Another Use for Bonsai Pots

I lifted this from Bonsai Smiths’ gallery. I like the planting and I especially like the pot. I wonder who made it (I assume one of the Smiths did the planting). Kusamono or Shitakusa? Willi knows best In his book Bonsai, Kusamono, Suiseki, Willi Benz says “Kusa = grass and Mono = object.” He goes on to say “If a Kusamono-Bonsai is the main object of a display, we use the term Kusamono. But if a Kusamono-Bonsai is used as an accent or complementary plant, we say it is a Shitakusa.” This one is from one of our mystery Japanese … Continue reading Another Use for Bonsai Pots

Bonsai Art: Deshojo Japanese Maple

Deshojo Japanese maple by Bill Valavanis. It’s been Bill’s day in the sun lately with a successful 2nd U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition under his belt, so why not show another side of his talents? One thing that strikes me about this photo the are the five strong colors (black, vermillon, whitish, green and shades of blue) that stand in sharp contrast to each other. This play of colors in such high contrast, along with the simple beauty of the tree, leaves little doubt that bonsai, when done well, is elevated to pure art. Here’s something I grabbed off of facebook … Continue reading Bonsai Art: Deshojo Japanese Maple

More Great Art from Our National Museum

115 years in training! This dignified old Zelkova serrata lives at the National Bonsai & Penjing Museum. It was donated by Yoshibumi Itoigawa and has been in training since 1895. Autumn Arts of Nature The photos in this post are from last year’s  Autumn Arts of Nature exhibition at the National Bonsai & Penjing Museum in Washington DC. A bright autumn moon – in the shade of each grass blade a cricket chirping Yosa Buson (1716-83) Sotdae. Kusamono: Pygmy bamboo (Pleioblastus pygmaeus) & Wild Ducks. Artwork created by Sam-Kyun Yoon. Inspired by a traditional Korean folk art called sotdae. Placing … Continue reading More Great Art from Our National Museum

Accent Plants!

Ajuga, fern, sedum. Artist and potter unknown. Bonsai Tonight and the Bay Area Bonsai Associates’ 28th annual show I found these sweet little accents on Bonsai Tonight. They are from the Bay Area Bonsai Associates’ 28th annual show. Unfortunately, no artist’s or potter’s names are listed. Can anyone out there offer any help? I like this earthy, uniquely shaped hand made pot. Anybody know who made it and who did the planting?

Speaking of Kusamono & Companion Plants

An exquisite kusamono from our Japanese mystery book. Because I don’t read Japanese, I can’t say what the grass is (can you?), who the potter is, or even, what the name of the book is. However, I can say, with complete confidence, that the whole arrangement is beautiful. What does Kusamono mean? In his book Bonsai, Kusamono, Suiseki, Willi Benz says “Kusa = grass and Mono = object.” He goes on to say “If a Kusamono-Bonsai is the main object of a display, we use the term Kusamono. But if a Kusamono-Bonsai is used as an accent or complementary plant, … Continue reading Speaking of Kusamono & Companion Plants

A True Gem: Bonsai, Kusamono, Suiseki

A true gem. There is no other book in English that is anything like Bonsai, Kusamono, Suiseki, by Willi Benz. In his forword to Bonsai, Kusamono, Suiseki, Mr. I Chi Su*  says: “My respected friend Mr. Benz has dedicated himself entirely to the art of Bonsai and Suiseki for years… With his experience, knowledge and artistic talent in both Bonsai and Suiseki, applied with the Western analytical method to explain Eastern philosophy and culture, he has created a refreshing way of design… These concepts have elevated the art of Suiseki to even a higher level”