


That's Ryan Neil's hand posing for a professional photo with a one of the largest root-on-rock plantings you'll ever see. Here's his caption: "In the studio today with @hornbecker shooting for the Artisans Cup promotional material." He doesn't say what the tree's are. If you'd like to see the uncropped original with more Ryan, it's here.

25% off Bonsai Fertilizer & Soil Sale
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Great planting, great rock, great pot. Empire Bonsai's caption says "Buxifolio Bonsai forest, planted on a rock, by Luisa Alfaro." The Buxifolio part is a bit of a mystery. Buxifolia (with an a) is a species name, but without the genus, it could be any number of things. The leaves look tiny, so we'll try Neea buxifolia.


Juniper penjing

Juniper penjing

I borrowed this photo from a Bonsai Tonight post on Penjing. As usual, I'm impressed with the choice of material and the quality of photos on Bonsai Tonight and this one is no exception. For more detail, there are several very good closeups just a click away.

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Bonsai Forests – Clump Style

forest1 We found this extraordinary clump style deciduous bonsai on Bonsai Nakayoshi*. They don't give a variety. You can imagine that all the smaller trunks started as suckers on the roots of the main tree (you could also imagine that they started from seeds dropped by the main tree; in which case this would not qualify as a clump style bonsai).

This one is from August  2015. It was titled Multiple Trunks Sharing a Single Root System – Clump Style Bonsai Forests

We’ve been discussing forest bonsai for a while now without mentioning clump style (Japanese: Kabudachi or Kabubuki) . Rather than boring you with my take on clumps, here’s something that I lifted from ofBONSAI Magazine:

“Clump style bonsai should have three or more (an odd number*) trunks grown from a single point. The natural equivalent might be a group of trees that have sprouted from a single cone, or a collection of mature suckers springing from the base of a single tree (in both cases they all share the same roots). All branches should grow outwards towards the light and create an overall triangular shape and composite crown….” There’s more here.

* This definitive statement about odd number trunks is common with Japanese (and other) bonsai artists. Here’s more on this.

clump-1 This illustration is borrowed from the Kabudachi, Kabubuki article in ofBONSAI Magazine.

Continued below….

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This Japanese white pine is from the 2011 Taikan-ten bonsai exhibition in Japan. It’s hard to tell from this angle if all the trunks are sharing a single root-system. It could be a twin-trunk tree and a triple-trunk clump combined. I borrowed the photo from Bonsai Empire.



This very sweet clump style Willow leaf ficus is by Ernie Hernandez. Aside from the how well the trunks and crown all go together, there's that perfect pot and those well-placed little spots of moss. The photo is from an old Art of Bonsai Project post.



All the exposed roots have grown together to form one nebari on this old Trident maple clump. The photo is from the 2010 Expobonsai Quebec.



We'd be remiss if we didn't show a Shohin clump. This little pine with its shaggy too-long needles, aged lichen covered trunks and funky almost too-small pot is near perfect in its imperfect naturalness. From Shohin Bonsai World, Nishinomiya branch. For a detailed look at pine bonsai, you might want to take a look at our Masters’ Series Pine book.


clump Last but not least. Michael Hagedorn’s now famous and freshly touched up Mountain Hemlock clump style bonsai (I can't say for sure that all the trunks share the the same roots, but my best guess is they do - you'll have to ask Michael to find out for sure). The photo is from Micheal’s Crataegus Bonsai.
 Here's what Michael wrote about it: “And this is how the Mountain Hemlock looks today, in January, 2015, after minor wiring touchup. More and more I’m inspired by what I see in the local mountains, which do not have as severe an environment as the Rockies, but tend to feature moister, calmer forests. In the nearby Cascades and Coast ranges I’ve been very taken with the relationships of trunks, just visually, and also the communities of trees ecologically, and have sought out trees for bonsai that might communicate this. I tried to present this hemlock as simply as possible—without a pot or visible slab—to highlight those features.”

*Bonsai Nakayoshi’s link is no longer active


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